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PPP to announce Prime Ministerial candidate at Linden rally ... bemoans attempts at intimidation of campaign activists

Written by Johann Earle
Saturday, 15 October 2011 03:50
Source - Guyana Chronicle

Robert Persaud

THE People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Prime Ministerial candidate will be announced tomorrow at the party’s grand rally in Linden, where a number of persons are billed to speak.

However, it is unclear at this point whether President Bharrat Jagdeo will be one of the speakers as was the case in the previous two grand rallies.

PPP/C members Robert Persaud and Steve Ninvalle held a press conference at the party’s headquarters yesterday, when they spoke of the upcoming rally in Linden and of difficulties the party’s campaign volunteer staff is having with threats and intimidation from persons.

Persaud said that on Nomination Day, the full slate of the party will be made known, as will be the case for all parties contesting the elections.

“Our membership in Region 10 and Linden has been growing from year to year. There is a lot of confidence that we can have a greater number of not only votes, but of seats in the Regional Democratic Council, given the [level] of government investment. The people of Linden today can certainly feel that level of confidence in terms of their well-being and prosperity and in terms of opportunities,” the minister said.

“The Linden rally will be about defining and outlining not only our tremendous achievements, but also some very important plans on job creation and wealth creation for the people of Region 10,” he said.

“On Sunday, we would have by then completed the process of the selection of a Prime Ministerial candidate and our Presidential Candidate could be in a position to make an announcement of the Prime Ministerial candidate,” Persaud said.


Persaud continued to lament vandalism of billboards and other materials and threats to the PPP/C campaign staff, and complained that their vehicles have been stoned. “This has degenerated into outright intimidation and threats of violence to our volunteers. Even one of our volunteer vehicles was stoned by this group that is moving,” he said, hastening to add that the acts are not being carried out by people who reside in the communities where the harassment takes place.

He said that a group of eight or nine persons is following the PPP/C campaign staff and volunteers “in a way to intimidate and also to threaten our supporters and activists when going to certain communities.” He said that the party has written to the Guyana Elections Commission on the issue. “I want to call on the Guyana Elections Commission and other stakeholders to demand of the Opposition parties that they sign the political parties Code of Conduct with immediate effect, and not to reject it outrightly, because what they are doing is sending a signal to their supporters that it is okay to carry out acts of vandalism,” he said. He promised to disclose video evidence of acts of vandalism against the PPP/C campaign paraphernalia.

“If we do not nip it in the bud, the situation could get out of hand,” he said. “The people of Guyana are not interested in intimidation and harassment and this type of backward, old politics,” he said.

Ninvalle said that while on the campaign trail in South Georgetown, vandals stoned one of the campaign buses and persons threatened and intimidated the campaign activists.

“And just about a week ago, another vehicle that was announcing our meeting, [had its window broken],” Ninvalle said. “We are really very concerned and it seems to be a trend,” he said, adding that during the episodes, the persons intimidating the campaign activists used racial slurs.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 15 October 2011 03:53 )

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“The Linden rally will be about defining and outlining not only our tremendous achievements, but also some very important plans on job creation and wealth creation for the people of Region 10,” he said.


“Our membership in Region 10 and Linden has been growing from year to year. There is a lot of confidence that we can have a greater number of not only votes, but of seats in the Regional Democratic Council, given the [level] of government investment. The people of Linden today can certainly feel that level of confidence in terms of their well-being and prosperity and in terms of opportunities,” the minister said.


“On Sunday, we would have by then completed the process of the selection of a Prime Ministerial candidate and our Presidential Candidate could be in a position to make an announcement of the Prime Ministerial candidate,” Persaud said.

Anchor baby is another colossal failure and as campaign manager for this election this will be no exception he and his peanut butre crew cannot get anyone to attend their rallies they are boosting the minibus sector this election season.

Well you cannot say everything the PPP does is bad. hehehheheh
The real question is will bloody hands Joe Hamilton be there with Vindi hugging up and suh and will the house of israel be selling plantain chips and fudge in the crowd come sunday.


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