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The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says it has received information which suggests an attempt is being made to implicate Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Vishnu Persaud by way of an enlarged investigation into corruption allegations swirling around Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield and several others.

An investigation by the audit office has unearthed a number of discrepancies in the awarding of hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts to companies owned by a businessman and his brother. Lowenfield and several others have been fingered. As a result, calls have been made for his removal. In addition,  GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally is expected to retire shortly and Lowenfield’s exit will also pave way for Persaud who is next in line and has the requisite experience to take over.

However, in a statement on Wednesday the PPP said that at a meeting held on October 4, 2016, Surujbally, Lowenfield and PNC nominated Commissioner Charles Corbin met for several hours at GECOM’s main office.

“It was at that meeting that a plot was hatched to drag in Vishnu Persaud  by pinning corruption charges on him too, the main consideration being that with Surujbally and Lowenfield out of the way due to the strength of the corruption charges against Lowenfield and the retirement of Surujbally, Persaud is likely to emerge as the CEO of GECOM due to his experience and seniority in the system”, the party stated.

It further charged that the David Granger administration is against Vishnu Persaud being GECOM’s CEO and “wants to make a “clean sweep” at GECOM”.

“By getting rid of both Surujbally and Lowenfield  and not wanting Vishnu Persaud to be the substantive CEO at GECOM  the way to achieve their goal is to link (Vincent Alexander’s favourite tool) Persaud to the corruption imbroglio at GECOM by rigging up an allegation against him,” the party added.

It said that President Granger may be inclined to “set-up another Commission of Inquiry into the charges of corruption at GECOM”, with a view to taking greater control of GECOM’s machinery and to insert APNU+AFC operatives on a full-time basis in the system.

The PPP said that such a move, along with Granger’s refusal to make public the imminent retirement of Surujbally and to invite in the Leader of the Opposition for consultation on the naming  of a new Chairman,  forms part and parcel of the administration “prevarication” to address in a timely and transparent manner reforms at GECOM.

The party repeated its call for the immediate removal of Surujbally and Lowenfield from GECOM and for the process to be initiated with respect to finding replacements for them.

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