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PPP to restore 30,000 jobs lost under APNU/AFC – Ali tells Industry residents

  • …ignore APNU/AFC’s call to gather at polling stations on elections night – Phillips

Thousands of Guyanese have expressed a sense of hopelessness given the current economic state of the country, coupled with the lack of job opportunities available and the first thing that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) intends to do once it returns to office this year is to restore, enhance and create new jobs for all categories of workers.

PPP/C Prime Ministerial Candidate, Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, urging citizens to ignore the calls made by the APNU for persons to converge at the various polling stations on Elections Night

This is according to PPP/C’s Presidential Candidate, Dr Irfaan Ali, during his address to hundreds of persons at a campaign meeting held at the Industry Market Square, East Coast Demerara (ECD) on Friday night.
According to Ali, the PPP/C is all set to embark on its policies as listed in its Manifesto, to restore and rebuild hope among the populace— which persons lost since the APNU/AFC coalition government took office in 2015.
“It is a very critical time in our country and the PPP/C has embarked upon a journey to share its vision, its plan to bring prosperity to all, to create jobs, improve living conditions and give you a better life in Guyana. A vision and plan not to give PPP supporters a better life but all Guyanese regardless of which political party they are supporting. It is a plan that will give our young people a better future that will provide more opportunities for the children of tomorrow.”
He reminded that the once-vibrant and booming sugar, rice, bauxite and forestry sectors began declining in 2015 when the current administration began governing the nation.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali addressing the hundreds gathered at the Industry Market Square, East Coast Demerara, on Friday night

“We have to restore the 30,000 jobs that we lost in our economy and we have to reverse the taxes. We have to reverse those increases in licence fees, we have to put back more money in your pockets so that you will have more disposable income and the economy can kick-start again with greater spending and great opportunity. We have to be able to implement a strategy that will have the right policy to rebuild the forestry, mining, agriculture sectors, the sugar industry”.
The PPP/C’s Presidential Candidate reminded that prior to the APNU/AFC coalition taking office, it had promised the nation to provide a “better life for all” but to date, the now caretaker Government has done the opposite.
“We are paying $88B more in taxes after the Government promised to reduce taxes, on every $1000 you earned, the Government is taking back $300 in taxes. That is why you don’t have a disposable income, that is why things are difficult for your families, that is why the village economy cannot perform… People’s lives are worse off, the communities lives are worse off, our country is worse off today,” he told the mass of supporters on Friday.
According to Ali, the PPP/C has a track record in developing and transforming Guyana which cannot be disputed.

A section of the gathering on Friday night during the PPP/C’s elections campaign meeting at the Industry Market Square, East Coast Demerara

He committed to ensuring that after the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections, once the PPP/C is restored to power, there will be the creation of an enabling environment that will reignite the vibrancy in the country’s economy by recreating jobs in each sector.

Ignore APNU’s call
Meanwhile, Prime Ministerial candidate of the PPP/C, Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, called on Guyanese to ignore the calls made by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) for persons to converge at the various polling stations on elections night.
“You have to remain focused and there is no need to lime at any polling place…be vigilant to ensure that we have free, fair and credible elections…we have had complaints of our supporters that there are acts of incitement and such at their workplaces and these acts will be intensified, many were threatened, but we should not reciprocate in this manner,” he told the hundreds gathered at the Industry Market Square.
Phillips reiterated the Presidential Candidate’s remarks, noting that the APNU/AFC Government has proven to be an uncaring administration where only a select few can benefit from “having a good life”.
However, he reminded that the PPP/C, in the 23 years it had been in office, ensured that the masses benefitted in various ways, such as proper roads and infrastructure, educational developments, health benefits, and more.
“The APNU/AFC coalition is big on promises but low on delivery,” he said, while urging PPP/C supporters to ensure that come Election Day 2020, they turn up at their respective polling stations to cast their votes.
“It is your democratic right to vote,” he added.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Call me stupid, naive or describe me anyway you want to, but I will tell you this based on my observation. This PM candidate Mark Phillips appears to be a sheep in wolfe’s clothing. He is a Granger boy inside out. Unless you serve in the army, you do not know how strong the brotherhood is. It is as strong as steel and unbreakable. Not once since he was named the PM candidate, has he said anything against APNU/AFC about what they have done to the country. He has been silent about security of the ballot boxes. He has been silent about what Volda Lawrence has been saying. He has been quiet about asking his military brother to warn Volda about her behaviour. Now he is telling PPP voters not to lime after the polls. So in a sense, while PPP voters remain quiet, he want the APNU/AFC thugs to steal/exchange or stuff the ballot boxes. I believe that if the PPP wins this election and the President leaves the country to do Guyana’s business, Prime Minister Mark Phillips who will be the President (ag) will overthrow the Government in a military coup and then we will have our own Military dictator. What has Mark Phillips done for Guyanese for which he wasn’t paid a salary? What has he done to serve the PPP that other stalwarts haven’t done? 


Dondadda ,Guyana will never become a Military Dictatorship not in my lifetime .The PPP/C loosing the coming elections fair and square. Guyanese people aren't stupid. Where in the history of Guyana Elections billboards displays three people of a party as contestants.

Django posted:

Dondadda ,Guyana will never become a Military Dictatorship not in my lifetime .The PPP/C loosing the coming elections fair and square. Guyanese people aren't stupid. Where in the history of Guyana Elections billboards displays three people of a party as contestants.

Thought you said your prediction of the election coming close to election date .. looks like Sir Dondada light the fire 🔥 on your BT and you get hyped with his comment.. lard a mercy watch story hay . 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

The PPP/C loosing the coming elections fair and square.

Perhaps, PNCR has already filled the ballot boxes with special votes for delivery on election day to be a part of the counting process.


Don is having a brain farth and the same old AFC PNC bottom house crew are sniffing. 
Bibi carries around a double blade pen knife.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

The PPP/C loosing the coming elections fair and square.

Perhaps, PNCR has already filled the ballot boxes with special votes for delivery on election day to be a part of the counting process.

You have to check the latest demographics. No filling of ballot boxes.

Dondadda posted:

Call me stupid, naive or describe me anyway you want to, but I will tell you this based on my observation. This PM candidate Mark Phillips appears to be a sheep in wolfe’s clothing. He is a Granger boy inside out. Unless you serve in the army, you do not know how strong the brotherhood is. It is as strong as steel and unbreakable. Not once since he was named the PM candidate, has he said anything against APNU/AFC about what they have done to the country. He has been silent about security of the ballot boxes. He has been silent about what Volda Lawrence has been saying. He has been quiet about asking his military brother to warn Volda about her behaviour. Now he is telling PPP voters not to lime after the polls. So in a sense, while PPP voters remain quiet, he want the APNU/AFC thugs to steal/exchange or stuff the ballot boxes. I believe that if the PPP wins this election and the President leaves the country to do Guyana’s business, Prime Minister Mark Phillips who will be the President (ag) will overthrow the Government in a military coup and then we will have our own Military dictator. What has Mark Phillips done for Guyanese for which he wasn’t paid a salary? What has he done to serve the PPP that other stalwarts haven’t done? 

I wont call you naive...but I will call you STUPID!

How is Phillips going to influence the army to support him if he is on the PPP ticket?

Phillips is selected to give the PPP leadership credibility and ethnic balance. However, that will not work because the PPP is a "coolie" party.

This only shows that the PPP, and you, are only using Phillips in a racist agenda.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dondadda is correct.

You also agreed with Siggy that Exxon tiefing Guyana ile fuh a whole year.

You seem to have a problem with Dr Irfaan and now Brigd Phillips.  Did you tell DR Jagdeo duh in NY, or you kept the double-blade pen-knife in your back pocket?  Is wuh swirling up deh?  Are you hoping the PPP lose?

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo’s has to watch his back when Brutus Bibi is around with her double blade pen knife. 
She will have a fit when the PPP and Irfaan becomes President. 
I wonder why she dislikes the doctors so much ? 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

The PPP/C loosing the coming elections fair and square.

Perhaps, PNCR has already filled the ballot boxes with special votes for delivery on election day to be a part of the counting process.

You have to check the latest demographics. No filling of ballot boxes.

While demographics indeed provide useful information for a country, it does not reflect the voting outcome of Guyana or any other other country.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

The PPP/C loosing the coming elections fair and square.

Perhaps, PNCR has already filled the ballot boxes with special votes for delivery on election day to be a part of the counting process.

You have to check the latest demographics. No filling of ballot boxes.

While demographics indeed provide useful information for a country, it does not reflect the voting outcome of Guyana or any other other country.

In Guyana voting is race based, this election will be worse.


Poppy C. A large segment of young blacks are supporting the PPP. DJ needs to clean the Boo Boo from his eyes.

PNC is running a purely race based campaign with lots of racist dinosaur fossils. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

While demographics indeed provide useful information for a country, it does not reflect the voting outcome of Guyana or any other other country.

In Guyana voting is race based, this election will be worse.

One will see how things develop on 2020 election day,

Sean posted:

Poppy C. A large segment of young blacks are supporting the PPP. DJ needs to clean the Boo Boo from his eyes.

PNC is running a purely race based campaign with lots of racist dinosaur fossils. 

The PPP will grab 15% Afro/Dugla votes!

Sean posted:

Poppy C. A large segment of young blacks are supporting the PPP. DJ needs to clean the Boo Boo from his eyes.PNC is running a purely race based campaign with lots of racist dinosaur fossils. 

You are in dreamland.

Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Poppy C. A large segment of young blacks are supporting the PPP. DJ needs to clean the Boo Boo from his eyes.

PNC is running a purely race based campaign with lots of racist dinosaur fossils. 

The PPP will grab 15% Afro/Dugla votes!

If that's your prediction , PPP/C lost the elections.

VishMahabir posted:
Dondadda posted:

Call me stupid, naive or describe me anyway you want to, but I will tell you this based on my observation. This PM candidate Mark Phillips appears to be a sheep in wolfe’s clothing. He is a Granger boy inside out. Unless you serve in the army, you do not know how strong the brotherhood is. It is as strong as steel and unbreakable. Not once since he was named the PM candidate, has he said anything against APNU/AFC about what they have done to the country. He has been silent about security of the ballot boxes. He has been silent about what Volda Lawrence has been saying. He has been quiet about asking his military brother to warn Volda about her behaviour. Now he is telling PPP voters not to lime after the polls. So in a sense, while PPP voters remain quiet, he want the APNU/AFC thugs to steal/exchange or stuff the ballot boxes. I believe that if the PPP wins this election and the President leaves the country to do Guyana’s business, Prime Minister Mark Phillips who will be the President (ag) will overthrow the Government in a military coup and then we will have our own Military dictator. What has Mark Phillips done for Guyanese for which he wasn’t paid a salary? What has he done to serve the PPP that other stalwarts haven’t done? 

I wont call you naive...but I will call you STUPID!

How is Phillips going to influence the army to support him if he is on the PPP ticket?

Phillips is selected to give the PPP leadership credibility and ethnic balance. However, that will not work because the PPP is a "coolie" party.

This only shows that the PPP, and you, are only using Phillips in a racist agenda.

You cannot see further than your nose, if you have one. You lack decency and vision, and look unlike you, I am no racist. I like all right thinking decent Blackman and Indian, Dougla, Amerindian and other races in Guyana. I treat them  equally with dignity and respect. I don’t discriminate like you. Unlike you, the racism that you spread here is a cancer that devours your mind every minute of the day, so much so that you cannot see right from wrong.

Django posted:
Sean posted:

Poppy C. A large segment of young blacks are supporting the PPP. DJ needs to clean the Boo Boo from his eyes.PNC is running a purely race based campaign with lots of racist dinosaur fossils. 

You are in dreamland.

You are deep inside PNC you know where.

Sean posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Poppy C. A large segment of young blacks are supporting the PPP. DJ needs to clean the Boo Boo from his eyes.PNC is running a purely race based campaign with lots of racist dinosaur fossils. 

You are in dreamland.

You are deep inside PNC you know where.

Where ? say it like a man.


Sean, with all due respect, I get it that you are a PPP man and I respect some of your opinion. The Video you shared shows Mark Phillips reading a speech and stayed on script written for him by some one in the Party. He is not impressive, in my opinion, and he only cares about being PM. He is not the only person who has served Guyana for three decades, others have as well. Once a military man, always a military man regardless of whether he has taken off his military garb and put on PPP clothes. He can always throw away the PPP clothes when and if elected and put on his military clothes to overthrow the PPP. In his speech, he did not mention anything about the APNU/AFC destroying Guyana because he is protecting his military brother the DAG. 

cain posted:

That's akin to that other mole, buddy wazhisnametarass who voted against his own party in the NCV.

Is that what dem boys always speak about here, karma?

This was in response to DD's earlier post re: Mark Phillip's. Also goes to the above post.

Last edited by cain

Granger just gotta round up all dem bad men who so tuff dem does beat their women dem, and throw dem in the forces fo go in a real fight. Is about fifty percent of the menfolk would be made to join up.

Last edited by cain
Dondadda posted:

Sean, with all due respect, I get it that you are a PPP man and I respect some of your opinion. The Video you shared shows Mark Phillips reading a speech and stayed on script written for him by some one in the Party. He is not impressive, in my opinion, and he only cares about being PM. He is not the only person who has served Guyana for three decades, others have as well. Once a military man, always a military man regardless of whether he has taken off his military garb and put on PPP clothes. He can always throw away the PPP clothes when and if elected and put on his military clothes to overthrow the PPP. In his speech, he did not mention anything about the APNU/AFC destroying Guyana because he is protecting his military brother the DAG. 

He has a line to walk. If he does as you say, then he will set himself for attacks from the Granger side. He has to avoided sounding disloyal to the institution.  

So don’t expect he will take the exact line of other members of the PPP.


 We all know that phillips and Ramjattan are proxies for their race and that each party has already established protocols for them never succeeding to the Presidency in event of the President being unable to perform his duties. Guyana's entire political expression is a racial pantomime. Guyanese, being who they are, political sheep, always follow along.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:

 We all know that phillips and Ramjattan are proxies for their race and that each party has already established protocols for them never succeeding to the Presidency in event of the President being unable to perform his duties. Guyana's entire political expression is a racial pantomime. Guyanese, being who they are, political sheep, always follow along.

Ramjattan will never be president. The Cummingsburg Accord was renegotiated and he was sidelined for a die-hard PNC. He was kneeling, begging in his bukta with rum bottle in hand.

Last edited by Former Member
Dondadda posted:

Call me stupid, naive or describe me anyway you want to, but I will tell you this based on my observation. This PM candidate Mark Phillips appears to be a sheep in wolfe’s clothing. He is a Granger boy inside out. Unless you serve in the army, you do not know how strong the brotherhood is. It is as strong as steel and unbreakable. Not once since he was named the PM candidate, has he said anything against APNU/AFC about what they have done to the country. He has been silent about security of the ballot boxes. He has been silent about what Volda Lawrence has been saying. He has been quiet about asking his military brother to warn Volda about her behaviour. Now he is telling PPP voters not to lime after the polls. So in a sense, while PPP voters remain quiet, he want the APNU/AFC thugs to steal/exchange or stuff the ballot boxes. I believe that if the PPP wins this election and the President leaves the country to do Guyana’s business, Prime Minister Mark Phillips who will be the President (ag) will overthrow the Government in a military coup and then we will have our own Military dictator. What has Mark Phillips done for Guyanese for which he wasn’t paid a salary? What has he done to serve the PPP that other stalwarts haven’t done? 

Dada, with all due respect I think u are being a tad paranoid here. I dont see Phillips in that light u predicted. A shrewd man like Jagdeo would have done his homework on Mr. Phillips even before bringing him on a PM position.

Sheik101 posted:
Dondadda posted:

Call me stupid, naive or describe me anyway you want to, but I will tell you this based on my observation. This PM candidate Mark Phillips appears to be a sheep in wolfe’s clothing. He is a Granger boy inside out. Unless you serve in the army, you do not know how strong the brotherhood is. It is as strong as steel and unbreakable. Not once since he was named the PM candidate, has he said anything against APNU/AFC about what they have done to the country. He has been silent about security of the ballot boxes. He has been silent about what Volda Lawrence has been saying. He has been quiet about asking his military brother to warn Volda about her behaviour. Now he is telling PPP voters not to lime after the polls. So in a sense, while PPP voters remain quiet, he want the APNU/AFC thugs to steal/exchange or stuff the ballot boxes. I believe that if the PPP wins this election and the President leaves the country to do Guyana’s business, Prime Minister Mark Phillips who will be the President (ag) will overthrow the Government in a military coup and then we will have our own Military dictator. What has Mark Phillips done for Guyanese for which he wasn’t paid a salary? What has he done to serve the PPP that other stalwarts haven’t done? 

Dada, with all due respect I think u are being a tad paranoid here. I dont see Phillips in that light u predicted. A shrewd man like Jagdeo would have done his homework on Mr. Phillips even before bringing him on a PM position.

Didn’t he do his homework on Justice Claudette Singh before he made his GECOM recommendation to the DAG? Did he do his homework when he appointed Gary Best as the head of the GDF? Did he do his homework when he appointed Winston Felix as the Police Commissioner when he was in power? How are they working out?


I partially agree with Donda here. What President Ali has to do is make his own decisions. Jagdeo is sometimes too naive, lacks proper professionalism and needs lessons in Public Speaking. You do not vent frustration when confronted, you respond with facts, articulation, humility and respect!

Nehru posted:

I partially agree with Donda here. What President Ali has to do is make his own decisions. Jagdeo is sometimes too naive, lacks proper professionalism and needs lessons in Public Speaking. You do not vent frustration when confronted, you respond with facts, articulation, humility and respect!

You  are observing !!!!


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