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Small wonder the PPP never mentions Hoyte



By Staff Writer On May 8, 2015 @ 5:02 am In Letters

Dear Editor,

It always amazes me, particularly during election campaign season, that the PPP never seems to mention the name Hugh Desmond Hoyte. It is as though he never existed. During every elections campaign, the PPP resurrects Forbes Burnham as the bogey man who is blamed for multiple perceived ills and injustices too numerous to count. The PPP/C speakers then paint Burnham as the Godzilla who ran the PNC and wrecked all that was good and pleasant in Guyana. But, stick a pin! Forbes Burnham died in 1985 and was succeeded by Hugh Desmond Hoyte. This latter gentleman was Guyana’s PNC President from 1985 to 1992. In the annals of Guyana’s political history, as written up by the PPP/C, Guyana must have run itself during this seven-year period.

Of all people, former President Jagdeo should remember Desmond Hoyte from the days he (Jagdeo) worked at the State Planning Secretariat. Hoyte told me many times that he remembered Jagdeo well from those days.

It was during the Hoyte years as President that Barama and Omai Gold Mines put down their huge investments in Guyana to name just these two foreign direct investors who paved the way for the many investments that followed in the mining and forestry sectors. It was Hoyte who gave the world Iwokrama and paved the way for Jagdeo to finesse recognition as a Champion of the Earth. In 1992, it was Hoyte who paved the way for the elections that brought the PPP in to power.

As a direct result, most, if not all, of our present day nouveaux riches and parvenus indirectly owe their staggering wealth to Desmond Hoyte’s embrace of free and fair elections. At the apex of this rich list I place the politician who was able to discard his tight, faded, blue shirtjac in favour of designer suits and handmade ties.

Hoyte did not build a huge mansion in Sparendaam, he did not own huge properties in Queenstown, Central Georgetown or Subryan-ville opposite the Russian Embassy nor did he own two luxury apartments in New York in prime up-market areas. At no time in his presidency did Hoyte ship plane loads of Guyana gold to Surinam and hold bank accounts in China overflowing with US currency. Small wonder the PPP never mentions Hoyteβ€”the President who never was!

Yours faithfully,
F.Hamley Case

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Jagdeo rigged the 2006 and 2011 elections so what is your point Rama ding dong?

How did he do that?  Nice try!

- Bottom house polling stations

- They stole the linden seat from the AFC in 2006 remember that? or your memory got hole now?

- Boodhoo was jukkin de numbers are GECOM.


How quick you have forgotten  hmmmm....


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