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PPP/C at forefront of 2011 elections PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 07 October 2011 02:21
MR. MAXWELL’s letter titled ‘The PPP is campaigning against two parties dominated by a multiracial leadership for the first time’ on October 6, 2011 published by Stabroek News, shows that he needs to do more homework assignments on the modern politics of the PPP/C. This Maxwell masquerades as a lawyer and a private TV owner, and moonlights as a cheap propagandist for the AFC - a loser by any standards.
How can AFC call themselves a multiracial party when their party only comprises of Indian and Black leaders? And how is APNU any different? As far as I am concerned, Guyana has six races, and to have a party saying that they are multiracial with just two races is nonsensical.

A party should run for an election on the basis of professionalism, and not based on race.
The AFC immature propagandists are doing a terrible job in representing their party’s image. In responding to someone’s letter, they should learn to read it carefully. Apparently, they do not know how to handle constructive criticisms in a professional manner.

In the AFC propagandist’s letter, they are promoting the letter writer’s agenda than to address the issue. If they cannot simply do this, then how can they be leaders of this country?
As a result of the coalition, the PNC’s strong-hold presence has been diminishing slowly, and the WPA-led APNU has no constituency.

Furthermore, there is no competition between the PPP/C and WPA, WPA-led APNU or the AFC, since the PPP/C is way above their level in all matters of politics. Even the AFC propagandists admit that ‘The AFC is a new commodity’ and that ‘the AFC has its own set of problems.’
We don’t need a party where its members called itself the best and they cannot even control their internal problems. As a new commodity without any reputation and track record, it is doomed to fail, easily putting PPP/C in the forefront of this year’s election.

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A party should run for an election on the basis of professionalism, and not based on race.

Clearly this donut has no idea what Nandalall's campaign speech looks like. Albert maybe you should edumacate this person.
quote...We don’t need a party where its members called itself the best and they cannot even control their internal problems. As a new commodity without any reputation and track record, it is doomed to fail, easily putting PPP/C in the forefront of this year’s election...unquote

The P.P.P/C is a professional party...
Originally posted by albert:
jags...this is a political discussion forum...the least you can must a constructive comment...jeez!!!

Constructive? you are talking about constructive?

Dont you have some big images to post today repeatedly over and over and over again.
Jags you are fighting the truth....the P.P.P/C is in every facet in the Guyanese Society and in feverishly working on the citizens behave...bringing better economic investing heavily in the people...remaining pro-working class in its policies...thus the electorate will endorse the P.P.P/C and let progress continue..
They are indeed and the sugar workers and we berbicians are gonna make our mark and it sure as hell aint gonna be next to no stinkin cup this time around. We will pee in the cup.
Let us find out the truth.

Who is Joseph Hamilton?

Is he or was he an House of Isreal member? YES

Did the House of Isreal harrass PPP supporters ?


So Joseph Hamiton was part of the team that harrassed and beat PPP supporters?


So what the hell he doing on a PPP platform.

The PPP = PNC = House of Isreal.

FACT. Case closed.

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