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[]- The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) says it is awaiting a response from the Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman, on its request for two Alliance for Change (AFC) Members of Parliament be summoned before the Privileges Committee.

Today the Party’s General Secretary Clement Rohee reminded that the  House was made aware through Government’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira that it intends to bring a motion seeking to refer AFC’s Cathy Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan to the Privileges Committee.

“Mrs. Hughes’ company was hired to handle the public relations of Sithe Global, one of the companies working with the Government on the Amalia falls hydro project, her husband Mr. Nigel Hughes was company secretary…neither of these were made voluntarily public at the time of the debates on the first Hydro electric Bill,” Rohee recalled, adding that “We look forward to the Speaker’s support to allow these matters to be sent to the Committee of Privileges.”

Rohee is contending that the House has a right to be made aware of Mrs. Hughes’ interest in the project. He also explained that an associate of the AFC Leader, Fedders-Lloyd,  contended during a tendering process for the Specialty Hospital. “Mr Ramjattan supported in the House the budgetary allocation for the said hospital, however in 2013 when his client lost the bid Ramjattan voted against the allocation for the said hospital,” Rohee added.

The GS is of the belief that because of Ramjattan’s failure to disclose his interest constitutes a grave violation of Standing Order 107.

The Party again raised its head over the owner of the Pegasus Hotel’s and AFC’s supporter Robert Badal’s deliberate opposition to the Marriott Hotel; reasoning that this was the main reason for the AFC’s non support of the project in the National Assembly.



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