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Former Member

Shocking revelations of corruption in the AFC party and a dictatorship style of leadership has allowed the AFC to be reduced to baigan choka in Berbice.


Young supporters of the AFC fled for their lives as they saw members who challenged the leadership for transparence kicked out of the party.


The AFC is almost broke after overseas funding dried up for the AFC. Wonder Why ?


Top brass supporters like TK fled at the stench of corruption.


The AFC is finished and has been reduced to dust in Berbice as the PPP unleashes a massive campaign in Berbice.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is this your response ?


Talk is cheap.

Balata is expensive but who care, he is a billionarie off of Guysuco money so he can buy many balata.



yuji, seriously, you claim to be an ISKCON[Hare Rama Hare Krishna] adherent and devotee. Is this picture a reflection of your spiritual values?

You are a father of two children. How can you post a photo of a little kid showing an obscene middle finger to make a point on a political issue?

Is this the kind of example you're setting for Guyanese children, for your own children?

Does PPP leader Clement Rohee condone this type of politicking by a PPP supporter?

I hope Admin takes note of this obnoxious post. This is child abuse, plain and simple.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is this your response ?


Talk is cheap.

Balata is expensive but who care, he is a billionarie off of Guysuco money so he can buy many balata.



yuji, seriously, you claim to be an ISKCON[Hare Rama Hare Krishna] adherent and devotee. Is this picture a reflection of your spiritual values?

You are a father of two children. How can you post a photo of a little kid showing an obscene middle finger to make a point on a political issue?

Is this the kind of example you're setting for Guyanese children, for your own children?

Does PPP leader Clement Rohee condone this type of politicking by a PPP supporter?

I hope Admin takes note of this obnoxious post. This is child abuse, plain and simple.


Cry Babies.


Yuji will now fight fire with fire.


That picture is from public domain. You are just too old to use google.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is this your response ?


Talk is cheap.

Balata is expensive but who care, he is a billionarie off of Guysuco money so he can buy many balata.



yuji, seriously, you claim to be an ISKCON[Hare Rama Hare Krishna] adherent and devotee. Is this picture a reflection of your spiritual values?

You are a father of two children. How can you post a photo of a little kid showing an obscene middle finger to make a point on a political issue?

Is this the kind of example you're setting for Guyanese children, for your own children?

Does PPP leader Clement Rohee condone this type of politicking by a PPP supporter?

I hope Admin takes note of this obnoxious post. This is child abuse, plain and simple.


Cry Babies.


Yuji will now fight fire with fire.


That picture is from public domain. You are just too old to use google.



Never mind it is from the public domain.

If you claim you're fighting for a superior cause and political party, you are obligated to show a sense of social responsibility.

I don't see how this photo enhances the image of the PPP, or yours.

I've noted before that this Guyana politics has brought out the worse in us. But using a child's photo in this fashion is the worst form of PPP propaganda.

I hope someone from Freedom House is taking note of how you're embarrassing the PPP.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses can no longer pull votes they way he did in the last elections.  People are still afraid of the PNC now called APNU. They are concerned about corruption but worried about the alternative. Moses damaged himself politically by aligning himself with the PNC

Guyana votes race. If the AFC head of the ticket in the next election is not an Indian, AFC is goat channa. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses can no longer pull votes they way he did in the last elections.  People are still afraid of the PNC now called APNU. They are concerned about corruption but worried about the alternative. Moses damaged himself politically by aligning himself with the PNC

Guyana votes race. If the AFC head of the ticket in the next election is not an Indian, AFC is goat channa. 


Well said.


That is the AFC's problem right now. They are already goat channa in Berbice. 


Berbicians will want to see an Indo Guyana as the Presidential Candidate while the AFC's Supreme Leader is Nigel.


They are in a big soup right now.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses can no longer pull votes they way he did in the last elections.  People are still afraid of the PNC now called APNU. They are concerned about corruption but worried about the alternative. Moses damaged himself politically by aligning himself with the PNC

Guyana votes race. If the AFC head of the ticket in the next election is not an Indian, AFC is goat channa. 


Well said.


That is the AFC's problem right now. They are already goat channa in Berbice. 


Berbicians will want to see an Indo Guyana as the Presidential Candidate while the AFC's Supreme Leader is Nigel.


They are in a big soup right now.

If Nigel is their leader the AFC might get 2-3 seats next election. The Indians just don't trust any negro leader after what forbes and hoyte did to them.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses can no longer pull votes they way he did in the last elections.  People are still afraid of the PNC now called APNU. They are concerned about corruption but worried about the alternative. Moses damaged himself politically by aligning himself with the PNC

Guyana votes race. If the AFC head of the ticket in the next election is not an Indian, AFC is goat channa. 


Well said.


That is the AFC's problem right now. They are already goat channa in Berbice. 


Berbicians will want to see an Indo Guyana as the Presidential Candidate while the AFC's Supreme Leader is Nigel.


They are in a big soup right now.

If Nigel is their leader the AFC might get 2-3 seats next election. The Indians just don't trust any negro leader after what forbes and hoyte did to them.


That is the harsh reality in Berbice.


Berbicians will never accept a black President after what Burnham and Hoyte did to them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses can no longer pull votes they way he did in the last elections.  People are still afraid of the PNC now called APNU. They are concerned about corruption but worried about the alternative. Moses damaged himself politically by aligning himself with the PNC

Guyana votes race. If the AFC head of the ticket in the next election is not an Indian, AFC is goat channa. 


Well said.


That is the AFC's problem right now. They are already goat channa in Berbice. 


Berbicians will want to see an Indo Guyana as the Presidential Candidate while the AFC's Supreme Leader is Nigel.


They are in a big soup right now.

If Nigel is their leader the AFC might get 2-3 seats next election. The Indians just don't trust any negro leader after what forbes and hoyte did to them.


That is the harsh reality in Berbice.


Berbicians will never accept a black President after what Burnham and Hoyte did to them.

You are filth. You don't speak for Berbicians.


Dem boys sehâ€Ķ

Donald pull Jagdeo plug

March 22, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Donald was a trusting man. He believe that he party and de people who he put in position was wukking in de interest of he and de people.

He didn’t realize that dem was wukking in dem own interest.

De man ain’t done one term and people done planning to get rid of him and bring back Jagdeo.


At one time de nation believe that he was in a coma.

He see nuff thing happening round he and

he didn’t even know wha going on.


He see de Marriott build and

he himself don’t know who is de private investor.

Two years pass and Brazzy, that fat crook,

can’t tell Donald neither de nation bout this investor.


De Amaila Falls was dry and dem ain’t tell he nutten.


De same people tell he to expand de airport

when only four plane does land here.

Dem mek he believe

that once he expand de airport more plane gun come.


But Donald ain’t sleeping no more

and is Jagdeo wake he up.

He Jagdeo do de gods

and Donald didn’t seh nutten

because he try fuh hide he faults

just to protect de party.


Nuff of dem still believe that dem can shelter

under Jagdeo or hide behind he.


Donald pull de plug pun Jagdeo.


And you know wha start fly.

De men ducking and hollering and trying fuh hide.

If you see spray all over de place.


And all this come about because of polling

Jagdeo paper seh that de opposition poll he

and dem ain’t find nutten better than he.

And he seh suh wid a smile.


He suh love de polling that

he ain’t satisfy wid de story in he own paper and he own radio,

he start fuh distribute it.


He send it to de Chronicle. 

De people at de Chronicle decide that he get wha he want—

a good poll.


Well dem boys seh

according to Granger de Green Shut man 

and Rum Jattan,

none of dem never poll Jagdeo.


Rum Jattan seh that he had to be drunk fuh poll he

and dem ain’t got enough likker fuh get he suh drunk.


As fuh Granger,

he seh that he nah got de staff fuh poll Jagdeo.


De boys seh that de only other poll he can get is from GPL

and GPL seh dem short.

Talk half and find a proppa poll fuh Jagdeo.


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Last edited by Former Member

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