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Former Member

PPP will join Independence celebrations but wants the President to speak on the roles of Jagan and Burnham

Opposition Leader Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo confirmed the PPP's participation even as the Party has been criticized for its absence at several other government sponsored events. "Yes we will celebrate and will attend the flag raising ceremony because we believe it is a very important event... we do hope that on that occasion the President will not miss the opportunity to talk extensively, not just about past, but the future," Jagdeo said

PPP will join Independence celebrations but wants the President to speak on the roles of Jagan and Burnham

The opposition People’s Progressive Party announced on Wednesday that it intends to attend the 50th Anniversary flag raising ceremony to usher in the country’s jubilee celebrations but wants the President to talk about the role the Party’s founder leader and former President, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan played in the achievement.

Opposition Leader Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo confirmed the PPP’s participation even as the Party has been criticized for its absence at several other government sponsored events. “Yes we will celebrate and will attend the flag raising ceremony because we believe it is a very important event… we do hope that on that occasion the President will not miss the opportunity to talk extensively, not just about past, but the future,” Jagdeo said.

He said the President missed the opportunity during his recent address to Parliament. Jagdeo, who was present in the Parliament for address, said he thought President Granger would have used the opportunity to explore the role former Presidents Jagan and L.F.S Burnham played in the achievement.

“As controversial as people may view the role of those two men, nevertheless we have to explore the role that they played in the Independence process and thousands of others followed them and who made ultimate sacrifices,” he said.

Mr. Jagdeo said he was disappointed that neither of the two names were mentioned during the President’s address and he hopes he will do so in his Independence address on May 25th.

The PPP, led by Jagan, played a significant role in the fight for Independence during the pre 1966 period. Jagdeo said the PPP has planned a few events to observe the historic occasion.

“Maybe in an attempt to avoid controversy, he did not really explore the challenges the country faced as a pre independent country, the struggles endured to gain independence, the sacrifices many Guyanese made to achieve that status, it was not handed to us on a platter by the British,” Jagdeo added.

The Opposition Leader said he also wants the President to talk about the entire history of Guyana post Independence even when the country did badly in some periods. “I was disappointed that he would have mentioned 18 years of no local government elections when he knew the party he represents now was a major contributor… how could he talk about 18 years of no local democracy and not talk about 28 years of no democracy at all in Guyana,” he added.

Jagdeo said the President’s rhetoric on national unity and social cohesion must also match the practice of his government. “I really hope the President don’t miss opportunity to define the course of the future,” he insisted.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

cain posted:

Did Jagdeo not receive the email informing him he aint the boss no mo?

He got 95% of the Indo votes, and that is all that matters to him.

One can see what he thinks of blacks just by reading his disciples here on GNI. They call us criminals, jungle animals, and scream that douglas are a bastardization.


yuh leff out still swinging on trees. 

Is there a future 4 u and yuh putagee sidekick.

 Y  U  N  V cooollie people sooo. We doan bother about alyuh, we juss meking life worthwhile. EVERYDAY.


seignet posted:

yuh leff out still swinging on trees. 

Is there a future 4 u and yuh putagee sidekick.

 Y  U  N  V cooollie people sooo. We doan bother about alyuh, we juss meking life worthwhile. EVERYDAY.


Yes. Thanks for reminding me daily of two things.

1. You and the rest of your brown bai KKK daily demonstrate your bigotry.

2. People like Zed, Ksazma, Kari, VishMahabir, and others think that racial tensions in Guyana can be solved by ignoring the fact that people like you exist in the highest echelons of the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member

contrary, it is ur constant anti-indo sentiments. It is u who make those Indians stand up for Indianness.  The rest of the Indians, thinks you are joking and eventually u will tone down. They doan realize, it is a guy like u who hates Indians that incited Wismar to kill and destroy Indians just because he felt all Indians were responsible for two negroes being killed in BUxton. Assumption, PPP killed them. Suh coolie pple in Wismar must be killed, burn down and viciously raped. Even the good samaritans in Wismar,who took in Indians to save from the carnage on the streets turned around molested the women they offered protection.

U r part of the X13 gang , including the putagee mafia.


Apart from the Palestinians and Rohingya people, the Indians of Guyana must be up there existing in a sustained hostile environment!!  Even the national independence celebration is a point scoring event with awards as if Indians are a non-existent group in Guyana!!

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