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Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Thanks for these pics, and most especially the video, SJ! wavey

They prove exactly what I reported and what is in the newspapers today.

I have to download that video in case it is pulled Big Grin ur ting my boi
Take it easy. Was good to see you Smile
Originally posted by albert:
The multi ethnic spread of those who turned out in their thousands to render support to the only true national party in Guyana will send shivers down the spine of the AFC and their newest recruit: Freddie Kissoon

The only thing spread out was you and the peanut butter crew albert.
from Kaieteur blogs someone posted this. Very interesting.

David Singh 1 day ago
We can't trust this Jagdeo government to procure a decent laptop - how can we trust them with such a huge project?
Trust me there is so much hidden cost yet to be revealed.

Where is the voice of the opposition when we really need them?

I'll suggest that the Guyanese people take example from the Tunisian revolution.

The poor ca't continue to slave and fill the pockets of these corrupt folks!
Bring these fat-cats to justice ...
Bring this government down!
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guyana_analyst 2 hours ago
The PPP/C is so attractive to the populace that they prefer to admire this attractiveness from afar - very far away. Apparently the further away from this attractivness the better. This is evidenced in the high migration rates from this attractive gov't.

(Edited by a moderator)

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