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PPP yet to discuss presidential term limit – Jagdeo
February 28, 201757
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…Party’s best interest will define 2020 presidential candidate

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has made it pellucid that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is yet to discuss the presidential term limit case.

Since former Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang ruled that presidents can now run for more than two terms, and the Court of Appeal upheld the judgment in a 2-1 decision, expectations have been high that Jagdeo, a former President who already served two terms, will run for the high office again.


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

But Jagdeo, during a press conference on Monday at the Party’s headquarters in Robb Street, Georgetown, made it clear that the PPP was yet to decide on its presidential candidate for the next elections in 2020.

The Party’s General Secretary explained that its leaders and members are dedicating their energies to more important matters such as reinvigorating the political organisation with younger people and with women, as well as spreading the message of the PPP across the country.

“We’re working to consolidate our support because the PPP lost some support in its traditional support areas amongst sugar workers and rice farmers; we are working hard to consolidate our support in Amerindian areas, and to broaden that support and in APNU support areas…we are working on a strategy to resume our work which we used to do in the past and we fell down on, to carry our message to those communities to broaden our support,” he explained.

Jagdeo said too that the PPP would intensify and extend its work among the business community, the middle class, the intellectuals, professionals as well as the prime supporters of the Party, the working class.

He also explained that the PPP was working on becoming more efficient and on trying to incubate a new set of leaders who would recognise and appreciate that they have to “build their reputation based on hard work and that there is no room for arrogance in the Party”.

“Those are the things consuming me, not for who will run when the elections come,” the former President emphasised.

He stressed that the PPP, at the appropriate time, would decide on its presidential candidate, and he assured that the process of selection would be democratic and in accordance with the Party’s constitution.

“I am sure the Party will decide on who the best candidate will be at that point in time. A candidate who can lead us to victory, a competent candidate who can deliver on promises, a candidate who is visionary, a candidate who can bring people together,” he stated.

Jagdeo also reminded that the Party had supported the two-term limit in 1999, when the Constitution was reformed; however, he could not say whether the PPP’s position has changed.

“I speak for the PPP as the General Secretary, and we have not discussed this matter at the level of the Executive nor at the Central Committee. So, if you hear anyone else speak about what they know or what they don’t know, then they are not reflecting the views of the PPP. They are reflecting views as individuals,” Jagdeo said.

He told the media that when the time came for such discussions, the Party would discuss it in detail.

In further calming media reports that he may run again, Jagdeo emphasised that the Party’s members would have to follow certain criteria when deciding on a presidential candidate.

“Whoever the candidate we choose whenever the time comes, that decision would be made in accordance with our constitution, so it will be what is legal and secondly, what is in the best interest of the Party, supporters and the country,” he explained, noting that the Party would keep an open mind in the decision-making process.

The former President noted that it was rather foolish that persons would think the PPP was exerting all its efforts into ensuring that he ran for a third term.

“To have people think that a party like ours, particularly me given that responsibility (of General Secretary) and having been President for a long time would put all our eggs in one basket, that is the basket that ‘Jagdeo will run again’, is foolhardy and it is something that severely underestimates our thinking,” he posited.

In this regard, the Opposition Leader said, “For those who think that the decision is made and that we are putting all of our eggs in a single basket, if the APNU believes that, then they have another think coming.”

Additionally, Jagdeo was surprised that the very persons who have levied all sorts of accusations against him now seem worried about him possibly running for a third term.

“I am so surprised that there is such a big outcry about Jagdeo and all of this, because I am supposed to be a dictator, mismanage the economy, be the most corrupt individual in Guyana; therefore, I make a terrible candidate,” he stated.


Government had filed an appeal against Justice Chang’s ruling, but the Court of Appeal recently upheld that the term limit was unconstitutional.

Justice Chang’s ruling was appealed by then Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman and current Attorney General Basil Williams. The constitutional challenge case was brought by Georgetown resident Cedric Richardson in February 2015, and sought the court’s interpretation of the National Assembly’s changes to Article 90 as it related to four restraints on the freedom of choice by citizens at national elections. As adumbrated by Justice Chang, “The purported alteration of Article 90 by Act No 17 of 2001, in substance and effect, undoubtedly diminishes the democratic rights of the electorate in electing a person of their own choice as President, by excluding from presidential candidature:

(1) Citizens of Guyana not resident in Guyana on Nomination Day

(2) Citizens of Guyana resident in Guyana on Nomination Day but who have not been continuously resident in Guyana for seven years prior to that date

(3) Citizens of Guyana by registration

(4) Citizens of Guyana who have served for two terms as President. The ruling ultimately means that an amendment to the Constitution, which was enacted when the National Assembly altered Article 90 via a two-thirds vote in 2000, needs a referendum to make a final decision, since to proceed otherwise would be for the National Assembly to deny the citizens of Guyana an inalienable right.

Attorney General Basil Williams has said he will appeal that ruling in the Caribbean Court of Justice, and has 30 days to do so.

On Sunday last, Head of the 1999-2000 Constitutional Commission, Ralph Ramkarran suggested a referendum to amend the Constitution instead of having unnecessary expense by taking the matter to the CCJ. (Devina Samaroo)


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Third term or not, PPP cannot win 2020 elections. Surujbally left GECOM yesterday. Granger will put his puppet there soon and the elections results will be a foregone conclusion. 

Nehru posted:

Gilloy just condoned Rigging and Frigging. I hope I am wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, he has been rubbing this in people's face lately that the PNC will win again by manipulating the system as they have done in 2015. I have yet to hear him say that he truly believed the 2015 election was rigged. 


Jagdeo does not have to say it, it's a foregone conclusion. The same way he became General Secretary with the highest votes he will get the highest votes for President.........the stage will be set for this by Jagdeo himself.


A real leader don't need the title of President to be leader. Did Reagan need the title of President to be leader of the Republican party over President Bush. Did Fidel need the title of President of Cuba to be the leader of the Cuban people over his brother President Castro. Did Dong need the title of President to be Chinese leader. Hell no. Mr Jagdeo is the leader of the East Indian people of Guyana he does not need the title of President to be leader. Just like Dr Jagan did not need the title of President to be the leader of Guyanese East Indian people.

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Gilloy just condoned Rigging and Frigging. I hope I am wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, he has been rubbing this in people's face lately that the PNC will win again by manipulating the system as they have done in 2015. I have yet to hear him say that he truly believed the 2015 election was rigged. 

Gilly sounds he knows about the PNC rigging machine.  The man keeps repeating his chant with conviction.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Gilloy just condoned Rigging and Frigging. I hope I am wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, he has been rubbing this in people's face lately that the PNC will win again by manipulating the system as they have done in 2015. I have yet to hear him say that he truly believed the 2015 election was rigged. 

Gilly sounds he knows about the PNC rigging machine.  The man keeps repeating his chant with conviction.

One time he yelled "we PPPites" that includes him supposedly. But he is also playing the two-edged sword not to lose out on corn and husk. 


It is time for East Indians to get their own house which means an independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, douglas who embrace their Guyanese East Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana.


All you give my buddy Gil a break, he does not support PNC dictatorship. He is expressing an opinion and we all know that he has been wrong before and he will be wrong about PNC rigging. 

ABC wants stability in Guyana and will not support any rigging in the future. PPP ruffled their feathers as a result of Priya and Gail's flouncing and paid the price. They have since learnt from their mistakes. The previous ambassador was indeed meddling too much in Guyana's affairs.

PPP will win in 2020 with Jagdeo as their leader and will lose if any other person runs as presidential candidate.

Dictatorship occurs when there is no free and fair elections and every single election under the PPP and Jagdeo were fair and square, so why this nonsense about Jagdeo being a dictator ? He won TWICE fair and square.

Guyana needs an experienced leader at this point in it's history and Jagdeo accurately fits the bill. AFC/PNC are scared shyte of Jagdeo. Jagdeo also commands some black and native support and this bodes well for the PPP.

I support Jagdeo in 2020.



Prashad posted:

It is time for East Indians to get their own house which means an independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, douglas who embrace their Guyanese East Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana.

Prash,you have been saying this for awhile,it's not going happen.

My destiny was molded in the homeland since the early 50's to date is same old,same old.

yuji22 posted:

PPP will win in 2020 with Jagdeo as their leader and will lose if any other person runs as presidential candidate.

Sorry to bust your bubble that will not happen,Jagdeo have too much baggage which doesn't bode well for the ABC.


Jagdeo said he is there to groom someone to take up the mantle of the PPP, and he will support a two term president at will, therefore, he will not run again. Who didn't get his message?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Gilloy just condoned Rigging and Frigging. I hope I am wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, he has been rubbing this in people's face lately that the PNC will win again by manipulating the system as they have done in 2015. I have yet to hear him say that he truly believed the 2015 election was rigged. 

Gilly sounds he knows about the PNC rigging machine.  The man keeps repeating his chant with conviction.

Look, people, Gilly has been a close observer of Guyana's political culture for 48 years running, including 20+ years as a PPP activist. If Gilly doesn't know how the system works by now, he is a bloody dunce. 

Now, APNU+AFC as the ruling power controls the electoral machinery, ie, GECOM. APNU is chiefly PNC which had stayed in power for 28 years by rigging elections. As a political activist Gilly had joined demonstrations and spoken at public meetings against rigging.

All the time here, you people have been insisting that the current PNC is the same as Burnham's PNC. Go and read your posts again. So, reasoning logically, I am saying that Granger will not commit political suicide with free and fair elections. Granger and his PNC will do everything to stack the cards in their favour. That includes putting a PNC person to be GECOM Chairman.

Who will that person be? Gilly has a fair idea. According to news reports, Granger is insisting on a Judge or ex-Judge. We also know that Granger has been placing ex-army officers in strategic positions. Today's papers say that Major-General Michael Atherley will head the Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU). Gilly is guessing that Granger will be pretty comfortable with a GECOM Head who is both a Judge/ex-Judge AND an ex-army officer. Reading the Guyana news from afar for years, Gilly can identify one character who fits that bill, particularly as that person had publicized problems with the PPP regime. Yuh all want me fo provide de name too? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

Amral posted:

By tweaking the Constitution to suit political motives gives Granger an excuse also to play things the way he wants regardless of the terms in the Constitution 

yuji22 posted:

All you give my buddy Gil a break, he does not support PNC dictatorship. He is expressing an opinion and we all know that he has been wrong before and he will be wrong about PNC rigging. 

ABC wants stability in Guyana and will not support any rigging in the future. PPP ruffled their feathers as a result of Priya and Gail's flouncing and paid the price. They have since learnt from their mistakes. The previous ambassador was indeed meddling too much in Guyana's affairs.

PPP will win in 2020 with Jagdeo as their leader and will lose if any other person runs as presidential candidate.

Dictatorship occurs when there is no free and fair elections and every single election under the PPP and Jagdeo were fair and square, so why this nonsense about Jagdeo being a dictator ? He won TWICE fair and square.

Guyana needs an experienced leader at this point in it's history and Jagdeo accurately fits the bill. AFC/PNC are scared shyte of Jagdeo. Jagdeo also commands some black and native support and this bodes well for the PPP.

I support Jagdeo in 2020.



I don't notice anyone mentioning the fact that Janet HANDED Guyana to Jagdeo when she named him as her successor AND made him Prime Minister so he could constitutionally assume the office of the president. Is a sitting president supposed to name their successor? So maybe both sides are guilty of "tweaking the constitution" when it suits them?

Nehru posted:

These dog catchers were born to destroy, No wonder he with the Namakaaram crew!!!!!!!!!!

After stating clearly here that I no longer support APNU+AFC, you calling me dog catcher? The other day your partner called me a low-class coolie. Do you people really expect this dog catcher and low-class coolie to support your PPP? Think again. Having regard to your attitude, while I won't support APNU in 2020, I won't encourage my worst enemy to vote for your PPP either. Don't abuse and insult people and expect them to love your politics.

Gilbakka posted:

Look, people, Gilly has been a close observer of Guyana's political culture for 48 years running, including 20+ years as a PPP activist. If Gilly doesn't know how the system works by now, he is a bloody dunce. 

Now, APNU+AFC as the ruling power controls the electoral machinery, ie, GECOM. APNU is chiefly PNC which had stayed in power for 28 years by rigging elections. As a political activist Gilly had joined demonstrations and spoken at public meetings against rigging.

All the time here, you people have been insisting that the current PNC is the same as Burnham's PNC. Go and read your posts again. So, reasoning logically, I am saying that Granger will not commit political suicide with free and fair elections. Granger and his PNC will do everything to stack the cards in their favour. That includes putting a PNC person to be GECOM Chairman.

Who will that person be? Gilly has a fair idea. According to news reports, Granger is insisting on a Judge or ex-Judge. We also know that Granger has been placing ex-army officers in strategic positions. Today's papers say that Major-General Michael Atherley will head the Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU). Gilly is guessing that Granger will be pretty comfortable with a GECOM Head who is both a Judge/ex-Judge AND an ex-army officer. Reading the Guyana news from afar for years, Gilly can identify one character who fits that bill, particularly as that person had publicized problems with the PPP regime. Yuh all want me fo provide de name too? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

NEWS FLASH: Another ex-army officer lands himself in a cushy posting. One for CANU this morning. Another for CH&PA this afternoon.

GINA, GUYANA, Wednesday, March 1, 2017 --- Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan has confirmed that Lelon Saul will replace Myrna Pitt, who had stepped down as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) in June 2016.

Minister Bulkan told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that Saul is well qualified for the position, and brings with him vast experience. Saul, who is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Guyana Defence Force, also worked with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

These dog catchers were born to destroy, No wonder he with the Namakaaram crew!!!!!!!!!!

After stating clearly here that I no longer support APNU+AFC, you calling me dog catcher? The other day your partner called me a low-class coolie. Do you people really expect this dog catcher and low-class coolie to support your PPP? Think again. Having regard to your attitude, while I won't support APNU in 2020, I won't encourage my worst enemy to vote for your PPP either. Don't abuse and insult people and expect them to love your politics.

Gilly, Nehru and his partner are just shooting breeze here. As you can see from their writing, they are not polished politicians. I don't think they are speaking on behalf of Mr. Jagdeo who said he would welcome back anyone. Mr. Jagdeo, a man of character and integrity, would never describe people like this. 

Last edited by Former Member

I think that everyone needs to calm down a bit. 

2020 is a few years away and we are all speculating. Every poster expresses his or her opinion and Political is a slugfest from time to time.

In the end, the people of Guyana will decide, we are all just blowing hot air.

Hate him to like him, President Jagdeo name stirs up emotions. I like Jagdeo a lot and want to see him returned as President. He is even a more mature and now a polished politician quite capable of putting Guyana back on track and based on what the Flat Head/Bread Granger is doing, Guyana needs President Jagdeo very badly

There will always be President Jagdeo haters but who cares ? He is a two term DEMOCRATICALLY elected president.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Gilly, Nehru and his partner are just shooting breeze here. As you can see from their writing, they are not polished politicians. I don't think they are speaking on behalf of Mr. Jagdeo who said he would welcome back anyone. Mr. Jagdeo, a man of character and integrity, would never describe people like this. 

Nehru and his partner are shooting breeze in the wrong direction. And I agree with you; Jagdeo should read his so-called supporters' posts here and decide if he and the PPP are not embarrassed.


Gilly, there are a few folks here trying to stir up something like starting their own party, running for President, etc. They're not on BJ's side, as evidenced by their shameless showing off and vile description of ex-PPP members. 

gogo posted:

Jagdeo does not have to say it, it's a foregone conclusion. The same way he became General Secretary with the highest votes he will get the highest votes for President.........the stage will be set for this by Jagdeo himself.

Unlike Granger who rigged his own leadership race with gunshots etc being fired, Jagdeo was democratically elected. Those who do not like Jagdeo like to stir up nonsense.

Members of the PPP democratically voted Jagdeo as General Secretary.

End of Story.

Last edited by Former Member

Leonara and Gilbakka mentioned a mystery person as Nehru's partner. Please provide his/her name. I know Bibi and yuji are mostly on the same page, but I don't want to juess. I am personally asking either of you to mention his/her alias.

Leonora posted:

Gilly, there are a few folks here trying to stir up something like starting their own party, running for President, etc. They're not on BJ's side, as evidenced by their shameless showing off and vile description of ex-PPP members. 


There will be no third party of influence after the AFC shafted their supporters. The AFC is as dead as doornail and Guyanese are no longer interested in a third party option.

It is now PNC vs PPP. 

yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Who is Nehru's partner?

Good question. 

Here's the answer:

Yuji, Grainger said in NYC two years ago that he is not Burnham, and Moses made a public apology on Granger's behalf that there will be no more rigging. That's how low a collie would stoop to a black man. We can't blame Grainger for what we are seeing, but the low class collie that sell out them mattie coolie. Your friend gilbakka is a prime example of a low class collie. 

yuji22 posted:

I think that everyone needs to calm down a bit. 

2020 is a few years away and we are all speculating. Every poster expresses his or her opinion and Political is a slugfest from time to time.

In the end, the people of Guyana will decide, we are all just blowing hot air.

Hate him to like him, President Jagdeo name stirs up emotions. I like Jagdeo a lot and want to see him returned as President. He is even a more mature and now a polished politician quite capable of putting Guyana back on track and based on what the Flat Head/Bread Granger is doing, Guyana needs President Jagdeo very badly

There will always be President Jagdeo haters but who cares ? He is a two term DEMOCRATICALLY elected president.

Bhai Yugi you got to be kidding,you want to tell me there is no other person in the homeland who can manage the people affairs,me thinks you letting your emotions cloud your judgment,Jagdeo had his run for two terms,he is done no comeback that's it.

Last edited by Django

Cobra Bhai,

I missed your post. Gilly is a good soul and so are you and my buddy Nehru.

We are just having political differences with Gilly. I am sure that as adults, we do not take these discussions personally.

He supported the AFC in the past and admitted making a mistake. Jesus made mention of those repenting and we must not forget his message to us. We should all move on and ask admin to please close this thread.

Please brothers, let us not start a Mahabharat now.


Cobra posted:

Yuji, the coalition will run again together because neither of them can stand on their own feet.

I agree, they are two half feet parties. Jagdeo will crush them.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

I think that everyone needs to calm down a bit. 

2020 is a few years away and we are all speculating. Every poster expresses his or her opinion and Political is a slugfest from time to time.

In the end, the people of Guyana will decide, we are all just blowing hot air.

Hate him to like him, President Jagdeo name stirs up emotions. I like Jagdeo a lot and want to see him returned as President. He is even a more mature and now a polished politician quite capable of putting Guyana back on track and based on what the Flat Head/Bread Granger is doing, Guyana needs President Jagdeo very badly

There will always be President Jagdeo haters but who cares ? He is a two term DEMOCRATICALLY elected president.

Bhai Yugi you got to be kidding,you want to tell me there is no other person in the homeland who can manage the people affairs,me thinks you letting your emotions cloud your judgment,Jagdeo had his run for two terms,he is done no comeback that's it.

Bhai Django,

Based on the flat bread performance of Granger and the AFC/PNC, you can dress a donkey with shirt and pants and it will beat the AFC/PNC hands down.

The courts have clearly stated that preventing Jagdeo from running a third time is unconstitutional. 

Jagdeo will single handedly crush the AFC/PNC. Guyanese politics require strong leaders. He is headed for another two term again.

Last edited by Former Member

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