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US$3.5M COVID grant approved to boost Guyana’s Education Sector

THE Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has approved a US$3.5M grant for the Government of Guyana to support its education sector amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Guyana Chronicle was reliably informed that the said grant was approved by the GPE’s Board of Directors, following a request put in by the Government. The GPE is supporting developing countries to mitigate the impact of school closures on children and to build the resilience of education systems.

Along with the sum, the GPE has also approved a 7 per cent agency fee for the grant agent – the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in the amount of US$245,000.

According to the GPE, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an education emergency of unprecedented scale. In developing countries, which were already facing a learning crisis before the pandemic, it estimates that 771 million children are now cut off from schools.

It has already mobilised over US$500M to support partner countries with planning and implementing their response to the pandemic. GPE stated that it remains committed to working to promote coordinated responses that are country-driven, aligned behind government priorities and to share information and experiences.


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@Rochelle posted:

Last I recall the "Government of Guyana" is President Granger and APNUAFC.

He was defeated on March 02, 2020.  You are a very silly person to think that he will continue to rule.   Granger can threaten Claudette as much as he wants, She is no longer afraid of him.    They can take to the streets and it will not work.  Black LIES don't matter.

@Rochelle posted:

Last I recall the "Government of Guyana" is President Granger and APNUAFC.

I’m sure they would assist the children and educators in any country regardless of government. It will be ring-fenced and monitored to prevent slush funding.

@kp posted:

You better recall this, Harmon can't get his hand on this Grant.

@Former Member posted:

I’m sure they would assist the children and educators in any country regardless of government. It will be ring-fenced and monitored to prevent slush funding.

It's a sticky situation.    The Educators will have to be instructed on how to handle the Pandemic.   More spaces in the classroom will  be needed or one set of children attend school in the morning and another set in the afternoon. It also would depend on when to reopen the schools.


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