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caribny posted:

Ironic isn't it that the tools of Burnham's oppression now sit happily among the ranks of the PPP.

The pathetic PPP sycophants who post here and daily scream and predict beatings, violence, overthrows, and rigging either conveniently forget or are too ASHAMED to admit that the perpetrators of such are now staunch PPP folks.

Iguana posted:
caribny posted:

Ironic isn't it that the tools of Burnham's oppression now sit happily among the ranks of the PPP.

The pathetic PPP sycophants who post here and daily scream and predict beatings, violence, overthrows, and rigging either conveniently forget or are too ASHAMED to admit that the perpetrators of such are now staunch PPP folks.

Not sure why they hate Burnham when Jagdeo is a modern day manifestation of him.  Look at everything Jagdeo touched, the Berbice bridge, Marriott, Skeldon factory, etc. 

We have to be thankful that there is a vibrant private sector and an open economy so the nation doesn't have to face the full brunt of his incompetence and arrogance as they did under Burnham

caribny posted:

This person asked a valid question and I coached Tola as to how to respond to them.  This is the culture so those who prefer to write in Creolese can continue.

Never said the question wasn't valid, that's why I reached out to Baseman and alerted him that it was a student. What do you mean you "coached" Tola how to respond? You mean yuh references to "2 basilectal varieties (rural and urban)", and "upper and lower mesolectal"??????

Yuh might as well add "colorectal" cuz it doant mean shyte to them

Tola isn't here. The student is posting using Tola's ID and doesn't understand creolese.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Hi Japanese,

Guyanese and Caribbean people in general speak English in a continuum.   Those who have studied it claim 2 basilectal varieties (rural and urban), an upper and lower mesolectal, standard English and English when we want to sound posh.

I know its confusing as we tend to view all as English.  When you visit us enjoy!!

Thank you CARIBNY, our house host not here. But Baseman is confusing.

If you want outside students to understand Guyana, write correct English.

This is good site to understand culture, that Japan/China writing at university.

House host and family good person, but not want trouble.

University now. Bye. [Japan/China]

caribny posted:

Not sure why they hate Burnham when Jagdeo is a modern day manifestation of him.  Look at everything Jagdeo touched, the Berbice bridge, Marriott, Skeldon factory, etc. 

We have to be thankful that there is a vibrant private sector and an open economy so the nation doesn't have to face the full brunt of his incompetence and arrogance as they did under Burnham

Rat Man's Burnhamite behavior is tolerated by these PPP sycophants hay because Rat Man is INDIAN!!!! Once you're Indian, you can do no wrong according to these idiots. That attitude pervades every post of their's here.

There is no willingness on their part to be objective and criticize their own the way you, I and Ronan criticize Burnham, the PNC or black politicians like the town clerk who we 3 were harsh on. You think if that town clerk were Indian they would have jumped on him? Hell NO, they would have said he's bright, progressive, smart and is accumulating generations of wealth!

Those are teh sick fcks we're dealing wid hay.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

65% overall WIN. Damn good for an opposition party.

 LGE is not the predictor of the National Election outcome. I feel LGE should not be along Party Lines. The people should be able to choose the best candidate , regardless of party affiliation, to represent them re local issues and interests other than weeding parapits and cleaning drains. 

That's the system that they have in London. Anyone can stand for London Mayor. It can be someone from one of the main parties. The elected mayor then picks the a team to run the various parts of local government. Whoever he picks does not have to be a member of any party, as long as that person has the required skills.

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Afros should not complain that they do not have representation. They need to exercise their right to vote. It seems as if they became very frustrated and disappointed with the PNC. This will translate to their approach to National Elections. Afros tend to stay home when they are angry at their party. Let us not forget that elections are in 2020. The PPP has momentum and their base is energized. 

People power is in the vote and it is important that every single voter exercise that right and do not  give the winner such a massive victory.  

I would have preferred a much closer race. Man, the PPP delivered some big blows to the AFC PNC parties. 

What you mean?  Each jurisdiction has representation.  It’s not a race.  What you think will happen, PPP rep guh have the guttah in front coolie house clean and leff black people section clogged? 

Why you translating this to national?  You don’t know why kids walking barefooted in Guyana, how can you know to project this to 2020 with a 28% turn out.  Banna yuh funny no ass!!

The only relevant signal i is the PPP recapturing territory from the AFC!!  That’s notable!

PPP also won won in PNC areas. Take dat down your pipe and smoke it.

The No confidence motion was the biggest kept secret and now it is in the open.

There are Black areas where the PPP won. The PNC failed to campaign and because Blacks identify with the PNC, they can no longer whine and complain because PPP ran Afro candidates whom Blacks like Carib and others blacks will not see them as representatives of the Black community even though they are Black.

Let us talk national now, let us assume that the no confidence motion proceeds in parliament and even if it is not passed, that would have shaken up the administration. The PPP is using the local election momentum and massive victory in enhancing a national agenda. 

Yes, led by Bharat Jagdeo and a soon to be elected Presidential Candidate.

What does a lil kaka rass like you know ? Better find gainful employment and pay some taxes to promote Trump’s agenda. That would serve America a lot better rather than coming here and wasting your time and mine.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
caribny posted:

This person asked a valid question and I coached Tola as to how to respond to them.  This is the culture so those who prefer to write in Creolese can continue.

Never said the question wasn't valid, that's why I reached out to Baseman and alerted him that it was a student. What do you mean you "coached" Tola how to respond? You mean yuh references to "2 basilectal varieties (rural and urban)", and "upper and lower mesolectal"??????

Yuh might as well add "colorectal" cuz it doant mean shyte to them

Tola isn't here. The student is posting using Tola's ID and doesn't understand creolese.

I wonder why you always want an argument.  I was alerting Tola to speak to his folks so that they learn something about Guyanese, and Caribbean people in general. 

Use of creolese doesn't mean that the person doesn't speak standard English.  It is not "bad English".  It has a valid space within our speech patterns but this isn't necessarily known to non English speakers.

Linguists understand basilect, mesolect and acrolect.  Google is available for those who don't know what these terms mean.  If someone enters the cultural space of someone else they will know that they don't know so will attempt to learn.  Google translator doesn't cover creolese.

Tola posted:
caribny posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Hi Japanese,

Guyanese and Caribbean people in general speak English in a continuum.   Those who have studied it claim 2 basilectal varieties (rural and urban), an upper and lower mesolectal, standard English and English when we want to sound posh.

I know its confusing as we tend to view all as English.  When you visit us enjoy!!

Thank you CARIBNY, our house host not here. But Baseman is confusing.

If you want outside students to understand Guyana, write correct English.

This is good site to understand culture, that Japan/China writing at university.

House host and family good person, but not want trouble.

University now. Bye. [Japan/China]

While your concerns are quite valid understand that the main focus of this forum is for Guyanese to chat amongst each other the way they see fit.  Standard English and the Creoles carry different emotions and so at times we see it more appropriate to use the latter. 

This fact is part of learning about Guyanese and Caribbean culture in general.  In the English, Dutch and French Caribbean creoles exist parallel to the standard languages. 

Sometimes in a continuum, as in the English Caribbean (ranking from deep creoles through to standard English) or sometimes alongside as in the French Caribbean.  In fact in the Dutch Caribbean their vernacular has nothing to do with Dutch. Papiamento/u in the ABC islands is connected to Portuguese/Spanish, and Srnan in Suriname has an ancient connection to English, as they were once a British colony.

I also suggest that you use this forum only for general purposes as to the base sentiments of Guyanese. As you can see often there isn't that much deeply intellectual discourse.

Iguana posted:

Rat Man's Burnhamite behavior is tolerated by these PPP sycophants hay because Rat Man is INDIAN!!!! Once you're Indian, you can do no wrong according to these idiots. That attitude pervades every post of their's here.

There is no willingness on their part to be objective and criticize their own the way you, I and Ronan criticize Burnham, the PNC or black politicians like the town clerk who we 3 were harsh on. You think if that town clerk were Indian they would have jumped on him? Hell NO, they would have said he's bright, progressive, smart and is accumulating generations of wealth!

Those are teh sick fcks we're dealing wid hay.

I have said many times that there are difference between those who operate within the creole culture (blacks, mixed and Portuguese), and Indians.  This in terms of their identities and relationship to Guyana and being Guyanese.

Many blacks were/are critical of the PNC and yet remain respected by Afro Guyanese as a whole.  I have yet to see Lincoln Lewis or David Hinds dismissed as self hating traitors in the way that Freddie K, Chris Ram and other Indians were when they spoke out against the PPP or Indian racism.

The Indian (not all) have a more collective identity than do the "creoles", so feel compelled to support, or turn a blind eye to Indian racial attitudes.  If they don't they face strong criticism from Indians as a whole.  Look at the insults levied at those who criticize the PPP or admit that Indians played as strong a role in our inter ethnic miasma as did blacks and others.  We see the epithets right here on GNI.  Drugb being one of the most vulgar in his condemnation with his black baigan nonsense.

Criticism of Burnham doesn't mean that one is banished from the Afro Guyanese community as the boundaries of who is or isn't Afro Guyanese are fluid.  Criticism of Jagdeo can bring more serious consequences for an Indian as there is a more clearly defined boundary as to what an Indian is supposed to be.

All one need to do is to look at the notion of  "douglarization".  Many Afros see it as a solution to our ethnic distrust. Many Indians see it as ethnic genocide.

Aside from ensuring that being black doesn't reduce one's economic, political, cultural  or social opportunities I don't think that we attach to much importance to the existence or nonexistence of an "African" community.  This is why Eric Phillips seems weird to most Afro Guyanese as he tries to replicate among Afro Guyanese identities which seem apply more to Indo Guyanese.

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Afros should not complain that they do not have representation. They need to exercise their right to vote. It seems as if they became very frustrated and disappointed with the PNC. This will translate to their approach to National Elections. Afros tend to stay home when they are angry at their party. Let us not forget that elections are in 2020. The PPP has momentum and their base is energized. 

People power is in the vote and it is important that every single voter exercise that right and do not  give the winner such a massive victory.  

I would have preferred a much closer race. Man, the PPP delivered some big blows to the AFC PNC parties. 

What you mean?  Each jurisdiction has representation.  It’s not a race.  What you think will happen, PPP rep guh have the guttah in front coolie house clean and leff black people section clogged? 

Why you translating this to national?  You don’t know why kids walking barefooted in Guyana, how can you know to project this to 2020 with a 28% turn out.  Banna yuh funny no ass!!

The only relevant signal i is the PPP recapturing territory from the AFC!!  That’s notable!

PPP also won won in PNC areas. Take dat down your pipe and smoke it.

The No confidence motion was the biggest kept secret and now it is in the open.

There are Black areas where the PPP won. The PNC failed to campaign and because Blacks identify with the PNC, they can no longer whine and complain because PPP ran Afro candidates whom Blacks like Carib and others blacks will not see them as representatives of the Black community even though they are Black.

Let us talk national now, let us assume that the no confidence motion proceeds in parliament and even if it is not passed, that would have shaken up the administration. The PPP is using the local election momentum and massive victory in enhancing a national agenda. 

Yes, led by Bharat Jagdeo and a soon to be elected Presidential Candidate.

What does a lil kaka rass like you know ? Better find gainful employment and pay some taxes to promote Trump’s agenda. That would serve America a lot better rather than coming here and wasting your time and mine.

I see you posting for Bibi deh lil panty bai!!   talking points from freedom house. 

Don’t bother with me serving America, all well and good!  Trumps agenda well funded! 

I gatt time to waste, come aboad for the ride babe!!

yuji22 posted:

PPP also won won in PNC areas. .

Like where?  The lie that Jagdeo attempted to spread about Buxton has been exposed.  Now I know that many Indo Berbicians think that Georgetown is as black as Lagos but in fact it is about 30% Indian.  the PPP won in areas in GT with heavy Indian populations, but only 25% of the overall vote.

The fact remains is that even with a very low turn out among PNC supporters, and the implosion of the AFC, the PPP could only muster 25%.

So where is this big base of PPP support in PNC areas.

As the facts become known this PPP lie is being exposed.

Tola posted:
caribny posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Hi Japanese,

Guyanese and Caribbean people in general speak English in a continuum.   Those who have studied it claim 2 basilectal varieties (rural and urban), an upper and lower mesolectal, standard English and English when we want to sound posh.

I know its confusing as we tend to view all as English.  When you visit us enjoy!!

Thank you CARIBNY, our house host not here. But Baseman is confusing.

If you want outside students to understand Guyana, write correct English.

This is good site to understand culture, that Japan/China writing at university.

House host and family good person, but not want trouble.

University now. Bye. [Japan/China]

Oh, excuse me, I was unaware I am speaking to a Japanese or Chinese, not that i can understand your English.  But I’ll try to be a good boy next time.


yuji22 posted:

As I said, I don't want to wast time with a lil Ka ka rass. From what I concluded, you were also posting as Princess at GNI. This is my last conversation with a good for nothing and alleged freeloader Ka Ka rass.

Oh well panty man.  Me dozz freeload pon you?   Now yuh mek mi cry 😭.  Me Doan deal with pantymen bai!!

You need to send this princess a pm and ask that poster.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

PPP also won won in PNC areas. .

Like where?  The lie that Jagdeo attempted to spread about Buxton has been exposed.  Now I know that many Indo Berbicians think that Georgetown is as black as Lagos but in fact it is about 30% Indian.  the PPP won in areas in GT with heavy Indian populations, but only 25% of the overall vote.

The fact remains is that even with a very low turn out among PNC supporters, and the implosion of the AFC, the PPP could only muster 25%.

So where is this big base of PPP support in PNC areas.

As the facts become known this PPP lie is being exposed.

That guy ugly is a joker!!


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