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* The Rev is a man of EMPATHY.


* And being an understanding and compassionate man, I must admit that I sometimes feel sorry for the GNI PNC/AFC supporters.


* Every day these poor soul bombard GNI Political with bad, adverse, gloomy news about Guyana and the PPP.


* And whenever there is good news----they go into hibernation.







* The PPP success has caused enormous frustration and resentment among PNC/AFC supporters.


* They expressed their disgruntlement by being vulgar and obscene.


* Thankfully sanity has returned to GNI with the new moderator.



Originally Posted by Rev:




* The PPP success has caused enormous frustration and resentment among PNC/AFC supporters.


* They expressed their disgruntlement by being vulgar and obscene.


* Thankfully sanity has returned to GNI with the new moderator.



I fully agree with you. Praise should be given to Ray.

Originally Posted by Rev:





* The PPP success has caused enormous frustration and resentment among PNC/AFC supporters.


* They expressed their disgruntlement by being vulgar and obscene.


* Thankfully sanity has returned to GNI with the new moderator.



What a dispicable and vile fellow you are!!!. Yo uare the one who lit up[ this place with torrents of racist bilge and decreased its civility to a fish marked and here you are claiming that it is the vile anti PPPites who did it!


There is nothing abhjorrent than a self affirmed racist. It is the baseline for the disgusting, vile and amoral. Do not come here selling the clear lie that somehow the moderator was necessitated by others desecrating the place. Everyone of us except you were here for over a decade and have a long history of using this forum with respect. You are among the most disgusting fellow who ever came here. Only a fellow with the alias OwBob outrank you for the racist billiousness.


Now the the PPP. They are indisputably the most corrupt group we have seen and we saw a dictatorship. They have no standing except to insist like you do, that the other peopel are worse so clost the door on them. They have no message except the racist dog whistle with its undertones of keeping black people out.


The PPP has borrowed four times the PNC,  and spent it all on personal enrichment schemes. The Berbice river was built on 90% contribution from the Guyanese people and it was turned over whole to cronys of the administration whose faces turn up often in other leech projects. We still subsidize that bridge to the tune of 115 million dollars a year in taxes and dividends retained and yet it is eleven US to cross VS 1 dollar on the Demerara bridge. Sugar is failing even after we spent more than half a billion US in flip flopping development plans. It is producing at less than 1964 levels. We give away vast swaths of our land to mining and lumber companies when simple fisher men with sub par boats are making more money for the treasury than all these mega lumber and mining companies in the place.


I can go on but these stupid graphics and easy slogans peppered with your lies is not going to elevate thew PPP to any moral plane below that of the worse  scoundrels and amoral predators let loose on our nation. We want them gone and gone they will be.


By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.


I wrote them long messages berating them on their lack of concern for the actions of some of you nakedly bigoted people. The lack of concern had caused others to reciprocate with nothing but what gets across to you bigots calling you the vile names you deserve.


Note, almost every other person on the site who participate regularly have been here for decades and have an abiding respect among themselves. You Rev and Yugi  are the only person who think your racism was elevating the standards here.  That nasty trend has left us almost completely non black in membership. Black folks do not come here because idiots like you folks were slowed to call them every sort of name in the book and yet think yourselves divinely inspired.


One of the consequences of the sick racist decay of this place is our board no longer being representative of our society. Hopefully, Raymond will make this place civil and  we can over come our present status of that "racist coolie board" (my friend calls it that) and we can return to a the time when every group was being represented and allowed to speak with out being called names.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.




* It was your fellow PNC/AFC supporters who engaged in the vileness, personal insults against fellow posters, and vulgarity that degraded the forum.


* The Rev is a positive, optimistic, confident and cheerful supporter of the PPP.


* Maybe PNC/AFC supporters like you Danyael had grown accustomed  to engaging with feeble, wishy-washy, spiritless, and insipid PPP supporters---they tolerated your shyt.


* Well, the Rev came here and carpet bombed you blowhards with the TRUTH---and many couldn't handle the truth---and so they resorted to vileness, vulgarity and insults.


* Anyway, being one of the most decent and respectable posters who has ever graced GNI, the Rev has decided to lead by example---no more race baiting----but I will continue to torture you poor souls by always pointing out the successes of the PPP and remind all what a tragedy your beloved PNC was for Guyana.


* One last thing Danyael---you and your fellow PNC/AFC supporters ought to consider it an honor and privilege to be able to engage with an interesting and esteemed poster like the Rev---name me one poster in the long history of GNI more good natured and engaging than the Rev---the Rev brings out the best in all of you.hahaha




Originally Posted by Danyael:

By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.


I wrote them long messages berating them on their lack of concern for the actions of some of you nakedly bigoted people. The lack of concern had caused others to reciprocate with nothing but what gets across to you bigots calling you the vile names you deserve.


Note, almost every other person on the site who participate regularly have been here for decades and have an abiding respect among themselves. You Rev and Yugi  are the only person who think your racism was elevating the standards here.  That nasty trend has left us almost completely non black in membership. Black folks do not come here because idiots like you folks were slowed to call them every sort of name in the book and yet think yourselves divinely inspired.


One of the consequences of the sick racist decay of this place is our board no longer being representative of our society. Hopefully, Raymond will make this place civil and  we can over come our present status of that "racist coolie board" (my friend calls it that) and we can return to a the time when every group was being represented and allowed to speak with out being called names.


I must take you up on the racism.


Listen, I challenge you to post one racist word that yuji used here.


It was the vulgarity and indecency by the AFC/PNC poster that was the stench here. The vulgarity by the PNC/AFC posters ended when Ray took charge.


We are building bridges and you are throwing poison on the process.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
Well said bruddah Dany

Dis disgusting panty dildo & brassiere salesman is full of crap



* First of all the Rev absolutely never talked about dildo in SOCIAL.


* The topic I introduced was Adult Toys---and particularly vibrators---and their use in oral s**


* You Stinger seem to have been psychologically maimed and battered by the Rev's adult topics in SOCIAL.


* Hope you recover soon---the Rev wishes you well.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.




* It was your fellow PNC/AFC supporters who engaged in the vileness, personal insults against fellow posters, and vulgarity that degraded the forum.


* The Rev is a positive, optimistic, confident and cheerful supporter of the PPP.


* Maybe PNC/AFC supporters like you Danyael had grown accustomed  to engaging with feeble, wishy-washy, spiritless, and insipid PPP supporters---they tolerated your shyt.


* Well, the Rev came here and carpet bombed you blowhards with the TRUTH---and many couldn't handle the truth---and so they resorted to vileness, vulgarity and insults.


* Anyway, being one of the most decent and respectable posters who has ever graced GNI, the Rev has decided to lead by example---no more race baiting----but I will continue to torture you poor souls by always pointing out the successes of the PPP and remind all what a tragedy your beloved PNC was for Guyana.


* One last thing Danyael---you and your fellow PNC/AFC supporters ought to consider it an honor and privilege to be able to engage with an interesting and esteemed poster like the Rev---name me one poster in the long history of GNI more good natured and engaging than the Rev---the Rev brings out the best in all of you.hahaha




Look here you vile skunk, you are of the habit of labeling others as belonging to the PNC simply because they oppose the corrupt PPP. Well, ease up on that easy lie. We, the majority who write here do not support even the AFC much less the PNC. We support a strategy of getting the best or our rotten, racist political circumstance and that means holding everyone in check. The only strategy available since  the constitution is a sieve for autocratic powers is a three party stalemate.


We are against the PPP and hope that self interest and competition clarify the political stasis in which we find ourselves. Your reptilian brain may not be able to think outside a racist box but instead of labeling us as belonging to one party or another, listen to what we say, assimilate the political context in which it is said and know that being anti PPP should, if truthfully reported, means anti corruption not pro PNC or AFC.


As for wishy washy I do no hear you speaking to any of the political needs of our peopel. I do not hear you expressing a framework that would take us away from the inherent inefficiencies of cronyism, nepotism and patronage that is the basis of the PPP strategy. Let me make it clear, if it misses the air headed nonsense of name calling and pretense to vast intellect; we wand a difference from what we have. Discuss something without the stupid cartoon infestation and crayola colored texts spewing vintage crap about the PPP efficiencies when that lie has been crawling on it's belly for over a decade. Snow us the difference


The PPP are rotten and corrupt and do not care to change the way we do business. They want the autocracy with its racist elitism to stay and that alone is what you harmonize with here daily. You do not have a damn inkling of what are the aspirations of the truly concerned people who are looking at the wasteland of corruption our society has become.


You can lead by example when you begin to make sense and tell us of the ways that truly speak to our people needs without the racist bilge and the knee bending to a corrupt party.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Well said bruddah Dany

Dis disgusting panty dildo & brassiere salesman is full of crap



* First of all the Rev absolutely never talked about dildo in SOCIAL.


* The topic I introduced was Adult Toys---and particularly vibrators---and their use in oral s**


* You Stinger seem to have been psychologically maimed and battered by the Rev's adult topics in SOCIAL.


* Hope you recover soon---the Rev wishes you well.




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.


I wrote them long messages berating them on their lack of concern for the actions of some of you nakedly bigoted people. The lack of concern had caused others to reciprocate with nothing but what gets across to you bigots calling you the vile names you deserve.


Note, almost every other person on the site who participate regularly have been here for decades and have an abiding respect among themselves. You Rev and Yugi  are the only person who think your racism was elevating the standards here.  That nasty trend has left us almost completely non black in membership. Black folks do not come here because idiots like you folks were slowed to call them every sort of name in the book and yet think yourselves divinely inspired.


One of the consequences of the sick racist decay of this place is our board no longer being representative of our society. Hopefully, Raymond will make this place civil and  we can over come our present status of that "racist coolie board" (my friend calls it that) and we can return to a the time when every group was being represented and allowed to speak with out being called names.


I must take you up on the racism.


Listen, I challenge you to post one racist word that yuji used here.


It was the vulgarity and indecency by the AFC/PNC poster that was the stench here. The vulgarity by the PNC/AFC posters ended when Ray took charge.


We are building bridges and you are throwing poison on the process.

I do not want to waste my time on you. Lacking on the implications of the statistics you were the one posting information and selling the idea of black people unable to manage anything from africa to the US and selling the idea they are good  criminals.


Get lost!

Originally Posted by Stinger:
You scar me fool? You uncouth uncivilized jackass think again
There's a time and place for everything, you're on social tryna engage decent wimen to discuss their bedroom habit

As I told you once, act like you've been there before



* It is clear that you are grossly uncomfortable discussing topics related to sex.


* I notice you post a lot of photos of naked skin women(partially clothed) in SOCIAL.


* But any mature discussion of sex offends you.


* That's OK Stinger---many people are like you---very uptight and uneasy discussing topics on sex.


* By the way stinger here's a thread on "Good girls vs Bad Girls over at social:


* Bet you took a peek but are scared to post.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Look here you vile skunk...  Your reptilian brain may not be able to think outside a racist box


You can lead by example when you begin to make sense and tell us of the ways that truly speak to our people needs without the racist bilge and the knee bending to a corrupt party.



* You see how the Rev brings out the absolute best in his fellow posters.


* Interesting posters are those who inspire their fellow posters to engage spiritedly with passion and emotion.


* Danyael you ought to be grateful to the Rev for inspiring you on GNI and bringing out the passion and energy in you.



Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.


I wrote them long messages berating them on their lack of concern for the actions of some of you nakedly bigoted people. The lack of concern had caused others to reciprocate with nothing but what gets across to you bigots calling you the vile names you deserve.


Note, almost every other person on the site who participate regularly have been here for decades and have an abiding respect among themselves. You Rev and Yugi  are the only person who think your racism was elevating the standards here.  That nasty trend has left us almost completely non black in membership. Black folks do not come here because idiots like you folks were slowed to call them every sort of name in the book and yet think yourselves divinely inspired.


One of the consequences of the sick racist decay of this place is our board no longer being representative of our society. Hopefully, Raymond will make this place civil and  we can over come our present status of that "racist coolie board" (my friend calls it that) and we can return to a the time when every group was being represented and allowed to speak with out being called names.


I must take you up on the racism.


Listen, I challenge you to post one racist word that yuji used here.


It was the vulgarity and indecency by the AFC/PNC poster that was the stench here. The vulgarity by the PNC/AFC posters ended when Ray took charge.


We are building bridges and you are throwing poison on the process.

I do not want to waste my time on you. Lacking on the implications of the statistics you were the one posting information and selling the idea of black people unable to manage anything from africa to the US and selling the idea they are good  criminals.


Get lost!


Yuji will no longer engage with the vile, vulgar and indecent.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Look here you vile skunk...  Your reptilian brain may not be able to think outside a racist box


You can lead by example when you begin to make sense and tell us of the ways that truly speak to our people needs without the racist bilge and the knee bending to a corrupt party.



* You see how the Rev brings out the absolute best in his fellow posters.


* Interesting posters are those who inspire their fellow posters to engage spiritedly with passion and emotion.


* Danyael you ought to be grateful to the Rev for inspiring you on GNI and bringing out the passion and energy in you.



You are not inspiring me. You revolt me. The endless bilge you write speaks to nothing that has long been a traditional discussion here; how to mediate our difference. I dare say much of what we see unfolding in the guyanese political landscape has been discussed here. VJ  Puran ( Vic's brother)  and I among other discussed the stalemate from a minority government since '98! We envisioned this coming as a means to change the landscape. He supported Ravi Dev on that account even though he personally told me he does not support some of the subliminal racist message. Mara took the same stance. Others spoke of federalism, Safraz  and Hinds argued different flavors of federalism, Caribj and I quibbled over non territorial federalism etc. No you do not encourage anyone to think. You crank out the same banal racist themes daily and miss the message that under-girds discussion here; a need for solution not a need to express support of one party or another.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.


I wrote them long messages berating them on their lack of concern for the actions of some of you nakedly bigoted people. The lack of concern had caused others to reciprocate with nothing but what gets across to you bigots calling you the vile names you deserve.


Note, almost every other person on the site who participate regularly have been here for decades and have an abiding respect among themselves. You Rev and Yugi  are the only person who think your racism was elevating the standards here.  That nasty trend has left us almost completely non black in membership. Black folks do not come here because idiots like you folks were slowed to call them every sort of name in the book and yet think yourselves divinely inspired.


One of the consequences of the sick racist decay of this place is our board no longer being representative of our society. Hopefully, Raymond will make this place civil and  we can over come our present status of that "racist coolie board" (my friend calls it that) and we can return to a the time when every group was being represented and allowed to speak with out being called names.


I must take you up on the racism.


Listen, I challenge you to post one racist word that yuji used here.


It was the vulgarity and indecency by the AFC/PNC poster that was the stench here. The vulgarity by the PNC/AFC posters ended when Ray took charge.


We are building bridges and you are throwing poison on the process.

I do not want to waste my time on you. Lacking on the implications of the statistics you were the one posting information and selling the idea of black people unable to manage anything from africa to the US and selling the idea they are good  criminals.


Get lost!


Yuji will no longer engage with the vile, vulgar and indecent.

Then Yuji needs to jump off the end of a rope of see his pandit and ask for help with a grah puja to facilitate  a mind purge.

Originally Posted by Rev:





For a relieving few days after Ray's election as moderator, some semblance of decency was manifest on GNI Political.

Clearly, that wholesome situation didn't suit the confrontational Rev.

In an act of sheer provocation, Rev started a thread asking whether GNI Political has become a mandir or a masjid. He wanted to restore its ignominious bloody-battleground status.

Now Rev is again provoking critics of his corrupt PPP with this stupid thread about doors.

According to his baseless schema, corrupt PPP persons belong to a door marked OPTIMISM, while opposition critics who want change belong to a door marked PESSIMISM.

Rev is suggesting that PPP supporters are inherently optimists, while opposition critics are born pessimists.

Nothing could be more ridiculous, insulting and malicious.

While Rev insists he will point out the "successes" of the PPP, his actual posts are less of such successes and more of attacks against critics. Like a true demon, he has threatened to "torture" our "poor souls."

Still full of self-congratulation, self-praise and braggadocio, Rev is trying the patience of posters who honestly believe the PPP has outlived its usefulness and who are exercising their right to express such views within GNI Political Forum.

At this rate moderator Ray will be hard pressed to control the massive wave of rebellion and protest against provocateur Rev and his lilliputian helpers.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:





For a relieving few days after Ray's election as moderator, some semblance of decency was manifest on GNI Political.

Clearly, that wholesome situation didn't suit the confrontational Rev.

In an act of sheer provocation, Rev started a thread asking whether GNI Political has become a mandir or a masjid. He wanted to restore its ignominious bloody-battleground status.

Now Rev is again provoking critics of his corrupt PPP with this stupid thread about doors.

According to his baseless schema, corrupt PPP persons belong to a door marked OPTIMISM, while opposition critics who want change belong to a door marked PESSIMISM.

Rev is suggesting that PPP supporters are inherently optimists, while opposition critics are born pessimists.

Nothing could be more ridiculous, insulting and malicious.

While Rev insists he will point out the "successes" of the PPP, his actual posts are less of such successes and more of attacks against critics. Like a true demon, he has threatened to "torture" our "poor souls."

Still full of self-congratulation, self-praise and braggadocio, Rev is trying the patience of posters who honestly believe the PPP has outlived its usefulness and who are exercising their right to express such views within GNI Political Forum.

At this rate moderator Ray will be hard pressed to control the massive wave of rebellion and protest against provocateur Rev and his lilliputian helpers.

Gilly, Stop being a Baby. What Ray is saying is that language will be a problem NOT one's opinion.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:





For a relieving few days after Ray's election as moderator, some semblance of decency was manifest on GNI Political.

Clearly, that wholesome situation didn't suit the confrontational Rev.

In an act of sheer provocation, Rev started a thread asking whether GNI Political has become a mandir or a masjid. He wanted to restore its ignominious bloody-battleground status.

Now Rev is again provoking critics of his corrupt PPP with this stupid thread about doors.

According to his baseless schema, corrupt PPP persons belong to a door marked OPTIMISM, while opposition critics who want change belong to a door marked PESSIMISM.

Rev is suggesting that PPP supporters are inherently optimists, while opposition critics are born pessimists.

Nothing could be more ridiculous, insulting and malicious.

While Rev insists he will point out the "successes" of the PPP, his actual posts are less of such successes and more of attacks against critics. Like a true demon, he has threatened to "torture" our "poor souls."

Still full of self-congratulation, self-praise and braggadocio, Rev is trying the patience of posters who honestly believe the PPP has outlived its usefulness and who are exercising their right to express such views within GNI Political Forum.

At this rate moderator Ray will be hard pressed to control the massive wave of rebellion and protest against provocateur Rev and his lilliputian helpers.

Gilly, Stop being a Baby. What Ray is saying is that language will be a problem NOT one's opinion.

One's opinion can be as corrosive and act contrary to good sense in what usage ever language, elegant or expletive laced, if they are consistently about race baiting.  Rays obligation is to use good judgement when opinions are stilted, bigoted or injurious to comity.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:





For a relieving few days after Ray's election as moderator, some semblance of decency was manifest on GNI Political.

Clearly, that wholesome situation didn't suit the confrontational Rev.

In an act of sheer provocation, Rev started a thread asking whether GNI Political has become a mandir or a masjid. He wanted to restore its ignominious bloody-battleground status.

Now Rev is again provoking critics of his corrupt PPP with this stupid thread about doors.

According to his baseless schema, corrupt PPP persons belong to a door marked OPTIMISM, while opposition critics who want change belong to a door marked PESSIMISM.

Rev is suggesting that PPP supporters are inherently optimists, while opposition critics are born pessimists.

Nothing could be more ridiculous, insulting and malicious.

While Rev insists he will point out the "successes" of the PPP, his actual posts are less of such successes and more of attacks against critics. Like a true demon, he has threatened to "torture" our "poor souls."

Still full of self-congratulation, self-praise and braggadocio, Rev is trying the patience of posters who honestly believe the PPP has outlived its usefulness and who are exercising their right to express such views within GNI Political Forum.

At this rate moderator Ray will be hard pressed to control the massive wave of rebellion and protest against provocateur Rev and his lilliputian helpers.

Gilly, Stop being a Baby. What Ray is saying is that language will be a problem NOT one's opinion.

One's opinion can be as corrosive and act contrary to good sense in what usage ever language, elegant or expletive laced, if they are consistently about race baiting.  Rays obligation is to use good judgement when opinions are stilted, bigoted or injurious to comity.

I agree,  Ray has to use judgement but blatant Race baiting MUST never be allowed. However, one can misunderstand another poster statement to be Racist. So Ray needs to review each complaint very carefully before making a decision.

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Yuji will no longer engage with the vile, vulgar and indecent.





* As you already know, the PNC/AFC supporters are a deeply frustrated bunch.


* And the more success the PPP attains, the more Guyana progresses, the more resentful and embittered the PNC/AFC supporters will be.


* Listen yuji! Never try to engage with these PNC/AFC blowhards and blabbermouths---just state your opinions and leave it at that.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Yuji will no longer engage with the vile, vulgar and indecent.





* As you already know, the PNC/AFC supporters are a deeply frustrated bunch.


* And the more success the PPP attains, the more Guyana progresses, the more resentful and embittered the PNC/AFC supporters will be.


* Listen yuji! Never try to engage with these PNC/AFC blowhards and blabbermouths---just state your opinions and leave it at that.





That is what I intend to do. I will state my position and let the chips fall where they may.




Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are not inspiring me. You revolt me. 


 No you do not encourage anyone to think.



* So what you are saying is the Rev's postings have inspired you to revolt. I am pleased to hear that.


* Now danyael--you said the Rev does not encourage anyone to think.


* Listen! The problem with PPP haters and naysayers like you is your OVERTHINK.


* And overthinking leads to negative thoughts.


* And those negative thoughts from the PNC/AFC supporters explain the daily barrage of gloomy, pessimistic posts from you, poor miserable souls.



Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are not inspiring me. You revolt me. 


 No you do not encourage anyone to think.



* So what you are saying is the Rev's postings have inspired you to revolt. I am pleased to hear that.


* Now danyael--you said the Rev does not encourage anyone to think.


* Listen! The problem with PPP haters and naysayers like you is your OVERTHINK.


* And overthinking leads to negative thoughts.


* And those negative thoughts from the PNC/AFC supporters explain the daily barrage of gloomy, pessimistic posts from you, poor miserable souls.



Sorry, I meant to say ( since you cannot comprehend a simple sentence) you are revolting in you racist slant on everything.


One does not waste time with hate. The PPP is a coven with lots of members who all subscribe to the same groupthink. They generate their own negative sentiments by being chronic kleptocrats and refusing to change. To the contrary, theirs is a cultural activity of a close knit family.


Like an incestuous family, their inbred genepool (in this case memepool) is contaminated and it affects is endemic on the state. Their removal is the only cure. As one would with the task of removing a leech from the skin, so it is with the necessity to remove the PPP. It is not about hate. It is about preserving the health of the state. The cure is in the removal of the parasite.


You alas is also contaminated by their disease. You however do not matter. As happens if fiction when one kill the vampire, the infected gets cured. We therefore are methodologically deconstructing the PPP so they people see them for what they are; diseased parasites.

Originally Posted by Danyael:


 You alas is also contaminated by their disease. You however do not matter.



* If the Rev doesn't matter, why do you waste your time responding to his posts ?


* The truth is Danyael---the Rev is an honest and truthful man---he is a man of integrity and character----On this forum---I have constructively criticized the PPP---I have acknowledged that they are corrupt---but I have made it clear that given a choice between the PPP and the PNC---Guyana would continue to be better off under the PPP.


* You are free to continue denouncing and lambasting the PPP Danyael---It is your right---and, by the way, if there was an award for finding faults with the PPP you'd win first place. hahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


 You alas is also contaminated by their disease. You however do not matter.



* If the Rev doesn't matter, why do you waste your time responding to his posts ?


* The truth is Danyael---the Rev is an honest and truthful man---he is a man of integrity and character----On this forum---I have constructively criticized the PPP---I have acknowledged that they are corrupt---but I have made it clear that given a choice between the PPP and the PNC---Guyana would continue to be better off under the PPP.


* You are free to continue denouncing and lambasting the PPP Danyael---It is your right---and, by the way, if there was an award for finding faults with the PPP you'd win first place. hahahaha



You do not matter to the larger scheme of thing. You matter as a PPP echo and nothing else.


You can call it fault finding if you so chose. I call it the prelude to an eradication process for insects.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

By the way, I am the one that called out Amral and Odeen on the terrible place this place had become because of a lack of moderation.




* It was your fellow PNC/AFC supporters who engaged in the vileness, personal insults against fellow posters, and vulgarity that degraded the forum.


* The Rev is a positive, optimistic, confident and cheerful supporter of the PPP.


* Maybe PNC/AFC supporters like you Danyael had grown accustomed  to engaging with feeble, wishy-washy, spiritless, and insipid PPP supporters---they tolerated your shyt.


* Well, the Rev came here and carpet bombed you blowhards with the TRUTH---and many couldn't handle the truth---and so they resorted to vileness, vulgarity and insults.


* Anyway, being one of the most decent and respectable posters who has ever graced GNI, the Rev has decided to lead by example---no more race baiting----but I will continue to torture you poor souls by always pointing out the successes of the PPP and remind all what a tragedy your beloved PNC was for Guyana.


* One last thing Danyael---you and your fellow PNC/AFC supporters ought to consider it an honor and privilege to be able to engage with an interesting and esteemed poster like the Rev---name me one poster in the long history of GNI more good natured and engaging than the Rev---the Rev brings out the best in all of you.hahaha




Rev, I see you up and running.


Please clarify.


The avatars of TK think I am you and you are me.


Please clear the air Sir.  Since I do not know you and I am sure you do not know me.  


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