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PPP/C Govt committed to holding local govt elections - but mature, responsive, responsible opposition needed to help processPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Savitri Laikram   
Thursday, 03 January 2013 22:58

LOCAL Government and Regional Development Minister, Ganga Persaud refuted the widespread perception that “nothing much is being done about local government elections” when he stated that, that issue has been around since 1997, and ever since, a number of things would have happened, such as the

aftermath of the election, opposition forces seeking to spread violence, and even persons destroying the city.


Minister Ganga Persaud

In an interview with this publication, yesterday, at his Kingston, Georgetown office, the minister said these developments resulted in the signing of an agreement, in earlier years, that was called the “Herdmanston Accord”, of which constitutional reform was also part.
Hence, in some way, former President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Leader Mr. Desmond Hoyte had put together a task force to look at local government reform with the understanding that no local government election would be held without those reforms being completed.
He pointed out that that process had, however, ended in 2010, at the “scale weight”, and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) had sought to push the reform agenda by taking it into Parliament.
He noted that all the bills had been laid in the Ninth Parliament; the opposition at that time had been the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance for Change (AFC); they were on the “Select Committee”, which had been very lethargic; and their attendance at committee meetings reflected a serious “lack of commitment” and “lack of dedication”.
The committee consequently moved at a “snail’s pace”, and the government, although having at that time a majority on the Select Committee, could not have pushed the process through.
He said that on important issues, such as electoral reform, the PPP/C Government is always comfortable when there is majority buy–in to initiatives and to reforms of such a significant and sensitive nature; and it is for that reason that the PPP/C member on the Select Committee in the Ninth Parliament did not seek to rush the bills through, but sought to ensure that they get the comments and inputs from opposition members who were a part of it.
He said that at the last General Elections, only two bills were completed, as the other bills were at different stages of completion.
Those bills were laid in Parliament again within the July –August period of last year, and only last December was a new select committee identified, the minister noted.
“So they took the step to first establish the select committee; and now, with circumstances as regard the local government elections, let us see what happens in 2013,” the minister said.
Minister Persaud noted that while the legislation necessary for holding local government elections has been approved, the PPP/C Government is conscious of the commitment made to the major opposition to complete all legal frameworks before moving to hold local government elections; and thus far, that is the reason why local government elections have not been held, the minister pointed out.
He also disclosed that the President, on his ascension to office, had indeed committed to holding local government elections in the first year of his tenure, but the President had then felt certain that he would have had responsive, responsible and mature behaviour coming from the benches of the opposition. However, unresponsive, irresponsible behaviour has been more in evidence from day one of his presidency.
Minister Persaud said the president, as head of the PPP/C, is committed to having the local government elections held, and has urged the Local Government Ministry and PPP/C Parliamentarians to pay much attention to the local government reform process.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"the bills had been laid in the Ninth Parliament; the opposition at that time had been the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance for Change (AFC); they were on the “Select Committee”, which had been very lethargic; and their attendance at committee meetings reflected a serious “lack of commitment” and “lack of dedication”.


The joint opposition needs to come off their high horses and support the local government bills!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"the bills had been laid in the Ninth Parliament; the opposition at that time had been the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance for Change (AFC); they were on the “Select Committee”, which had been very lethargic; and their attendance at committee meetings reflected a serious “lack of commitment” and “lack of dedication”.


The joint opposition needs to come off their high horses and support the local government bills!


Translation: Hee haw hee haw hee haw hee haw


At the last General Elections, only two bills were completed, as the other bills were at different stages of completion.
Those bills were laid in Parliament again within the July –August period of last year, and only last December was a new select committee identified, the minister noted.
“So they took the step to first establish the select committee; and now, with circumstances as regard the local government elections, let us see what happens in 2013,” the minister said.
Minister Persaud noted that while the legislation necessary for holding local government elections has been approved, the PPP/C Government is conscious of the commitment made to the major opposition to complete all legal frameworks before moving to hold local government elections; and thus far, that is the reason why local government elections have not been held, the minister pointed out.

Originally Posted by JoKer:

The PPP further announces its Electoral Slate for upcoming Local Government Elections:


All dem hijra dis look like you and you brothers. Are you guys related? Na try fu hide dis now. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

let me see if i know them gals in this picture,we have skeltonman,nehru,rev,GBURD,and think the ugle one is rama


How can you tell which one is de ugly one?


Imagine that! This government is committed to local elections and in 20 years it made no steps into facilitating that. Instead it has over the past 2 years set out en mass to install IMOs that are hand picked by the Party.


Even the Amerindians are screwed in their elections by this government. We have Orealla and the Rupununi  presently being suffocated by this corrupt regime intent on perpetuating its crooked reign by rigging local elections.


Exposing a dictatorship in the Rupununi

January 4, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Editor,
Please permit me space in your letters column to highlight two issues-that were discussed at the last sitting of the Regional Democratic Council Meeting of December 14, 2012:


The first has to do with Parisharra Village in the near North Rupununi.
Earlier this year, Village elections were held across the Region. Parisharra nominated a certain gentleman to be their Senior Councillor to represent them on the Village Council of Nappi/Parisharra/Hiowa.
The Regional Administration was swift to inform the Village and the gentleman thatthe nomination was invalid and that they should nominate someone else.


The reason proffered-was that the man was under investigation by the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs for some malpractices that were committed while he was Toshao way back in 2006. The investigation was conducted in 2006.


Needless to say Mr. Editor, the village and the gentleman are still awaiting the findings of this investigation.


The village refused to partake in the elections. The Regional Executive Officer subsequently  took a Police rank to Parisharra in an attempt to intimidate the villagers into participating. Again the villagers stood their ground.


For them it was this gentleman or nobody else. The Administration’s choice was elected with very limited participation – his relatives and a few of his friends. Obviously, the villagers refused to recognise the elections.
This matter was raised at a previous sitting of the RDC, and with a majority, the PPP side, of the council, voted down the proposal to settle Parisharra’s problems once and for all.


At the sitting of 14th December, a letter from Parisharra was read to the council informing us that they  have conducted their own elections and the officers so elected will be the village representatives.
The PPP side of the Council was swift in condemning the actions. What’s more is the fact that the Clerk of Council, who is also the Regional Executive Officer, informed Council that she will have nothing to do with Parisharra.


The opposition side of the council objected to the jaundiced remark of the Clerk and vowed to be on watch when developmental works are being apportioned in the Region  The remark was condemned for what it was.
The other issue had to do with a recent protest by the students of the leading school in the Rupununi. St. Ignatius Secondary.


The students had protested when their Headmistress, offered her resignation over her dissatisfaction with the way the Regional Authorities handled a matter of discipline of a teacher who was obviously disrespectful to the school, the students, the community and the headmistress.
At the RDC, the PPP took the position that the Headmistress was to be blamed for the entire episode and questioned whether we are breeding a nation of protesters.


It was pointed out that the children have a right to protest, as a form of expressing themselves in accordance with the United Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child. This was more necessary since their attempts to have an audience with the Regional Education Officer were bluntly refused.
The same officer had refused to meet with the parents the previous day concerning the same issue.


The Regional Administration is seriously lacking in the resolution of conflicts.


It views every actions opposed to its ineptitude as political. It cannot understand that the region has evolved from radio sets to BBM, where information is shared in an instant; and that that information  is being used to enlighten communities.
Gone are the days when the only newspaper available was the Chronicle.


We now have access to Stabroek News and Kaieteur News. We also have an educated vibrant opposition who is resolved to ensure that the affairs of the Region are conducted in a professional manner.
We are undaunted by the criticisms leveled at us.

Kudos to Parisharra; kudos to the students of St. Ignatius Secondary. They have taken a stand, and it is hoped that the revolution will spread to other communities.
 Carl. A. Parker
Regional Councillor


The joint opposition should stop dragging their feet and support legislation proposed by the government that will facilitate the holding of local government elections...a.s.a.p

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should stop dragging their feet and support legislation proposed by the government that will facilitate the holding of local government elections...a.s.a.p

It has been 20 years since the PPP was in office as the majority and they never attempted to do anything. If the joint opposition cannot tell you how to account for the peoples money and  that you claim you are independent of the legislature,  why blame them for the lack of local elections?




Old man counsee surfaced like a tief in the night.


All BLOGGERS, read his , message carefully.


The PPP is not prepared to hold local Government election in 2013.


But they cannot blame the Executive who is in charge of the Budget.


So let us blame to opposition.



PLEASE NOTE NO LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS AGAIN since Ramu scared of the licks he will get from the people who fed up with all his ALI Babas.


Originally Posted by warrior:

this ppp government have no respect for the guyanese people,in this age AND TIME THEY STILL THINK INDIAN PEOPLE IS STUPID.

Shet yu rass. Yu na no wah de hell yu ah write anyway. Yu ah write because nobady na deh fu stap yu.


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