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Jagdeo’s empty job promise … No Guyanese workers as Marriott hotel goes up


February 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

A view from the seawall of the Marriott Hotel under construction.

…Chinese company barred from speaking


The construction of the Marriott-branded hotel, which is so far being funded by Guyanese taxpayers, does not involve any local construction workers. Neither the company, Shanghai Construction Group, nor the government is saying why.
The government had boasted that the project, which is costing some US$60 million, would create hundreds of jobs; but months into construction, Kaieteur News saw no Guyanese workers at the site after repeated visits.
The first visit was made two weeks ago; and then another visit was made a week ago. The only construction workers seen were of Chinese origin. The Chinese workers eat, work, and sleep on the site.
The only Guyanese at the site was a man who identified himself as a consultant.
Representatives of the Chinese company at the Kingston, Georgetown site are not being allowed to speak to Kaieteur News. When Kaieteur News visited and asked to talk with those in charge of the project, they said that they first had to get the permission of Atlantic Hotels Incorporated (AHI).
AHI is the company set up by the Guyana government through which taxpayers’ dollars are being funneled to finance the facility in the absence of any named investor to date.
After making a call to AHI, which is run by Winston Brassington, who also heads Government’s investment arm NICIL, the Chinese said they could not talk to Kaieteur News.
The hotel is being built by Shanghai Construction Group (SCG), whose Caribbean office is based in Trinidad and Tobago.
When Kaieteur News contacted Michael Ziang, SCG’s Managing Director in Trinidad, he said that he could not answer any questions and directed this newspaper to AHI. Ziang said he would offer an interview to Kaieteur News if the reporter flies to Trinidad; but even so, he would need the permission of AHI.
Kaieteur News contacted Brassington and Dr Ashni Singh, the Finance Minister, for comments on the issue, but more than two weeks later, there has been no response.
In late 2011, former President Bharrat Jagdeo officially turned the sod for the construction of the hotel with the promise, that the project will create hundreds of jobs in the construction phase, and beyond when it becomes operational.
The 160-room hotel and entertainment complex is expected by February 2014.
Despite pressure by opposition parliamentary parties and a Parliamentary motion to halt Government funding for the project, the government is stubbornly pushing ahead with the project.
The government is so far using tax dollars to fund the project. It has already handed over US$10million (G$2 billion) to SCG. Private investors are expected to contribute US$27 million.
The government has some special arrangement that guarantees the private investors that they would get their money if the project folds.
So, if in a scenario where the project fails and the value of the property depreciates to a value below what the investors have plugged, then the investors will get back their money, and there would be nothing to return to NICIL. Taxpayers’ dollars would go down the drain.
The government will participate in the project by way of equity, in the sum of US$4 million. This will be committed through NICIL, one of the investment arms of the government which holds its assets.
The equity contribution determines the government’s strength in Atlantic Hotels Incorporated – the company created to see the project through. As it stands, the government is currently the sole shareholder in the company.
However, apart from the equity contribution, financing for the project would also come from “subordinate loan stocks” of US$15 million invested by NICIL.
Adding the US$2 million, NICIL will end up spending in development costs for the project, including design and other preliminary studies altogether, US$21 million.
So, in total, the amount of money the government is pushing into the project is just about what it should cost in Guyana to complete the project, industry experts say.
The additional US$40 million remains a mystery to industry experts.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I know Guyanese like to work half a day and want full day pay. The Chinese will not allow that. However, Kudos to KN to keep on track of this. There MUST be at least 10% of local Construction workers.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Jagdeo’s empty job promise … No Guyanese workers as Marriott hotel goes up


February 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

A view from the seawall of the Marriott Hotel under construction.

…Chinese company barred from speaking


The construction of the Marriott-branded hotel, which is so far being funded by Guyanese taxpayers, does not involve any local construction workers. Neither the company, Shanghai Construction Group, nor the government is saying why.
The government had boasted that the project, which is costing some US$60 million, would create hundreds of jobs; but months into construction, Kaieteur News saw no Guyanese workers at the site after repeated visits.
The first visit was made two weeks ago; and then another visit was made a week ago. The only construction workers seen were of Chinese origin. The Chinese workers eat, work, and sleep on the site.
The only Guyanese at the site was a man who identified himself as a consultant.

Rev and baseman I told you that this would happen.  Yet you praise Chinese.  Surinamers and Trinis and Jamaicans have been complaining about this. In fact in order to get work the Jamaicans had to go in and burn down part of the construction site.   Docile Guyanese would never do that.


Chinese do not hire locals because these projects are designed to resolve the serious unemployment among rural Chinese, who would tolerate levels of exploitation that no Caribbean person would, even a Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Jagdeo’s empty job promise … No Guyanese workers as Marriott hotel goes up


February 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

A view from the seawall of the Marriott Hotel under construction.

…Chinese company barred from
The government has some special arrangement that guarantees the private investors that they would get their money if the project folds.
So, if in a scenario where the project fails and the value of the property depreciates to a value below what the investors have plugged, then the investors will get back their money, and there would be nothing to return to NICIL.

If this project is so viable why is this needed?  What is the PUBLIC benefit for this guarantee to be justified?  Marriott is not going to develop eco/adventure tourism in Guyana as that is not their focus.


As is, considering these guarantees, this project is 100% funded by the govt, even though it is not a majority govt owned hotel.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I know Guyanese like to work half a day and want full day pay. The Chinese will not allow that. However, Kudos to KN to keep on track of this. There MUST be at least 10% of local Construction workers.

The Chinese are sleeping on site.  Any bets that the Chinese get paid a minimal wage and then costs for feeding and housing them are deducted, and there is no one that they can complain to.

Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine the people's money are being used to part finance this project and they can't get these short-term work. 

TK, it's been the norm where every public project is funded by taxpayers dollars...why this one is any different? In this case we will agree that its part financed since it is a public/private venture.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Anti-gov't supporters are always looking to stir up trouble everywhere.

Gov't is wasting too much resources refuting the rubbish they write and preach every day.

 This is the Chinese model for everywhere they go. They bring in their own people, hold on to the money they put into the project, cut corners and do everything possible finish the job and we have to pay them everything with not a damn thing to gain. Then in return, promises made to them for access to the state resources are laughed, ( the wood company did not appear out of the blue)

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine the people's money are being used to part finance this project and they can't get these short-term work. 

TK, it's been the norm where every public project is funded by taxpayers dollars...why this one is any different? In this case we will agree that its part financed since it is a public/private venture.

The norm? So you're saying PPP uses Chinese labor all the time? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I know Guyanese like to work half a day and want full day pay. The Chinese will not allow that. However, Kudos to KN to keep on track of this. There MUST be at least 10% of local Construction workers.

Bhai, Chinese labor is cheaper and perhaps the contract has determine that Chinese labor alone will be use to complete the project. I don't believe the government will exclude Guyanese labor if it's not explicitly stated so. (I could be wrong). The government may be cash strapped on this project and they're trying their best to fund the project on Chinese labor cost. That could be another reason. Remember, this project didn't get the blessings from Granger or Ramjattan.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine the people's money are being used to part finance this project and they can't get these short-term work. 

TK, it's been the norm where every public project is funded by taxpayers dollars...why this one is any different? In this case we will agree that its part financed since it is a public/private venture.

If the govt is guaranteeing investors that they will get a 100% return of their equity investment if the hotel fails then this is a 100% funded public sector project.  Where is the risk for the investors?  Why must the govt carry 100% of the risk if the hotel is forced to close?  Numerous other Guyanese opened up hotels and have had to shoulder the losses without any help from the govt. 


So what is so special about these guys....aside from being PPP crony capitalists.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I know Guyanese like to work half a day and want full day pay. The Chinese will not allow that. However, Kudos to KN to keep on track of this. There MUST be at least 10% of local Construction workers.

Bhai, Chinese labor is cheaper and perhaps the contract has determine that Chinese labor alone will be use to complete the project. I don't believe the government will exclude Guyanese labor if it's not explicitly stated so. (I could be wrong). The government may be cash strapped on this project and they're trying their best to fund the project on Chinese labor cost. That could be another reason. Remember, this project didn't get the blessings from Granger or Ramjattan.

There is no Guyanese labor on site so what is the benefit for Guyanese.  Why is the money that BELONGS to Guyanese being used to fund a prject where no Guyanese are being allowed to work?


If the govt is supporting PPP crony capitalists and no one else why are Ramjattan and Granger wrong not to support the project?

Originally Posted by TK:


The norm? So you're saying PPP uses Chinese labor all the time? 

Yes.  The only role that Guyanese must play is to spend dollars sent to them by their Bajan based family who often work in construction. And no wonder if they cant get the most lucrative construction work in Guyana.


Now if the PPP cared about Guyanese they would view this project as one where the constrcutions skills of Guyanese might be upgraded, workiong alongside SKILLED Chinese workers.


But no.  Ramotar wants Guyanese in Guyana to live off Guyanese every where else.


guyanese have the skill to work on this projects but this government do not care a dam about guyanese people guyanese is leaving their birth land and working on building just like this all over the world

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Guyana have a lot of cane to cut and rice to plant. Let them blasted chinese to do their job.

 Since when that is "their" job? The knuckle headed PPP are falling for the same tricks as others have and when they came to their senses it was too late.


You for example need to go and educate yourselves. I just came across a bunch of studies of the deceptive practices of the Chinese, the onerous financial burden they leave behind, and the rape of resources that are always in these deals. They are not here to make money from building something. They are here for the side deals  to afford them access to our natural resources that is definitely a part of this bargain. That is a fact.


Jagdeo was de one who claim that dem project gun bring employment fuh Guyanese.

 Well, not one Guyanese wukking pun de Marriott.

 And dem same Chinese got de nerve to tell de Waterfalls paper that reporters must ask Brazzy.
Dem boys seh that is like sending de devil fuh try case in hell. 

 But when Jagdeo seh that Guyanese gun get wuk, he sound good, but is a case of giving sweetie to a young child.

People actually believe till dem line up at de wuk place and hear that there is no vacancy.



Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Guyana have a lot of cane to cut and rice to plant. Let them blasted chinese to do their job.

And what are people who live in Georgetown supposed to do?


Ooops...forgot.  Over 50% of them are blacks so they dont matter.


Then you wonder why most of them call the PPP a gang of racist thieves, and refuse to vote for them.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why are you avoiding this thread?

Because he and baseman were boasting elsewhere how Guyanese will benefit from China and screamed at me and stormborn who warne dthem aboyt how Chinese behave.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

. They are here for the side deals  to afford them access to our natural resources that is definitely a part of this bargain. That is a fact.

Most countries in Asia, and many in Africa carefully regulate logging and ban the export of raw logs.  The Chinese will rape Guyana and leave us looking like a huge mud swamp once they have gotten all the trees that they can get.  Tropical woods grow slowly and most trees are not commercially significant, but will be cut down so that those which are, can be accessed.  Many parts of the Amazon are becoming deserts as a result of this practise.


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