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Former Member

PPP has had 22 years to fix all the anomalies at GECOM. Even though GECOM stole seats for the PPP and rigged the elections to suit the PPP still the PPP has problems with GECOM.


Do they need 200 Million USD to fix this? should we call in the Chinese and give them a contract to remedy GECOM's supposed woes?



Gecom confident about accuracy of preliminary list –Deputy CEO

Posted By Staff Writer On August 28, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

The Guyana Elections Commission (Gecom) is bound by the legal procedures guiding the removal of any name from the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) or the National Register or Registrants (NRR), according to Deputy Chief Election Officer Vishnu Persaud, who says the body is confident about the accuracy of the list.

Persaud, who is also the acting Public Relations Officer of GECOM, told Stabroek News that the General Register Office would notify Gecom of any deaths. Those names would be “flagged as dead” on the NRR and when the PLE was being compiled those names would be extracted. He noted that the Commission had approved such a procedure that would only enable removals from the NRR and the PLE on the basis of records being forwarded by the GRO.

It was noted most recently that former president of Guyana Arthur Chung, who passed away in 2008, was not removed from the PLE. Persaud told Stabroek News that the GRO had never provided Gecom with any information on Chung.

Having a name remaining on the list does not affect the other checks and balances that are put in place during voting. Stabroek News was told that persons casting a vote could not just simply turn up to a polling station and claim to be a deceased person whose name was still on the Official List of Electors.

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