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Former Member

Opposition Leader and PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo.

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Sunday announced that it would be boycotting parliamentary sittings until the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) rules on whether the no-confidence motion was validly passed by Guyana’s National Assembly.

“The General Secretary of the PPP wishes to place on record that the People’ s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C ) will not attend any sitting of the National Assembly, while the Appeal in the no-confidence motion is pending at the Caribbean Court of Justice,” the PPP said on its Facebook page.

The appeal could be filed this week, lawyers said.

This effectively means that the PPP will not be in the House to replace its dual citizens after the Guyana Court of Appeal upheld the High Court’s decision that it would be unconstitutional for dual citizens to be candidates or parliamentarians. The courts had gone on to say that those parliamentarians’ legality could only be challenged by an elections petition but the deadline for doing so had expired in 2015.

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira only last week publicly stated that she was prepared to resign from the House and that she would renounce her Canadian citizenship.

Then acting President, Carl Greenidge last Friday night said Parliament was restored after the Court of Appeal invalidated the no-confidence motion on the sole point that its passage required an absolute majority consisting of 34 votes instead of the 33. “Arrangements will be made for Parliament to meet and to conduct its business unhindered,” Greenidge has said. The High Court had ruled that the motion had been validly passed on December 21, 2018 after then government parliamentarian Charrandass Persaud had voted with the Opposition.

AFC DEFECTOR: Charrandass Persaud.

Through their lawyers, Opposition Leader and PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo, and political commentator Christopher Ram convinced the Court of Appeal that the President and Cabinet automatically resign after a no-confidence motion, elections must be held in 90 days, the President and government remain in office as a caretaker administration until those elections are held, Persaud’s vote was constitutionally saved although he is a Canadian citizen, and that he remained a parliamentarian although he had failed to inform the House Speaker of his decision not to support the list of candidates from which he was drawn to be a parliamentarian.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Attending parliament now will be in effect legitimizing APNU+AFC and nullifying Charrandas's NCV and could even undermine the PPP's pending appeal to the CCJ. Jagdeo is thinking straight.


This time it is the RIGHT thing to do. You cannot work with an ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Govt because 2 people who skulk from Algebra says 33<32. It will be impossible to find such DUNCES on any Court on this Planet!!!

Baseman posted:

Jagan boycotted most of 28 years.  What did he gain?   The PNC don’t care.  Boycott, they will still do their thing.

To say 

Nehru posted:

This time it is the RIGHT thing to do. You cannot work with an ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Govt because 2 people who skulk from Algebra says 33<32. It will be impossible to find such DUNCES on any Court on this Planet!!!

Dr. Jagan did not boycotted for most of the 28 years.  He boycotted from 1973 to 1976. Let's delve into some of Guyana's Political History.  For Jagdeo and the PPP/C to boycott now is the right thing to do.  Why legitimize a minority govt.  


Reza R.  Rahaman
Reza R. Rahaman posted

Dr. Jagan did not boycotted for most of the 28 years.  He boycotted from 1973 to 1976. Let's delve into some of Guyana's Political History.  For Jagdeo and the PPP/C to boycott now is the right thing to do. 

Why legitimize a minority govt.  

Reckless statement from some one who deemed to be educated.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:


The Editorial is preemptive to the ruling of those two dummies who didn't learn algebra.  If they replace Charandas, then they are back to their majority. However according to the ruling, they will need 34 votes to pass any bills.

I agree with Jagdeo to boycott the sittings. 


Thank you for your very deliberate and honest assessment. I only wish Rumjhaatan and Neemakaram Crabdaag had your intelligence, morals, humanity and plain decency.

Keep up the good work Bhai!!

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Reza R. Rahaman posted:
.  Why legitimize a minority govt.  


How is the APNU+AFC a minority govt?

Using the PNC Maths, you need 34 to sit in parliament and pass any motion

That doesn't mean the coalition gov't is minority. By the way NC votes,are different than passing bills.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Reza R. Rahaman posted:
.  Why legitimize a minority govt.  


How is the APNU+AFC a minority govt?

Using the PNC Maths, you need 34 to sit in parliament and pass any motion

That doesn't mean the coalition gov't is minority. By the way NC votes,are different than passing bills.

Flip flapping, yesterday, it was 34, today back to 33. That's your opinion, you better check with Nigel Hughes and Basil Williams, they are the NEW scholars.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Reza R. Rahaman posted:
.  Why legitimize a minority govt.  


How is the APNU+AFC a minority govt?

Using the PNC Maths, you need 34 to sit in parliament and pass any motion

That doesn't mean the coalition gov't is minority. By the way NC votes,are different than passing bills.

Flip flapping, yesterday, it was 34, today back to 33. That's your opinion, you better check with Nigel Hughes and Basil Williams, they are the NEW scholars.

Banna Legislative voting is a different ball game. I am aware there are discrepancies with the two appeal Judges rulings. Also they state an MP can vote against his party on special circumstances.

Lots of surprises in Guyana.

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:

Attending parliament now will be in effect legitimizing APNU+AFC and nullifying Charrandas's NCV and could even undermine the PPP's pending appeal to the CCJ. Jagdeo is thinking straight.

The gov't is legitimate until the CCJ says otherwise.  But you can boycott parliament and let the other side make decisions with no input from you.

Mitwah posted:
Reza R. Rahaman posted:
.  Why legitimize a minority govt.  


How is the APNU+AFC a minority govt?

The PPP says that God came on high and ordained that they will always win elections.  If they lose it must be rigged.  The PPP is so stuck with this belief that they think that the PNC rigged the election even when out of power. 

How the PNC accomplished this is anyone's guess as it is clear that these aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Maybe the PPP was so busy stealing that they didn't notice, if the PNC rigged the 2015 elections.  It has already been discovered and revealed that GECOM isnt this 100% African entity that one of the PPP Head Negro Slaves screamed that it was.

Last edited by Former Member

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