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The Organization of America States (OAS) has told the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh, that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) has won Guyana’s 2020 elections, as shown in the recently published report of the Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield, and as such, the A Partnership For National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) must begin the process of transition—which will allow the legitimately elected government to take its place.
In a statement to the press yesterday, the OAS, who acted as one of the international observers missions which monitors the March 2 General and Regional Elections, supported the findings of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), which yesterday published their observations of the national recount exercise, which were deemed as transparent and credible, and “nothing prevents the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission from now declaring the election, based on these results.
Compounding upon the credibility of the recount results, the OAS made reference to their June 4 statement in which OAS observers who were present on each day of the national recount had reported that the process was conducted in a professional, transparent and impartial fashion, which allowed GECOM, political parties and other stakeholders to accurately determine the results for each polling station. Against this, “the OAS reiterates that there is no reason not to support the results of the recount process.
Furthermore, the OAS made highlight of the that gazetted order for the recount, which required that “ascertained and verified” matrices of the results for each of the ten electoral districts be submitted to the CEO, who would then tabulate these results and submit them to GECOM, along with a summary of the observation reports prepared for each District.
OAS noted that the report submitted by Lowenfield on June 13, records multiple “allegations” of irregularities by a contesting party in each District, which are then used as a basis for determining that the electoral process in each of the ten Districts was not credible. However the OAS was quick to point out that, “There is little evidence in the CEO’s report of efforts to investigate or otherwise address any of the alleged irregularities presented. His contention that the entire election be set aside on this basis alone is astonishing.”
In its statement of April 15, prior to the commencement of the recount, the OAS had recommended the exclusion of any official who had displayed partisan behaviour during the electoral process. While the CEO’s approach to his report is therefore disappointing, it is not unexpected, they said.

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Hear for yourself... David Hinds is telling the supporters that they have to hold the line, they have to push back, they have to defend their sovereignty... because if PPP gets into power their sovereignty will be lost, we will become wards of other people. Look @ Rochelle comments above.. OAS was bought out by PPPC... these are the people who misguide their supporters and it is for these reasons, majority of them sit at the bottom of the ladder and they believe the world is against them. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Hear for yourself... David Hinds is telling the supporters that they have to hold the line, they have to push back, they have to defend their sovereignty... because if PPP gets into power their sovereignty will be lost, we will become wards of other people. Look @ Rochelle comments above.. OAS was bought out by PPPC... these are the people who misguide their supporters and it is for these reasons, majority of them sit at the bottom of the ladder and they believe the world is against them. 

For Rochelle claiming to be an attorney, I would not want her to defend me in court. She backs the worst racists in the PNC. Where is the racist James Bond? We have the racists lineup: Mark the Peyronie, Davide Hinds, Aubrey Norton, Cathy Hughes, James Bond, Sanctimonious Gangster, Vulga Vulva... 

Last edited by Former Member

@Rochelle ... What has APNU/AFC done for Guyana .... NOTHING.

Granger did NOTHING FOR  Afro Guyanese ..... He told them to sell plantain chips. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Hear for yourself... David Hinds is telling the supporters that they have to hold the line, they have to push back, they have to defend their sovereignty... because if PPP gets into power their sovereignty will be lost, we will become wards of other people. Look @ Rochelle comments above.. OAS was bought out by PPPC... these are the people who misguide their supporters and it is for these reasons, majority of them sit at the bottom of the ladder and they believe the world is against them. 

I said 100 times, Blacks don’t view Indians as equal citizens.  The PPP is a foreign entity.

They are being misguided and will lose corn and husk.  Some will end in Den Haag.

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

The same OAS that was bought out by PPP/C through Mercury? 


Oh please, don't insult our intelligence. The OAS comprises 35 countries. Who would believe the PPP/C has enough $$$ to buy out the OAS?

@Former Member posted:

Oh please, don't insult our intelligence. The OAS comprises 35 countries. Who would believe the PPP/C has enough $$$ to buy out the OAS?

Read the service contract with Mercury. OAS was part of the arrangement.

@Rochelle posted:

Read the service contract with Mercury. OAS was part of the arrangement.

How about the US, Caricom, EU, Canada, Norway, India, etc?  Were they part of the Mercury arrangement!

So tell us, who marked those ballots, what happened to your SOPs?  Mercury stole them?

@Former Member posted:

How about the US, Caricom, EU, Canada, Norway, India, etc?  Were they part of the Mercury arrangement!

So tell us, who marked those ballots, what happened to your SOPs?  Mercury stole them?

dem dat ah hard, hard kweshtian. Google to the rescue when you don't know what you are talking about.


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