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The gov't. of Guyana recognizes the importance of tourism to the economy and are doing as much as they can to help the industry grow. Gov't has been using significant amounts of funds to help the industry grow. Of course, such a policy is not without its critics who see it as feeding the growth of the upper class at the expense of the nation. Most free thinking economists, unlike TK, believe that incentives to boost tourism will create a great number jobs and boost economic growh in long term. The soft and unvindictive men of the PPP are now encouraging the Pegasus Hotel to become part of the Marriot venture. Is this a good policy to include those who hold different political views?  Why the PPP does not practice partisan politics to govern when it is a known fact they have been betrayed so many times in the past? 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by seignet:

Tourism. You need to travel a bit to grasp what tourism is all about. Not the way that Fat boy dramatizes it. It is a joke-and yuh guys makes the country a laughing stock. 

The tourism infrastructure in Guyana is indeed bad. The level of service is also poor. However, regardless of how one classifies the visitors to Gy; the numbers are up so there must be something(s) attracting them and that is a good thing.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Tourism. You need to travel a bit to grasp what tourism is all about. Not the way that Fat boy dramatizes it. It is a joke-and yuh guys makes the country a laughing stock. 

The tourism infrastructure in Guyana is indeed bad. The level of service is also poor. However, regardless of how one classifies the visitors to Gy; the numbers are up so there must be something(s) attracting them and that is a good thing.

the reason guyanese is visiting guyana more often is the fact that most of them is established overseas and they have more time to travel so returning for a quick visit is nothing out of the norm 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Tourism. You need to travel a bit to grasp what tourism is all about. Not the way that Fat boy dramatizes it. It is a joke-and yuh guys makes the country a laughing stock. 

The tourism infrastructure in Guyana is indeed bad. The level of service is also poor. However, regardless of how one classifies the visitors to Gy; the numbers are up so there must be something(s) attracting them and that is a good thing.

the reason guyanese is visiting guyana more often is the fact that most of them is established overseas and they have more time to travel so returning for a quick visit is nothing out of the norm 

Plenty Italians from around the WORLD visit Italy.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Tourism. You need to travel a bit to grasp what tourism is all about. Not the way that Fat boy dramatizes it. It is a joke-and yuh guys makes the country a laughing stock. 

The tourism infrastructure in Guyana is indeed bad. The level of service is also poor. However, regardless of how one classifies the visitors to Gy; the numbers are up so there must be something(s) attracting them and that is a good thing.

the reason guyanese is visiting guyana more often is the fact that most of them is established overseas and they have more time to travel so returning for a quick visit is nothing out of the norm 

Plenty Italians from around the WORLD visit Italy.

when you returning to the mad house


 However, regardless of how one classifies the visitors to Gy; the numbers are up so there must be something(s) attracting them and that is a good thing.

Can you furnish data establishing that visits by overseas Guyanese are increasing.  The PPP furnished data based on GEO only for 2012.  They then added Lethem and Moleson Creek (Corentyne) for 2013 and used this addition to pretend that the numbers had increased.


The Caribbean Tourism Organization revealed that the 2013 and 2012 data weren't comparable.  The PPP got angry and refused to disclose further data, but GEO revealed that arrivals DECLINED in 2013.  They have said nothing for 2014.


So enlighten us please!



Now what attracts Guyanese to visit Guyana?  Most will think that it is their relatives and friends.  How many are involved in all the bird watching that the PPP babbles about?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

 However, regardless of how one classifies the visitors to Gy; the numbers are up so there must be something(s) attracting them and that is a good thing.

Can you furnish data establishing that visits by overseas Guyanese are increasing. 


So enlighten us please!



not sure why you are getting confrontational or it at least appears so. I am going from what I read in the online Chronicle a few days ago in which they stated that the numbers as of Sept 2014 was 13% more than for the previous yr ending sept 2013.


My interest is not parties, race, politics or confrontation; it is country and appears if something comes across as good for Gy, the reflex action of many on here is to oppose. By the same token many on here post without providing "facts", so not sure why you are asking me to furnish facts when all I can do right now state what I read which is what all others do in here.


On a personal level I travel at least once a yr to Gy for a week and spend at least 3000.USD on each vist that is money going into the economy does that not help? I also travel all over the world for work and pleasure so I speak from personal experience about many things.


Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Gov't has been using significant amounts of funds to help the industry grow.

So what are the details behind these "significant funds"? Who has had their fingers in the cookie jar in this case?

Badal jainin up wid de PPP. He want fuh gee dem wan kut so he can mek sum prafit. Dem deh in dis all togedah.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Gov't has been using significant amounts of funds to help the industry grow.

So what are the details behind these "significant funds"? Who has had their fingers in the cookie jar in this case?

Badal jainin up wid de PPP. He want fuh gee dem wan kut so he can mek sum prafit. Dem deh in dis all togedah.

Lets see if the PPP will sell him for 8 Million. hahahahah Badal is a very savvy businessman the people who sold the pegasus to him knew that. Only the fat crook and the bugger king don't know dat.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Gov't has been using significant amounts of funds to help the industry grow.

So what are the details behind these "significant funds"? Who has had their fingers in the cookie jar in this case?

Badal jainin up wid de PPP. He want fuh gee dem wan kut so he can mek sum prafit. Dem deh in dis all togedah.


First, AFC's sympathizer Ravi Dev bolted from the AFC sinking ship and now Badal teams up with the PPP.



AFC top brass supporter Gerhard is now with the PNC. The list of AFC defectors go on and on.............


Everyone is fleeing from the dead AFC since they are negotiating with the PNC to merge the dead AFC with the PNC.


AFC is a sinking ship:





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Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 However, regardless of how one classifies the visitors to Gy; the numbers are up so there must be something(s) attracting them and that is a good thing.

Can you furnish data establishing that visits by overseas Guyanese are increasing. 


So enlighten us please!



not sure why you are getting confrontational or it at least appears so. I am going from what I read in the online Chronicle a few days ago in which they stated that the numbers as of Sept 2014 was 13% more than for the previous yr ending sept 2013.


My interest is not parties, race, politics or confrontation; it is country and appears if something comes across as good for Gy, the reflex action of many on here is to oppose. By the same token many on here post without providing "facts", so not sure why you are asking me to furnish facts when all I can do right now state what I read which is what all others do in here.


On a personal level I travel at least once a yr to Gy for a week and spend at least 3000.USD on each vist that is money going into the economy does that not help? I also travel all over the world for work and pleasure so I speak from personal experience about many things.


And you think that the Chronicle is a credible news source?  If you think so I will confront you as you peddle their lies.


I told you where the "13%" increase came from. In 2012 the numbers were based only on arrivals into Timehri.  In 2013 they added border crossings into Moleson Creek and Lethem.  They did not adjust their 2012 numbers to also include that data.  They then LIE and claim that tourist arrivals have increased because of increased PPP tourist promotion.


How many people living in Nickerie or on Bom Fin care about Guyana's tourist attractions. They are crossing the river to take of business just as people who live on the WBD cross over to G/town.  The Caribbean Tourism Org exposed them, and since then they have REFUSED to release any data.


I do not see how some one crossing the Takutu river to say hi to a friend in Lethem can be equated with a British visitor in Guyana to watch birds, or a Guyanese living in NYC, visiting Guyana and likely to be there for at least one week.  The PPP will have you think that there is no difference.


When Caribbean countries cite tourism arrivals statistics they separate out cruise passengers from stay over visitors.  Guyana should similarly separate border crossers, many who will be in Guyana no longer than a cruise passenger will be in St Maarten, from valid bona fide visitors.  But they do not because they want to hide the fact that arrivals in Guyana DECLINED in 2013, and bwe have no idea what the situation in 2014 was, because this data has been hidden.  The PPP hides data that doesn't reflect well on it.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Gov't has been using significant amounts of funds to help the industry grow.

So what are the details behind these "significant funds"? Who has had their fingers in the cookie jar in this case?

Badal jainin up wid de PPP. He want fuh gee dem wan kut so he can mek sum prafit. Dem deh in dis all togedah.

Badal wants to benefit from the incentives offered to Marriott, knowing full well that Pegasus will suffer once that hotel opens.


The PPP is looking for an investor to rescue them from the embarrassment of not being able to find one.


We all know this so what is the screaming about from the PPP FreeDUMB House?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Look everyone reads and may publish what they read in some form or other, including you, in this case what I stated may not agree with you agenda so you take issue. You also make a lot of assumptions and one can take yon to task and say “prove it” but I have no interest in that. I said classify them how you want, but based on the numbers, I read, entries into the country was up. Is that true or false? If you cannot understand that this whole discussion between I and you is futile.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Gov't has been using significant amounts of funds to help the industry grow.

So what are the details behind these "significant funds"? Who has had their fingers in the cookie jar in this case?

Badal jainin up wid de PPP. He want fuh gee dem wan kut so he can mek sum prafit. Dem deh in dis all togedah.

Badal wants to benefit from the incentives offered to Marriott, knowing full well that Pegasus will suffer once that hotel opens.


The PPP is looking for an investor to rescue them from the embarrassment of not being able to find one.


We all know this so what is the screaming about from the PPP FreeDUMB House?

Caribny whappen wid de secret investor?


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