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PPP/C MP motion seeking reopening of talks with Venezuela on rice sales


On Thursday, PPP/C MP Irfaan Ali is scheduled to move a motion in Parliament calling for the resumption of negotiations with Venezuela for the sale of rice and paddy.
Venezuela last year ended the importation of rice and paddy under the PetroCaribe barter arrangement. Venezuelan officials had said that Guyana had been given due notice of this as other countries were to be given an opportunity to benefit from this mechanism.
Ali’s motion also seeks a number of other things including the ending of all forms of taxes and duties on fuel for the industry.

A copy of Ali’s motion follows:

WHEREAS on the 31st day of October, 2015, Mr. Dharamkumar Seeraj, the General Secretary of the Rice Producers Association and a Member of Parliament, wrote to the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Noel Holder, upon the direction of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo, conveying to the Honourable Minister the grave concern of the PPP/Civic in respect of the state of the Rice Industry in Guyana;

AND WHEREAS in that letter it was pointed out that rice farmers were promised a one hundred percent (100%) increase in the price for which paddy was sold for the first crop of 2015, by several leaders of the APNU+AFC during the campaign leading up to the National and Regional Elections held on 11th May, 2015, and that in breach of that promise, for the second crop for 2015, farmers received between 35 percent (35%) to sixty percent (60%) of the price which they obtained for their paddy in the first crop of 2015;

AND WHEREAS as a consequence, both rice farmers and rice millers are facing tremendous financial and economic hardships and many of them are unable to meet their obligations under loan contracts with commercial banks for which their homes and other assets have been lodged as collateral by way of mortgages and as a result, many of these properties are now in jeopardy of being the subject of foreclosures and sales;

AND WHEREAS in an attempt to bring some measure of relief a number of measures where proposed to the Honourable Minister for his implementation;

AND WHEREAS none of these proposed measures have been implemented and the situation in the rice industry has since gotten progressively worse;

That this National Assembly calls upon the Government of Guyana to implement the following measures with every convenient speed:
(i) To resume negotiations with the Government of Venezuela with the intention of selling rice and paddy to that country;

(ii) To immediately remove all form of taxes and duties on fuel for the industry;

(iii) To remove all taxes and duties on inputs for the industry including machinery, equipment and spares;

(iiii) To commence discussions with all the commercial banks lending to the industry to review terms and conditions of loans taking into account the low prices farmers are getting in order to ‘soften’ repayment conditions;

(v) To suspend payments of land leases and drainage and irrigation charges;

(vi) To lay supplementary provisions in the National Assembly to provide financial support to farmers in order to aid in the purchase of seed paddy and fertilizers;

(vii) To immediately implement minimum export prices for rice and paddy;

(viii) To implement an aggressive marketing strategy in order to enhance current prices and secure new lucrative markets; and

(ix) To withdraw its pronouncement that the rice industry’s crisis “is a private matter” and give support to the industry, especially the

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger's PNC racism was displayed by throwing Indo Rice farmers under the Bus.

Kudos PPP. PPP to the rescue indeed.

Hope those Indos who were conned by the AFC learnt their lesson.

Last edited by Former Member

In fact its the PPP who threw rice farmers under the bus when they rendered them dependent on a one way agreement, which could have been torn up when ever Venezuela decided to do this.

Why don't they instead come up with remedies to assist rice farmers to break into the Brazilian market.  This is by far the largest rice importer, and yet Guyana has none of it.  

Oh we are too high cost! Well how come the PPP didn't spend its 23 years helping rice farmers to become more cost efficient? 

No, they preferred dependence on preferential markets, where those nations, and not Guyana, set the terms of trade.

kp posted:

PPP/C MP motion seeking reopening of talks with Venezuela on rice sales


On .


(vii) To immediately implement minimum export prices for rice and paddy;



caribny posted:
kp posted:

PPP/C MP motion seeking reopening of talks with Venezuela on rice sales


On .


(vii) To immediately implement minimum export prices for rice and paddy;


(.So yet another subsidy!  Where does the PPP think that the money will come from?



caribny posted:

In fact its the PPP who threw rice farmers under the bus when they rendered them dependent on a one way agreement, which could have been torn up when ever Venezuela decided to do this.

Why don't they instead come up with remedies to assist rice farmers to break into the Brazilian market.  This is by far the largest rice importer, and yet Guyana has none of it.  

Oh we are too high cost! Well how come the PPP didn't spend its 23 years helping rice farmers to become more cost efficient? 

No, they preferred dependence on preferential markets, where those nations, and not Guyana, set the terms of trade.

How come the PNC has not yet made such a move?  It's been a years!

How does the costs stack up?

What ever happened with the big Nigerian importer the PNC was talking to?

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

In fact its the PPP who threw rice farmers under the bus when they rendered them dependent on a one way agreement, which could have been torn up when ever Venezuela decided to do this.

Why don't they instead come up with remedies to assist rice farmers to break into the Brazilian market.  This is by far the largest rice importer, and yet Guyana has none of it.  

Oh we are too high cost! Well how come the PPP didn't spend its 23 years helping rice farmers to become more cost efficient? 

No, they preferred dependence on preferential markets, where those nations, and not Guyana, set the terms of trade.

How come the PNC has not yet made such a move?  It's been a years!

How does the costs stack up?

What ever happened with the big Nigerian importer the PNC was talking to?

The PNC is all Blackman, they are all talk and NO action, they need the PPP advise.

kp posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

In fact its the PPP who threw rice farmers under the bus when they rendered them dependent on a one way agreement, which could have been torn up when ever Venezuela decided to do this.

Why don't they instead come up with remedies to assist rice farmers to break into the Brazilian market.  This is by far the largest rice importer, and yet Guyana has none of it.  

Oh we are too high cost! Well how come the PPP didn't spend its 23 years helping rice farmers to become more cost efficient? 

No, they preferred dependence on preferential markets, where those nations, and not Guyana, set the terms of trade.

How come the PNC has not yet made such a move?  It's been a years!

How does the costs stack up?

What ever happened with the big Nigerian importer the PNC was talking to?

The PNC is all Blackman, they are all talk and NO action, they need the PPP advise.

Bhai if PNC is all Blackman .....who is Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Edgehill, Witicka, Jenny De Thief and all them Thugs & Criminals Jagdeo tek from Corbin when them sign the Corbin/Jagdeo Accord.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:


How come the PNC has not yet made such a move?  It's been a years!


No one is going to pay higher than world price for Guyanese rice.  If others can produce more cheaply than Guyana, they get the business.

If an industry is not competitive, it takes more than 1 year to turn it around. 

So if the PPP did NOTHING to make rice efficient in its 23 years, then why expect APNU AFC to do so in 1 year?

You will look more sensible if you say two things.  First that the PPP did NOTHING to transform the economy, and to make it more competitive. Second that APNU AFC lack the brains, or the drive to do any better.

Now THAT would be more honest.

kp posted:

You are obsessed with President Jagdeo, you wish if you were one of his boys.

Look at all the praise and devotion that the lot of you pour on Jagdeo.

It appears more as if you want to be bending over, with him rubbing behind you.

Clearly Jagdeo remains a very important person if he remains, instead of sending him out to pasture with all the other remaining estate horses.

Pointblank posted:

Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

And yet the PPP thinks that Venezuela will pay higher the world price for rice.  

The days of Chavez diplomacy are over.  Maduro is struggling to survive, and will no longer offer concessions to neighboring nations, with oil prices as low as they are.

caribny posted:
Pointblank posted:

Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

And yet the PPP thinks that Venezuela will pay higher the world price for rice.  

The days of Chavez diplomacy are over.  Maduro is struggling to survive, and will no longer offer concessions to neighboring nations, with oil prices as low as they are.

You enjoy seeing coolies toil for slave wages.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Pointblank posted:

Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

And yet the PPP thinks that Venezuela will pay higher the world price for rice.  

The days of Chavez diplomacy are over.  Maduro is struggling to survive, and will no longer offer concessions to neighboring nations, with oil prices as low as they are.

You enjoy seeing coolies toil for slave wages.

At least they got a job. I am sure many less fortunate would be more than happy to swap circumstances.

Mr.T posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Pointblank posted:

Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

And yet the PPP thinks that Venezuela will pay higher the world price for rice.  

The days of Chavez diplomacy are over.  Maduro is struggling to survive, and will no longer offer concessions to neighboring nations, with oil prices as low as they are.

You enjoy seeing coolies toil for slave wages.

At least they got a job. I am sure many less fortunate would be more than happy to swap circumstances.

They do have the same opportunities. It's not called circumstances; it's called laziness which leads to robbery and murder. Keep that in mind. You work for what you want.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Pointblank posted:

Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

And yet the PPP thinks that Venezuela will pay higher the world price for rice.  

The days of Chavez diplomacy are over.  Maduro is struggling to survive, and will no longer offer concessions to neighboring nations, with oil prices as low as they are.

You enjoy seeing coolies toil for slave wages.

What drug are you injecting into yourself. Apparently you are now another casualty of the growing heroin epidemic.

Venezuela does NOT offer salvation for the rice industry.  Reducing costs will, as it allows entry into a broad swath of markets.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Pointblank posted:

Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

And yet the PPP thinks that Venezuela will pay higher the world price for rice.  

The days of Chavez diplomacy are over.  Maduro is struggling to survive, and will no longer offer concessions to neighboring nations, with oil prices as low as they are.

You enjoy seeing coolies toil for slave wages.

What drug are you injecting into yourself. Apparently you are now another casualty of the growing heroin epidemic.

Venezuela does NOT offer salvation for the rice industry.  Reducing costs will, as it allows entry into a broad swath of markets.

You prefer to see the coolies plant the rice and revert to the days of Burnhamism. Let the government decides how much they will pay for your rice. That killed the rice industry before and it will kill it again.

You know nothing about rice, except eating it. You cannot tell paddy from hulled rice.

skeldon_man posted:

You prefer to see the coolies plant the rice

In fact the behavior of you and the PPP does suggest that you wish a return to the Burnham era, when they virtually nationalized the rice industry.

Rice farmers and millers are PRIVATE people who should handle their own marketing.  They can ask for gov't assistance, especially with drainage, and with VAT and import duty waivers, but the initiatives to improve the industry should be theirs.  

In fact rice farmers behave like an entitled bunch of spoiled brats. Which other PRIVATE industry in Guyana makes so many demands of the gov't?

But here comes the PPP wanting to resuscitate a failed gov't to gov't trade deal, where prices where based on political whim, and not the market place.

Now put down that heroin needle!


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