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PPP Central Committee voting will be key indicator of General Secretary.

December 19,2016


The results of  yesterday’s elections for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Central Commit-tee are to be known today and will give an insight on who will be the General Secretary of the party.

The position is currently held by Clement Rohee but sources say it is possible that Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will contest the position when it comes up for election sometime next year.

Yesterday’s voting would have been pivotal to the contenders for the General Secretary post as they would have had to get as many of their supporters as possible on the Central Committee to influence the vote whenever it is held.

At the three-day Congress held at the Cotton Field Secondary School on the Essequibo Coast, Jagdeo, presented three resolutions, one of which is to support the decision by United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon regarding the way forward for the Venezuelan border controversy.

Ban has given Guyana and Venezuela one more year to resolve the border issue through mediation. Guyana had written last year to Secretary General seeking a juridical settlement to the controversy. He subsequently dispatched several missions to both Guyana and Venezuela to discuss the way forward and had promised to make a decision by November.

Another resolution saw Jagdeo calling on the international community to assist in putting pressure on the relevant authorities for the speedy hearing of the elections petition case before court. The PPP/C has challenged the results of the 2015 general elections.

According to sources, the third resolution, he mentioned, related to concerns about the Social Cohesion Ministry.

The party filed the petition to contest the results of the May 2015 general and regional elections, claiming it had been rigged in favour of the APNU+AFC coalition government.

At the opening session of the congress on Saturday, Jagdeo, who is also the Leader of the Opposition, had urged members to work hard to return the party to power and to use the time at the Congress to fix the things that led to the party becoming the opposition.

“We need to look at ourselves; two days we would have to talk about what went wrong and we must have an honest assessment. Then we can fix the problems that led us to opposition,” he said.

Without elaborating, Jagdeo added, “We know about the stealing, the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

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PPP has defined itself as the people’s party, no more than one term for APNU+AFC – Rohee at Party Congress.

As the final speaker at the opening of the 31st People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Congress, General Secretary of the Party, Clement Rohee, made clear that moving forward, the focus must be on representing all Guyanese.


“No more than one term,” he declared, referring to the excesses and failures that have disadvantaged thousands of average Guyanese.

He noted that in and out of government the PPP has represented Guyana and assured that this will continue, in light of what he termed the ongoing “social, economic and political discrimination” being practiced by the Coalition government, of which the People’s National Congress (PNC) is the largest partner.

According to him, the PPP has defined itself as the Party of the people, maintaining and strengthening its roots.

Moving forward, Rohee stressed the need for all Party members to “get down to work” with the goal being the removal of the Coalition Government from office. He added that the organizational structure and capacity of the PPP has to be strengthened to ensure that the PPP is stronger in the years to come. “We can either (not change and) sink or swim together,” he said.

The PPP General Secretary added that the Congress offers a chance to not only frank discussions, but for “clear cut decisions” to be made.

The three-day Congress is being held at the Cotton Field Secondary School. Among those in attendance for the opening session were representatives of the diplomatic corps, the private sector and local trade union movements, as well as other invitees. The Civic members of the PPP, including former Prime Minister, Sam Hinds, Peoples’ Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Parliamentarian, Juan Edghill, among others.

Hundreds of party delegates and observers, including a hinterland contingent of over 500, over the next few days are expected to deliberate on a range of issues.
The 31st PPP Congress is being held under the theme: ‘Strengthen the Party, Defend Democracy, Onward to Victory’. The three-day gathering ends on Monday.


Jagdeo at PPP Congress: Party cannot be ‘trapped by philosophy’, must respond to need of the nation, decentralize and build up local leaders

Amidst a gathering of hundreds of party delegates and observers, including a hinterland contingent of over 500, the clarion call at the opening of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Congress for all members to rally together to make the party stronger, with a view of retaking the reins of government – for the good of all Guyanese.


Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, as one of feature speakers today at the Cotton Field Secondary School, when the event is being held, had a message for “all of Guyana” – which was that the PPP has demonstrated a track record of progress and will do so again.

“I am a proud member of the PPP,” he declared, referring to the “struggles and successes” of the PPP.  Jagdeo, also an Executive Member of the Party, stated that there is much to be proud of, from the pre-independence struggle to the 1992 elections win that ended 28 years of rigged elections and other atrocities.

“Now we are leading the struggle to retake Government,” he said, stressing that the Coalition has proved that it is “incapable” of running a country.  He noted that the Coalition Government is not only bereft of ideas on how to manage and grow the local economy, but has demonstrated it proclivity for greed, mediocrity and arrogance, in addition to being “hopelessly” incompetent. “This Government has made deception an art form,” he said.

According to him, by 2020 – or sooner – the PPP hopes to implement the plan that it has for the country, plans aimed at enhancing progress and development that benefits all of Guyana.

“We will be bigger, better and stronger (by 2020),” Jagdeo declared.

Commenting on the current state of affairs, Jagdeo was ‘no holds barred’ as he stressed that the ‘rhetoric’ mouthed by the members of the current Coalition Government has failed to materialise into policy. “We are in for a rough ride,” he warned.

However, he assured that the PPP will not neglect it support base, but will continue to reach out to all its supporters.

Jagdeo quipped that while the PPP supporters missed the Party being in Government from day one, even the supporters of the Coalition are missing the PPP now.

On that note, he made clear that the PPP is a Party for all of Guyana and will take its message across the country.

Addressing the matter of internal meetings over the next few days, Jagdeo noted that the PPP’s 31st Congress is its first, out of office, in decades, and offers a chance for an “honest and open” discussions on why the Party lost office. He made clear that in addition to irregularities during the May 2015 elections, there were also other contributing factors – factors that the Party has a chance to fully and frankly address.  “We need an honest assessment (on where we are)…we need to fix those problems,” he said.

Moving forward, he noted that the PPP cannot be “trapped by philosophy” or by notions of the past; rather the Party must be guided by what is good for all Guyanese and Guyana and by the founding principles of the PPP.

“I look forward to hearing from all of you,” he said, adding that the fire that drives the PPP members has not been extinguished.

Jagdeo recalled the PPP founder and former president, Dr Cheddi Jagan, as a man with one of the most “nimble minds” he has encountered. He added that Jagan’s approach was to respond to change and the needs of the nation.

Addressing the matter of long standing members, he noted there is a need for these comrades to encourage youths and women and send a message that the PPP is open to all Guyanese.

The PPP, he said, also has to decentralize and build up local leaders so that the PPP is in “tip top” shape to respond to the challenges of the day.

“We will work hard for the next few years to take back this country,” Jagdeo declared, adding that he PPP has always been inclusive and will continue to engage anyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion or any other factor.

He added, “Those who voted for us and those who didn’t want to know what the Party stands for. According to him, the PPP is a unifying force.

“Our Congress looks like the face of Guyana,” the Opposition Leader said, noting that the PPP has remained true to the its founding principle of inclusivity.

Among those in attendance were representatives of the diplomatic corps, the private sector and local trade union movements, as well as other invitees. The Civic members of the PPP, including former Prime Minister, Sam Hinds, Peoples’ Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Parliamentarian, Juan Edghill, among others.

The 31st PPP Congress is being held under the theme: ‘Strengthen the Party, Defend Democracy, Onward to Victory’. The three-day gathering ends on Monday.
By Vanessa Narine


Internal elections for PPP leaders commence

High on the agenda of issues to be addressed that the 31st Congress of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was internal elections for members of the Central Committee and candidate members (non-voting) of the Central Committee.


The Central Committee is made up of 35 persons and there are five candidate members.

The results of the internal election are expected to be released by Monday.











Hey bannas, thanks for posting the information.

Do you guys have any INSIDE information other than what is written in the Press?

And do we know who some of these people in the pictures are Django?


VishMahabir posted:

Hey bannas, thanks for posting the information.

Do you guys have any INSIDE information other than what is written in the Press?

And do we know who some of these people in the pictures are Django?


Oye Vish,too muck work for me,i know a few faces there,

Will ask Gilly to help out.

Gilly "the fish"come in

VishMahabir posted:

Hey bannas, thanks for posting the information.

Do you guys have any INSIDE information other than what is written in the Press?

And do we know who some of these people in the pictures are Django?


I may have posted these questions already on another thread


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