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Former Member
The masses in Guyana are having second thoughts about the coalition government after five short months in office. Many already lost  confidence that Guyana will ever get better with unmanageable crimes, no jobs and a stagnant economy.

The coalition loyalists on GNI have shown their displeasure with the government of the day for doing the same or worst than the previous administration. Many are caught by surprise that the change they were expecting is legal corruption, thievery and lies under the APNU/AFC government.

Some members on GNI continues to defend the government just to save face and hope that by some miracle things may get better. But the majority of Guyanese are feeling the daily impact on crime, murder, rape, and piracy that are affecting their lives and businesses. The government has no clue or plan to create jobs and put people to work, instead he is releasing criminal back into society to repeat the same crime over and over again.

Granger is introducing dictatorship policy to have school children stand in scorching sun for long hours to pay respect to him. Granger need to earn his respect, not to steal respect from children.

This government campaign on good governance and accountability, yet the general public cannot get through to any govt ministries for information on anything. Granger overseas visits are done in secrecy. He created bigger government and more spending of taxpayers money with nothing to show for it. Their campaign promises to the people were short changed and had no positive impact on society.

Guyanese are living in worst conditions under this government. High employment rate is causing young people to turn to crime. The people that are working also stealing because their salary is not enough to buy food and afford to send their children to school. This is a domino effect to poverty.

Who in their right mind would support this government that brought so much trouble in such short time upon its people?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

1.  Guyanese are NOT worse off than they were under the PPP.  They are living the consequence of PPP incompetence.


2.  The most that you can claim is that APNU/AFC lack the competency to extract Guyana from the morass that the PPP left it in.



I of course note that the PPP frauds continue NOT to say what this gov't is doing wrong, aside from accusing Guyana of angering Maduro by not handing over territory to Venezuela.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is causing conflict on his own border with Venezuela. He need to take a course in diplomacy to deal with Maduro. In other words he is a dunce dictator.


Another excellent observation, the Venezuela affair is being used to divert attention away from daylight choke and rob and gross incompetence.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is causing conflict on his own border with Venezuela. He need to take a course in diplomacy to deal with Maduro. In other words he is a dunce dictator.


Another excellent observation, the Venezuela affair is being used to divert attention away from daylight choke and rob and gross incompetence.

Ass Hole, Jagdeo is ready to give away part of Guyana to Maduro.


This is how Indos have to live under the AFC/PNC. More to come as a result of what some are calling, ethnic cleansing:


Better Hope businesswoman robbed, beaten

As crime spirals out of controlâ€Ķ

Armed bandits have once again launched an attack, this time robbing and severely beating a 36-year-old businesswoman at her Better Hope, East Coast Demerara home. The incident occurred sometime around 00:45h on Saturday.

Businesswoman Nirvona Boodhoo, was robbed and beaten by gunmen on Saturday morning

Businesswoman Nirvona Boodhoo, was robbed and beaten by gunmen on Saturday morning

Just imagine that they give themselves 50% salary increase for failure in four months in office. Pensioners were taken for a ride and the working class can't afford to buy groceries with their salaries. Plus, you have to give charity with money or you life when the criminals decided to strike. It's a losing battle to survive in Guyana.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Just imagine that they give themselves 50% salary increase for failure in four months in office. Pensioners were taken for a ride and the working class can't afford to buy groceries with their salaries. Plus, you have to give charity with money or you life when the criminals decided to strike. It's a losing battle to survive in Guyana.

All of this when Moses stood up and spoke about a humble lifestyle and fighting for the poor.


AFC/PNC are a bunch of shameless politicians who lied to and conned Guyanese.


AFC/PNC attacks businesses:

Businesses speak out against alleged harassment by Food & Drugs Dept

October 25, 2015 11:18 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

container[] â€“ A number of local businesses are complaining about the Food and Drugs Department, alleging that their imports are being deliberately delayed, resulting in their companies losing millions of dollars.


AFC/PNC allegation of Massive fraud:

Gov’t Minister allegedly creates 20 companies to bid for contracts – PPP/C

Lack of transparency continues:


The integrity of the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Government is again coming in for scrutiny, and now the opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has said it is in receipt of information which shows that a Minister of President David Granger’s Cabinet formed some 20 new companies which are being handed lucrative Government contracts.

“We have heard about some 20 companies that have been createdâ€Ķ one particular minister is busy creating these companies and they are now given contractsâ€Ķ we have one case [where] the person told meâ€Ķ he will get the contract if he promises to appoint as sub-

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC/PNC allegation of Massive fraud:

Gov’t Minister allegedly creates 20 companies to bid for contracts – PPP/C

Lack of transparency continues:


The integrity of the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Government is again coming in for scrutiny, and now the opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has said it is in receipt of information which shows that a Minister of President David Granger’s Cabinet formed some 20 new companies which are being handed lucrative Government contracts.

“We have heard about some 20 companies that have been createdâ€Ķ one particular minister is busy creating these companies and they are now given contractsâ€Ķ we have one case [where] the person told meâ€Ķ he will get the contract if he promises to appoint as sub-

Ass Hole, name the Minister and list the companies.


Crime has increased by a whopping 20 Twenty Percent under the AFC/PNC, Ramjattan is as useless as a garbage bin:


As crime spirals out of controlâ€Ķ



Man gunned to death in Bourda Market

Freed murder accused, Stanley Lovell also called “Steve”, age 30, of Lot 64 Premniranjan Place, Prashad Nagar, Greater Georgetown, was in the wee hours of Saturday morning gunned down in the vicinity of Bourda Market and Regent Street, Georgetown.

While information remains sketchy, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Guyana Times that an eyewitness told investigators that Lovell was in the company of a group of men when a bitter argument ensued.

Executed: Stanley “Steve” Lovell

Executed: Stanley “Steve” Lovell



Last edited by Former Member

AFC/PNC cannot even a run a cakeshop, how can they run a country. Old people were 1000 Percent correct about the PNC.

Guyana’s economic decline “beyond advise”

â€Ķ Govt should focus on village economies – Gaskin


Political Commentator and Economist Ramon Gaskin says the health of Guyana’s economy is deteriorating as he called upon the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Government to redirect its focus on the local communities, to unearth ways of stimulating the economy. This is the same advice proffered by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and the Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).

Asked if the current Finance Minister was receiving bad advice as to how to deal with the matter, Gaskin said that the situation was “beyond advice” as Guyana’s deep economic downturn has had a severe effect on the production levels of the major industries, including the rice, sugar, gold, bauxite and mining.

But Gaskin said that while these are good and remain the constants of Guyana’s economy, Government should place them aside for the time and focus more on the small local communities that could eventually see an upward movement of the country’s financial system.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Source: Cobra

The only thing good about those corruptocrats in the PPP is they are not ever going to see office in their lifetime. Further, they did so much damage to the indian brand only idiots like you and Uglli are proud to sing their praises. Most sensible people are too ashamed to think they ever pinned their hopes on those nasty waste people.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am not alone singing praises of the PPP. I join with 50% disenfranchised Guyanese who still believes in democracy. Our country is slipping into a dictatorship regime.

dumb ass...the government has always existed in a state of elected dictatorship. Your crew is gone. This crew is in and one hopes they do better. Actually, they cannot do worse.The PPP was the template for the worse ever.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am not alone singing praises of the PPP. I join with 50% disenfranchised Guyanese who still believes in democracy. Our country is slipping into a dictatorship regime.

51% voted out the dictatorship regime. Rohee told Jagdeo to haul his ass, he ain't giving up the party secretary position.

Rohee said nothing of the sort...    The question is, when will this Government start to govern?  They are riding on the PPP's back.  

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am not alone singing praises of the PPP. I join with 50% disenfranchised Guyanese who still believes in democracy. Our country is slipping into a dictatorship regime.

51% voted out the dictatorship regime. Rohee told Jagdeo to haul his ass, he ain't giving up the party secretary position.

Rohee said nothing of the sort...    The question is, when will this Government start to govern?  They are riding on the PPP's back.  

Jagdeo wants Ramotar back as Secretary.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am not alone singing praises of the PPP. I join with 50% disenfranchised Guyanese who still believes in democracy. Our country is slipping into a dictatorship regime.

dumb ass...the government has always existed in a state of elected dictatorship. Your crew is gone. This crew is in and one hopes they do better. Actually, they cannot do worse.The PPP was the template for the worse ever.

That's right, the PPP ran a kakistocracy.


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