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PPP will only win by buying votes and possibly stirring up racial tension

March 8, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I read with great interest M. Maxwell’s letter dated 4 March 2015, titled “The numbers favour the PPP in a two-horse race”. While I do understand his sentiments, and share some of his arguments, for the PPP to win the elections I do not agree the demographics are in their favour. In fact, a number of other factors including the same demographics will do the opposite. The PPP has significantly withheld the census results, and one can speculate many reasons, but until they deny, they are hiding the population census  because of the disparity it will give on two fronts, the new ethnic makeup of the country, which is unfavourable to its Indian base support, and disaggregation of adult or voting age population also along the line of ethnicity. Thus, unlike Maxwell, the impact of this demographic change is going in the other direction. The Indian population, by virtue of its net-migration viz a viz Africans, both legal and illegal, has suffered a marked reduction, caused by the wanton hopelessness, failed promises, and poor economic conditions. As such, the Indian numbers are not on the side of the PPP, and that figure could be well below 40%, as low as 35%. Therefore, in view of the horrible misuse of taxpayers’ dollars, coupled with inadequate economic opportunities for ordinary citizens over the years, for the PPP to obtain a significant part of Indian votes the only option would be to play up more than ever the Indian race card in many different ways, including both in public and bottom house campaign meetings, in subtle ways, possibly inciting racial hatred through African violence on Indians, among other was. Of course not all 35 percent will vote for the PPP, say an average of 25 percent do, where would the remaining 25 percent come from? Given the PPP’s current record, their disrespect for Amerindians, and ill-treatment of Africans and Mixed Guyanese, desperate people do desperate things, and part of those tactics could be vote buying. Vote buying takes many, many forms. Handouts are given to major influential groups, such as those from remote parts of the country. Paying people to vote, while this may appear tricky, photographs of a voter’s ballot sheet is circulated by cellular phone after the voter has marked his X to confirm the deal. Voters can also be on the lookout for party scrutineers or pseudo-electoral officials accompanying them to the voting booth. Already one has been hearing in the fields of $50,000 being paid to secure votes. Then there is the potential buying out of electoral officials, particularly at the place of poll. The stakes have become very high for the PPP, so the population, especially the coalition team, has to be extra vigilant in their campaigns. Latchman Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Moses Nagamootoo is doing everything in his power to stir up racial tension.

He has done it more than ten times since he came the Alliance Prime ministerial candidate.  The Indians are taking note.  The PNC is using Indians to beat up on Indians.  If the Alliance does not understand politics then they shouldn't be involved. Buying votes happened all over the world.  The PNC is an expert in buying votes.  Accusing the PPP of being racist and buying votes will not work.  They don't have to buy indian votes.  The AFC should be really afraid of the impending result of the upcoming elections.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses Nagamootoo is doing everything in his power to stir up racial tension.

He has done it more than ten times since he came the Alliance Prime ministerial candidate.  The Indians are taking note.  The PNC is using Indians to beat up on Indians.  If the Alliance does not understand politics then they shouldn't be involved. Buying votes happened all over the world.  The PNC is an expert in buying votes.  Accusing the PPP of being racist and buying votes will not work.  They don't have to buy indian votes.  The AFC should be really afraid of the impending result of the upcoming elections.


Jadgeo just gave the PNC a belly wuk. Dem boys are setting up themselves for an excuse.


The PPP will CRUSH the PNC.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Imagine after fours years out of the President's job, the alliance is still afraid of Jagdeo.


They tremble at the sight at Jagdeo.


Jagdeo is out to destroy them politically for good.


Jagdeo woke up the base of the PPP. It reminds me of President Bill Clinton rallying the base of the Democrats when he delivered his speech at the DNC during President's Obama run for his second term in office.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Imagine after fours years out of the President's job, the alliance is still afraid of Jagdeo.


They tremble at the sight at Jagdeo.


Jagdeo is out to destroy them politically for good.


Jagdeo woke up the base of the PPP. It reminds me President Bill Clinton rallying the base of the Democrats when he delivered his speech at the DNC during President's Obama run for his second term in office.


We will overcome.  Yes! we will! and yes! we can..

Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

If you pull your head out of PPP kakahole you would see the PPP Rohee give the order to waste the mother fu*kers in a linden peaceful protest. PPP were hoping the PNC and blacks would respond and start wholesale slaughter of innocent coolies to make them look good. Problem with the plan back fired when Grainger didn't take the bait...

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

If you pull your head out of PPP kakahole you would see the PPP Rohee give the order to waste the mother fu*kers in a linden peaceful protest. PPP were hoping the PNC and blacks would respond and start wholesale slaughter of innocent coolies to make them look good. Problem with the plan Grainger didn't take the bait...


For your information Indos were beaten up and Indo schoolgirls were sexually molested.


You dawgs are always hiding the truth when comes down to what the AFC/PNC actually unleashed on Indos during the AFC/PNC sponsored riots.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

If you pull your head out of PPP kakahole you would see the PPP Rohee give the order to waste the mother fu*kers in a linden peaceful protest. PPP were hoping the PNC and blacks would respond and start wholesale slaughter of innocent coolies to make them look good. Problem with the plan back fired when Grainger didn't take the bait...


How many such "peaceful protests" have Indians been made to endure since the birth of the PNC?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

If you pull your head out of PPP kakahole you would see the PPP Rohee give the order to waste the mother fu*kers in a linden peaceful protest. PPP were hoping the PNC and blacks would respond and start wholesale slaughter of innocent coolies to make them look good. Problem with the plan Grainger didn't take the bait...


For your information Indos were beaten up and Indo schoolgirls were sexually molested.


You dawgs are always hiding the truth when comes down to what the AFC/PNC actually unleashed on Indos during the AFC/PNC sponsored riots.

So where are the protection from the PPP for the "molested indo girls" how come the perps  were never brought to justice? could it because the perps are from the Freedom house/house of Israel PPP gang?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

If you pull your head out of PPP kakahole you would see the PPP Rohee give the order to waste the mother fu*kers in a linden peaceful protest. PPP were hoping the PNC and blacks would respond and start wholesale slaughter of innocent coolies to make them look good. Problem with the plan back fired when Grainger didn't take the bait...


How many such "peaceful protests" have Indians been made to endure since the birth of the PNC?

Pity the fool, he doesn't know his history.


Electorate tired of same old promises, faces


…change in the making – Ramkarran

Former People’s Progressive Party stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran has predicted that the electorate will most likely vote that party out of office as Guyanese have “grown tired of the same promises and the same faces.” Ramkarran said this in his weekly column published on his website

Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??,

The PPP is now doing their best to get Indians panicked. The problem is that Indians are no longer the majority vote, so how that strategy will help the PPP is an interesting discussion.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

How many such "peaceful protests" have Indians been made to endure since the birth of the PNC?

Shaitaan you boasted of the violence of your PYO relatives. Who do you think that they were attacking.  You even noted that their racist attitudes began in the late 50s when there had been no racial violence aimed at Indians.


Maybe you talk too much so when you attempt to be a hypocrite we can hang you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

How many such "peaceful protests" have Indians been made to endure since the birth of the PNC?

Shaitaan you boasted of the violence of your PYO relatives. Who do you think that they were attacking.  You even noted that their racist attitudes began in the late 50s when there had been no racial violence aimed at Indians.


Maybe you talk too much so when you attempt to be a hypocrite we can hang you.


"Boasted of the violence of violence of PYO relatives"??? WTF?


I doan remember anyone of them recallin bein violent since the Corentyne where we lived was pretty violent free. Our PNC neighbors were peaceful (wonder why).


Yes, I did note that some Indians (not my relatives) were rude and nasty to Blacks in 1953.


You and redux like to put words in people's mouth. You need to check your PNC Privilege chap

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PYO is not what it used to be in the sixties.... And even then, those guys were cowards. They allowed Burnham boys to terrorize the Indians.


Yuh muddah man musse been a coward. It was Jagan who constantly put the muzzle on the 1960s PYO.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

If you pull your head out of PPP kakahole you would see the PPP Rohee give the order to waste the mother fu*kers in a linden peaceful protest. PPP were hoping the PNC and blacks would respond and start wholesale slaughter of innocent coolies to make them look good. Problem with the plan back fired when Grainger didn't take the bait...


How many such "peaceful protests" have Indians been made to endure since the birth of the PNC?

Pity the fool, he doesn't know his history.


There is nothing wrong about buying votes. Here in NA it is done all the time on a different scale. Those in power make promises just to win votes and when they get in half of those promises go unfulfilled
Originally Posted by Amral:
There is nothing wrong about buying votes. Here in NA it is done all the time on a different scale. Those in power make promises just to win votes and when they get in half of those promises go unfulfilled

Vote buying, illegal and proscribed by the Canada Elections Act, is a form of corruption which is almost universally condemned, although some campaign workers and candidates may feel it is simply a pragmatic form of campaigning.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Amral:
There is nothing wrong about buying votes. Here in NA it is done all the time on a different scale. Those in power make promises just to win votes and when they get in half of those promises go unfulfilled

Vote buying, illegal and proscribed by the Canada Elections Act, is a form of corruption which is almost universally condemned, although some campaign workers and candidates may feel it is simply a pragmatic form of campaigning.



Buying votes and influencing politicians are done every day in NA, for example LOBBYISTS ,lobby MP for favour.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Well let the PPP use PPP money to buy votes, not resources from the Ministry of Local Government that is right now paying 1,000 PYO members to do PPP wuk.

PPP is just getting EVEN, when PNC was using government resources to campaign and to move tuggs village to village to instil fear, where were you then?? you dare not open you mouth , if you and your family would suffer.AFC/PNC will do worst given the opportunity.We Forgive, but We Don't Forget.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Well let the PPP use PPP money to buy votes, not resources from the Ministry of Local Government that is right now paying 1,000 PYO members to do PPP wuk.

PPP is just getting EVEN, when PNC was using government resources to campaign and to move tuggs village to village to instil fear, where were you then?? you dare not open you mouth , if you and your family would suffer.AFC/PNC will do worst given the opportunity.We Forgive, but We Don't Forget.

Sat Sawh mobilized us to protest and to write letters to our Members in Parliament. It was not right then and it is not right now.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Well let the PPP use PPP money to buy votes, not resources from the Ministry of Local Government that is right now paying 1,000 PYO members to do PPP wuk.

PPP is just getting EVEN, when PNC was using government resources to campaign and to move tuggs village to village to instil fear, where were you then?? you dare not open you mouth , if you and your family would suffer.AFC/PNC will do worst given the opportunity.We Forgive, but We Don't Forget.

Sat Sawh mobilized us to protest and to write letters to our Members in Parliament. It was not right then and it is not right now.


I believe the PNC used state resources especially state-owned trucks to bus in thugs to beat and sometimes kill innocent people.


The PPP is accused here of using stat-owned or state-contracted trucks to bus in unarmed civilians to a rally.


There is a little bit of a difference between the two.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I believe the PNC used state resources especially state-owned trucks to bus in thugs to beat and sometimes kill innocent people.


The PPP is accused here of using stat-owned or state-contracted trucks to bus in unarmed civilians to a rally.


There is a little bit of a difference between the two.

do you actually know of this?


and if so, please state when and where the killings happened, and how the mode of transport of the killer(s) was ascertained

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I believe the PNC used state resources especially state-owned trucks to bus in thugs to beat and sometimes kill innocent people.


The PPP is accused here of using stat-owned or state-contracted trucks to bus in unarmed civilians to a rally.


There is a little bit of a difference between the two.

do you actually know of this?


and if so, please state when and where the killings happened, and how the mode of transport of the killer(s) was ascertained




Have we come to this bai? Arguing over the mode of transport employed by the PNC dictatorship to move its thugs and assassins?


Was the PNC really so scrupulous about the use of state resources that their thugs and killers only used party vehicles?


I assume their free hand with the State's guns and ammo extended to its motor pool as well

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

At Babu John Jagdeo said the opposition “consistently shout about the racism of the PPP but they practise racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote. Throw out the coolie people."

This ex-president clearly has not accepted responsibility for the PPP getting minority status in 2011. His blatant race baiting at Babu John will not earn the PPP non-Indian votes. And he appears deaf and blind to the reality that Indians no longer take up a massive chunk of the Guyana population pie.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

Can you state when the PPP ever stir racial tension??, I think you have the political parties mixed-up, you mean PNC. I will excuse you since you are too young to know the facts.

At Babu John Jagdeo said the opposition “consistently shout about the racism of the PPP but they practise racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote. Throw out the coolie people."

This ex-president clearly has not accepted responsibility for the PPP getting minority status in 2011. His blatant race baiting at Babu John will not earn the PPP non-Indian votes. And he appears deaf and blind to the reality that Indians no longer take up a massive chunk of the Guyana population pie.

Jagdeo is a low life katahar never see come to see made famous for scratching his balls in public. You really expect any states man behavior from this moron....



Let them stir up hate.


You can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time.


I find that Guyanese mix and work together harmoniously in the farms, cane fields, rice fields,minibuses, markets, security, etc.


It's only election time, the PPP brings up the 60s, and talk about "selling out the Indian vote," "neemakaram," to obviously stir up racial passions.


Now with a Coalition bringing the races together, the PPP is very nervous.

No matter how high and how much Jagdeo jumps up, the PPP Kleptos are going down.  He did that last time and delivered a minority status to the PPP.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I believe the PNC used state resources especially state-owned trucks to bus in thugs to beat and sometimes kill innocent people.


The PPP is accused here of using stat-owned or state-contracted trucks to bus in unarmed civilians to a rally.


There is a little bit of a difference between the two.

do you actually know of this?


and if so, please state when and where the killings happened, and how the mode of transport of the killer(s) was ascertained




Have we come to this bai? Arguing over the mode of transport employed by the PNC dictatorship to move its thugs and assassins?


Was the PNC really so scrupulous about the use of state resources that their thugs and killers only used party vehicles?


I assume their free hand with the State's guns and ammo extended to its motor pool as well

not "arguing" at all


i asked a simple question - addressing something very specific you claimed knowledge of


do you have an answer, sir?


if u don't . . . i suggest u stop passing wind out your ass and flicking a lighter at it just to see what happens


even dunce idiot klowns left those kinds of antics back in middle school


Actually, I believe Guysuco does not own those trucks anymore.

In Berbice, there are private contractors with fleets of trucks transporting the sugar workers to work.


Could be a case of the trucks doing pro bono work in thanks for the contracts.


That's not illegal.  It's the power of incumbency.  And that did not help them last time.  They lost the majority.


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