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PPP using public funds for Party work – APNU

April 11, 2014 2:36 pmCategory: 


By Kurt Campbell

L - R: PPP's General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.

L – R: PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.


[] – Opposition Leader David Granger has leveled accusations against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), claiming that the Party is utilizing public funds for its partisan political interest.

The Opposition Leader was at the time making reference to his Party’s – APNU -decision to vote down the $1.1B allocated for Amerindian Development for the fiscal year 2014 in the House on Thursday, April 10.

Granger contended that the money was being used to recruit members for the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), which is the youth arm of the ruling Party.

“It is a political bridgehead and has nothing to do with the development of Amerindians, we did not vote against indigenous people, we voted against monies that the administration was using unjustly,” Granger told a media conference on Friday, April 11.

However, this allegation was debunked by General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, who described it as pure ‘rubbish.’

Meanwhile, Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan while endorsing Granger’s comments said the use of the money has not been to the benefit of the community and in a significant way is dividing the community.

He seconded recommends by the Opposition Leader and other Amerindian Opposition Member of Parliament that instead of the government using the money as a monthly ‘handout’, they should invest in the construction of technical institute for the Regions.

The APNU members said that the Fund was encouraging a dependency syndrome in the Regions and did not contribute in a meaningful way to developing long term careers.

Amerindian Opposition Members of Parliament explained that it was the failure of the government to meet and answer questions surrounding the controversial $1B fund that they were forced to exercise their democratic right in the Committee of Supply.

APNU and AFC expressed concern over “the abuse of the fund” by the government for political purposes. The American MPs claimed that the programme was being used to manipulate Amerindians and urge the administration to take their concerns on board as well.

“We are Amerindians and we care too, that is why when we speak the government should listen, we have gotten good and bad reports” AFC’s Ms. Lowe had stated.

The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


Quote "The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation."unquote


I wonder if some of this fund(blood money) is used to pay Counsie, and UJee and others?


Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation."unquote


I wonder if some of this fund(blood money) is used to pay Counsie, and UJee and others?


The opposition mouth like battie. When you mouth like ah battie, all you can do is talk sh*t and more sh*t..belly wuk.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation."unquote


I wonder if some of this fund(blood money) is used to pay Counsie, and UJee and others?


The opposition mouth like battie. When you mouth like ah battie, all you can do is talk sh*t and more sh*t..belly wuk.

Crude and ignorant old man.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation."unquote


I wonder if some of this fund(blood money) is used to pay Counsie, and UJee and others?


The opposition mouth like battie. When you mouth like ah battie, all you can do is talk sh*t and more sh*t..belly wuk.

Keep talking, someday you will say something intelligent! as$whole

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation."unquote


I wonder if some of this fund(blood money) is used to pay Counsie, and UJee and others?


The opposition mouth like battie. When you mouth like ah battie, all you can do is talk sh*t and more sh*t..belly wuk.

Tehm, get like JUGDEHOE or what.  Nagamootoo had to buy some pampers for his mouth during the 2011 elections.  Is only then the stuff stop flowing.


It start back just before the LEAR JET flight where he had to purchase a BUTT PLUG to ease the pressure again.

Originally Posted by asj:

PPP using public funds for Party work – APNU

April 11, 2014 2:36 pmCategory: 


By Kurt Campbell

L - R: PPP's General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.

L – R: PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.


[] – Opposition Leader David Granger has leveled accusations against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), claiming that the Party is utilizing public funds for its partisan political interest.

The Opposition Leader was at the time making reference to his Party’s – APNU -decision to vote down the $1.1B allocated for Amerindian Development for the fiscal year 2014 in the House on Thursday, April 10.

Granger contended that the money was being used to recruit members for the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), which is the youth arm of the ruling Party.

“It is a political bridgehead and has nothing to do with the development of Amerindians, we did not vote against indigenous people, we voted against monies that the administration was using unjustly,” Granger told a media conference on Friday, April 11.

However, this allegation was debunked by General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, who described it as pure ‘rubbish.’

Meanwhile, Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan while endorsing Granger’s comments said the use of the money has not been to the benefit of the community and in a significant way is dividing the community.

He seconded recommends by the Opposition Leader and other Amerindian Opposition Member of Parliament that instead of the government using the money as a monthly ‘handout’, they should invest in the construction of technical institute for the Regions.

The APNU members said that the Fund was encouraging a dependency syndrome in the Regions and did not contribute in a meaningful way to developing long term careers.

Amerindian Opposition Members of Parliament explained that it was the failure of the government to meet and answer questions surrounding the controversial $1B fund that they were forced to exercise their democratic right in the Committee of Supply.

APNU and AFC expressed concern over “the abuse of the fund” by the government for political purposes. The American MPs claimed that the programme was being used to manipulate Amerindians and urge the administration to take their concerns on board as well.

“We are Amerindians and we care too, that is why when we speak the government should listen, we have gotten good and bad reports” AFC’s Ms. Lowe had stated.

The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation.

So what Granja doing about it.





Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

PPP using public funds for Party work – APNU

April 11, 2014 2:36 pmCategory: 


By Kurt Campbell

L - R: PPP's General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.

L – R: PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.


[] – Opposition Leader David Granger has leveled accusations against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), claiming that the Party is utilizing public funds for its partisan political interest.

The Opposition Leader was at the time making reference to his Party’s – APNU -decision to vote down the $1.1B allocated for Amerindian Development for the fiscal year 2014 in the House on Thursday, April 10.

Granger contended that the money was being used to recruit members for the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), which is the youth arm of the ruling Party.

“It is a political bridgehead and has nothing to do with the development of Amerindians, we did not vote against indigenous people, we voted against monies that the administration was using unjustly,” Granger told a media conference on Friday, April 11.

However, this allegation was debunked by General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, who described it as pure ‘rubbish.’

Meanwhile, Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan while endorsing Granger’s comments said the use of the money has not been to the benefit of the community and in a significant way is dividing the community.

He seconded recommends by the Opposition Leader and other Amerindian Opposition Member of Parliament that instead of the government using the money as a monthly ‘handout’, they should invest in the construction of technical institute for the Regions.

The APNU members said that the Fund was encouraging a dependency syndrome in the Regions and did not contribute in a meaningful way to developing long term careers.

Amerindian Opposition Members of Parliament explained that it was the failure of the government to meet and answer questions surrounding the controversial $1B fund that they were forced to exercise their democratic right in the Committee of Supply.

APNU and AFC expressed concern over “the abuse of the fund” by the government for political purposes. The American MPs claimed that the programme was being used to manipulate Amerindians and urge the administration to take their concerns on board as well.

“We are Amerindians and we care too, that is why when we speak the government should listen, we have gotten good and bad reports” AFC’s Ms. Lowe had stated.

The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation.

So what Granja doing about it.





BRING the fiya pun the PPP and bun them out!

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

PPP using public funds for Party work – APNU

April 11, 2014 2:36 pmCategory: 


By Kurt Campbell

L - R: PPP's General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.

L – R: PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.


[] – Opposition Leader David Granger has leveled accusations against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), claiming that the Party is utilizing public funds for its partisan political interest.

The Opposition Leader was at the time making reference to his Party’s – APNU -decision to vote down the $1.1B allocated for Amerindian Development for the fiscal year 2014 in the House on Thursday, April 10.

Granger contended that the money was being used to recruit members for the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), which is the youth arm of the ruling Party.

“It is a political bridgehead and has nothing to do with the development of Amerindians, we did not vote against indigenous people, we voted against monies that the administration was using unjustly,” Granger told a media conference on Friday, April 11.

However, this allegation was debunked by General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, who described it as pure ‘rubbish.’

Meanwhile, Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan while endorsing Granger’s comments said the use of the money has not been to the benefit of the community and in a significant way is dividing the community.

He seconded recommends by the Opposition Leader and other Amerindian Opposition Member of Parliament that instead of the government using the money as a monthly ‘handout’, they should invest in the construction of technical institute for the Regions.

The APNU members said that the Fund was encouraging a dependency syndrome in the Regions and did not contribute in a meaningful way to developing long term careers.

Amerindian Opposition Members of Parliament explained that it was the failure of the government to meet and answer questions surrounding the controversial $1B fund that they were forced to exercise their democratic right in the Committee of Supply.

APNU and AFC expressed concern over “the abuse of the fund” by the government for political purposes. The American MPs claimed that the programme was being used to manipulate Amerindians and urge the administration to take their concerns on board as well.

“We are Amerindians and we care too, that is why when we speak the government should listen, we have gotten good and bad reports” AFC’s Ms. Lowe had stated.

The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation.

So what Granja doing about it.





BRING the fiya pun the PPP and bun them out!

But the PNC did the same with the MINITRY of National Mobilisation so they have to moral authrority to tell the PPP anything.


The Minister incharge of the party workers during the PNC days was Rabert CARBIN, Jagdeo-hoe partner.


They teaching one another a thing or two of how to abuse the STATE.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

PPP using public funds for Party work – APNU

April 11, 2014 2:36 pmCategory: 


By Kurt Campbell

L - R: PPP's General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.

L – R: PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.


[] – Opposition Leader David Granger has leveled accusations against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), claiming that the Party is utilizing public funds for its partisan political interest.

The Opposition Leader was at the time making reference to his Party’s – APNU -decision to vote down the $1.1B allocated for Amerindian Development for the fiscal year 2014 in the House on Thursday, April 10.

Granger contended that the money was being used to recruit members for the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), which is the youth arm of the ruling Party.

“It is a political bridgehead and has nothing to do with the development of Amerindians, we did not vote against indigenous people, we voted against monies that the administration was using unjustly,” Granger told a media conference on Friday, April 11.

However, this allegation was debunked by General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, who described it as pure ‘rubbish.’

Meanwhile, Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan while endorsing Granger’s comments said the use of the money has not been to the benefit of the community and in a significant way is dividing the community.

He seconded recommends by the Opposition Leader and other Amerindian Opposition Member of Parliament that instead of the government using the money as a monthly ‘handout’, they should invest in the construction of technical institute for the Regions.

The APNU members said that the Fund was encouraging a dependency syndrome in the Regions and did not contribute in a meaningful way to developing long term careers.

Amerindian Opposition Members of Parliament explained that it was the failure of the government to meet and answer questions surrounding the controversial $1B fund that they were forced to exercise their democratic right in the Committee of Supply.

APNU and AFC expressed concern over “the abuse of the fund” by the government for political purposes. The American MPs claimed that the programme was being used to manipulate Amerindians and urge the administration to take their concerns on board as well.

“We are Amerindians and we care too, that is why when we speak the government should listen, we have gotten good and bad reports” AFC’s Ms. Lowe had stated.

The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation.

So what Granja doing about it.





BRING the fiya pun the PPP and bun them out!

But the PNC did the same with the MINITRY of National Mobilisation so they have to moral authrority to tell the PPP anything.


The Minister incharge of the party workers during the PNC days was Rabert CARBIN, Jagdeo-hoe partner.


They teaching one another a thing or two of how to abuse the STATE.

Suh wen yu starting yu political party bai? LOL! Big mout na political sense.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

PPP using public funds for Party work – APNU

April 11, 2014 2:36 pmCategory: 


By Kurt Campbell

L - R: PPP's General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.

L – R: PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Leader of the APNU, David Granger.


[] – Opposition Leader David Granger has leveled accusations against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), claiming that the Party is utilizing public funds for its partisan political interest.

The Opposition Leader was at the time making reference to his Party’s – APNU -decision to vote down the $1.1B allocated for Amerindian Development for the fiscal year 2014 in the House on Thursday, April 10.

Granger contended that the money was being used to recruit members for the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), which is the youth arm of the ruling Party.

“It is a political bridgehead and has nothing to do with the development of Amerindians, we did not vote against indigenous people, we voted against monies that the administration was using unjustly,” Granger told a media conference on Friday, April 11.

However, this allegation was debunked by General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, who described it as pure ‘rubbish.’

Meanwhile, Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan while endorsing Granger’s comments said the use of the money has not been to the benefit of the community and in a significant way is dividing the community.

He seconded recommends by the Opposition Leader and other Amerindian Opposition Member of Parliament that instead of the government using the money as a monthly ‘handout’, they should invest in the construction of technical institute for the Regions.

The APNU members said that the Fund was encouraging a dependency syndrome in the Regions and did not contribute in a meaningful way to developing long term careers.

Amerindian Opposition Members of Parliament explained that it was the failure of the government to meet and answer questions surrounding the controversial $1B fund that they were forced to exercise their democratic right in the Committee of Supply.

APNU and AFC expressed concern over “the abuse of the fund” by the government for political purposes. The American MPs claimed that the programme was being used to manipulate Amerindians and urge the administration to take their concerns on board as well.

“We are Amerindians and we care too, that is why when we speak the government should listen, we have gotten good and bad reports” AFC’s Ms. Lowe had stated.

The two parties said they decided not to support the funding without the assurance that the programme is on a sound, non – political, education foundation.

So what Granja doing about it.





BRING the fiya pun the PPP and bun them out!

But the PNC did the same with the MINITRY of National Mobilisation so they have to moral authrority to tell the PPP anything.


The Minister incharge of the party workers during the PNC days was Rabert CARBIN, Jagdeo-hoe partner.


They teaching one another a thing or two of how to abuse the STATE.

Suh wen yu starting yu political party bai? LOL! Big mout na political sense.

@Skeldon Man, like yu got wan parrot in Kapidilla.  I thought we had this conversation the other day but this air head want get in between our conversation.


Is fast he fast!




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