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@Tola posted:


Why your long winded crap,  that don't  make any sense ?

This is not beating around the bush.  My original question was, ' Why don't  PPP voter lives improve, during a PPP government'.  

Indians in Guyana perceive the PPP to be their party and should support them. But after they are conned into voting for the PPP, PPP officials gets richer, while the voter living conditions remain the same. WHY ? 

Ok, hear this:

You talk sheer shyte, just like with the migration issue.  Face facts:

The people voted PPP.  Now go and lick your wounds.

Is that too long for you to understand?

@Former Member posted:

Ok, hear this:

You talk sheer shyte, just like with the migration issue.  Face facts:

The people voted PPP.  Now go and lick your wounds.

Is that too long for you to understand?

Don't be daft Baseman. The question is not about this election that was not declare yet.  But why are PPP voters remain poor, while PPP officials gets richer, during a PPP government.   Now don't be stupider than stupid. 

@Former Member posted:

I don't think that's the PNC plans.  The small parties drew 10k votes, that's a two seat equivalent.  I believe they will use top-up to steal one from the PPP and give to JLP.

It does not count/tabulate in that manner.

Precise manner for allocating seats to each political group ==

= Constituency seats plus top up seats

On that basis plus the distribution of votes listed for each group --  provisional until GECOM makes the official announcement -- PPPC and PNCR/AFC will indeed obtain seats.

The smaller parties must all merge as one - explicitly outlined in the Laws of Guyana - and it appears that one seat will be granted to the leader of the group.

LJP party seems to be the one that will form the group to be elected.

@Ace posted:

Tola. Do you have any data to show that the PPP supporters had less under the PPP rule? Please share with us otherwise you are purely speculating

I would suggest you visit Guyana and get your own data, as others have done for their internal use. This forum is not a place to post such information, that might not be validated, similar to previous information.  

@Former Member posted:

It does not count/tabulate in that manner.

Precise manner for allocating seats to each political group ==

= Constituency seats plus top up seats

On that basis plus the distribution of votes listed for each group --  provisional until GECOM makes the official announcement -- PPPC and PNCR/AFC will indeed obtain seats.

The smaller parties must all merge as one - explicitly outlined in the Laws of Guyana - and it appears that one seat will be granted to the leader of the group.

LJP party seems to be the one that will form the group to be elected.

You rass in Wonderland. This is Guyana, PNC do as they wish. 

They are more clever than you.  They will do everything to dilute the PPP power by enhancing the small parties.  Nagamakaran said just that.

@Tola posted:

Guess who is the ass when they make a declaration before GECOM. 

The declaration has already done when they have the results to the respective parties.    Granger rejected the recount and Jagdeo rejected the allegations by the PNC that the Elections were rigged.  When in fact Mingo was caught stealing the votes and padded the PNC tally.

When Claudette Singh was told about it, she said she wanted the proof. That woman should be jailed.


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