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Home > TOP STORY > Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall
Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker

Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall


MINISTER of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker, on Monday last expressed his ministry’s support for the introduction of an Interim Management Committee at the Georgetown City Council, a call issued earlier by the governing People’s Progressive Party. 

The PPP recently expressed their concern over the state of affairs at the Georgetown City Council and recent acts of illegality perpetrated against the administrative branch of the M&CC. The party further noted the attempts by Georgetown Mayor, Hamilton Green, and his cabal to oust the legitimate and legally appointed Town Clerk, Carol Sooba, from office via illegal and backdoor manipulations.
Minister Whittaker noted that the ministry is guided by the Cabinet and if and when the decision to have an Interim Management Committee as a replacement at City Hall is carried by Cabinet, the ministry will concur.
“Discipline dictates that the ministry will concur. However, the view of parties as it relates to the IMC has been noted by the ministry,” he concluded.
The ruling party in a statement released earlier this week condemned the act of desperation by the Mayor and his cabal who have brought the City Council into disrepute by his actions which smack of “racism and political bullyism.”
The PPP, therefore, demanded the removal of Hamilton Green and the entire City Council and their replacement by an Interim Management Committee to foster hope for a better run City Hall.
Green has found himself repeatedly in hot water over the last few months after he sabotaged the revenue collection on Easter Monday, illegally removed the keys of a motor vehicle on the said day, illegally appointed PRO Royston King as Town Clerk, among other infringements. King, too, has been delinquent after he allegedly signed City Hall tax waivers as Town Clerk before illegally assuming the post of Town Clerk.

(By Ravin Singh)

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As my grand father used to say, The PNC cannot even run a little cake shop and they are trying to run a city.


They destroyed Guyana during the 28 years of PNC dictatorship by Hoyte and Burnham.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall
Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker

Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall


MINISTER of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker, on Monday last expressed his ministry’s support for the introduction of an Interim Management Committee at the Georgetown City Council, a call issued earlier by the governing People’s Progressive Party. 

The PPP recently expressed their concern over the state of affairs at the Georgetown City Council and recent acts of illegality perpetrated against the administrative branch of the M&CC. The party further noted the attempts by Georgetown Mayor, Hamilton Green, and his cabal to oust the legitimate and legally appointed Town Clerk, Carol Sooba, from office via illegal and backdoor manipulations.
Minister Whittaker noted that the ministry is guided by the Cabinet and if and when the decision to have an Interim Management Committee as a replacement at City Hall is carried by Cabinet, the ministry will concur.
“Discipline dictates that the ministry will concur. However, the view of parties as it relates to the IMC has been noted by the ministry,” he concluded.
The ruling party in a statement released earlier this week condemned the act of desperation by the Mayor and his cabal who have brought the City Council into disrepute by his actions which smack of “racism and political bullyism.”
The PPP, therefore, demanded the removal of Hamilton Green and the entire City Council and their replacement by an Interim Management Committee to foster hope for a better run City Hall.
Green has found himself repeatedly in hot water over the last few months after he sabotaged the revenue collection on Easter Monday, illegally removed the keys of a motor vehicle on the said day, illegally appointed PRO Royston King as Town Clerk, among other infringements. King, too, has been delinquent after he allegedly signed City Hall tax waivers as Town Clerk before illegally assuming the post of Town Clerk.

(By Ravin Singh)

The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall
Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker

Local Government Minister supports PPP call for IMC at City Hall


MINISTER of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker, on Monday last expressed his ministry’s support for the introduction of an Interim Management Committee at the Georgetown City Council, a call issued earlier by the governing People’s Progressive Party. 

The PPP recently expressed their concern over the state of affairs at the Georgetown City Council and recent acts of illegality perpetrated against the administrative branch of the M&CC. The party further noted the attempts by Georgetown Mayor, Hamilton Green, and his cabal to oust the legitimate and legally appointed Town Clerk, Carol Sooba, from office via illegal and backdoor manipulations.
Minister Whittaker noted that the ministry is guided by the Cabinet and if and when the decision to have an Interim Management Committee as a replacement at City Hall is carried by Cabinet, the ministry will concur.
“Discipline dictates that the ministry will concur. However, the view of parties as it relates to the IMC has been noted by the ministry,” he concluded.
The ruling party in a statement released earlier this week condemned the act of desperation by the Mayor and his cabal who have brought the City Council into disrepute by his actions which smack of “racism and political bullyism.”
The PPP, therefore, demanded the removal of Hamilton Green and the entire City Council and their replacement by an Interim Management Committee to foster hope for a better run City Hall.
Green has found himself repeatedly in hot water over the last few months after he sabotaged the revenue collection on Easter Monday, illegally removed the keys of a motor vehicle on the said day, illegally appointed PRO Royston King as Town Clerk, among other infringements. King, too, has been delinquent after he allegedly signed City Hall tax waivers as Town Clerk before illegally assuming the post of Town Clerk.

(By Ravin Singh)

The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   


Bhai, the shameless actions of the AFC is there for all decent Guyanese to see. The AFC will be wiped off the political maps. Karma will catch up with them.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Give these guys more power? What are you thinking?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Give these guys more power? What are you thinking?

sometimes it's nice to sit back and watch dese PPP animals peel off the camouflage and show their scales


i tolerate the stench just for the show

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Give these guys more power? What are you thinking?

sometimes it's nice just to sit back and watch . . .

Watch with your dark sunshades on?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Give these guys more power? What are you thinking?

sometimes it's nice to sit back and watch dese PPP animals peel off the camouflage and show their scales


i tolerate the stench just for the show

Watch with your dark sunshades on?

i leave that kind of posing for low-performing dunces like u and Anil dem

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Give these guys more power? What are you thinking?

sometimes it's nice to sit back and watch dese PPP animals peel off the camouflage and show their scales


i tolerate the stench just for the show

Watch with your dark sunshades on?

i leave that kind of posing for low-performing dunces like u and Anil dem

Go look in the mirror with your dark glasses on! Practice you chamkay ting.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Give these guys more power? What are you thinking?

sometimes it's nice to sit back and watch dese PPP animals peel off the camouflage and show their scales


i tolerate the stench just for the show

Watch with your dark sunshades on?

i leave that kind of posing for low-performing dunces like u and Anil dem

Go look in the mirror with your dark glasses on! Practice you chamkay ting.

like i said . . . the idiot pose of alyuh low-performing dunces

Originally Posted by yuji22:

As my grand father used to say, The PNC cannot even run a little cake shop and they are trying to run a city.


They destroyed Guyana during the 28 years of PNC dictatorship by Hoyte and Burnham.

And the PPP is no better.  Look at Guysuco.  Back where the PNC left it.


If the PPP wishes to run G/twn then they need to hold local govt elections and prove tp Gtwn people that they will do the best job.


Refusing to hold elections and trying to install an Indian dictatorship is one sure way that they will guarantee rejection when they are finally forced to hold local govt elections.


And they will be forced to do so, just as how Hoyte eventually had to.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

And yet you all refuse to hold local government elections and then prove that Hammie Green and the Good Green ? party, which WON in 1994, but is no longer in existence, is less capable.


What is the PPP afraid of?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The anti PPP clan constantly accuse the PPP of stealing. Let them take a look at GT city council with all those phantom employees and inside thefts. Double standard? Nah not these guys.   

Local Gov't Elections NOW!


we doan want red herring . . . scurry, scurry

Give these guys more power? What are you thinking?

Give which guys more power?  Is the PPP in such a state that they are convinced that they will lose.  If the Republicans won mayoral and gubernatorial elections in NY stranger things might happen.


But if the PPP confirms that it is an Indian dictatorship which is bent on ignoring the will of the PPP then they will LOSE!!


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