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PPP/C left no room for negotiations on Speaker


By Andre Haynes | 7 Comments | Local, News | Wednesday, January 18, 2012


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The ruling party’s unwillingness to compromise on the nominee for the speakership left no room for any negotiations, AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan said today.

“All this bitterness that he being exhibited now by [President] Donald Ramotar and now by Ralph Ramkarran is more or less baseless. We pleaded with Mr. Donald Ramotar to ensure that an AFC person got the Speakership. He did not want [anything] but Mr. Ralph Ramkarran. So we thought negotiating with them would be like putting your head against a brick wall,” Ramjattan told a news conference, in response to the PPP/C’s continued criticism of the AFC for collaborating with opposition coalition APNU on electing Raphael Trotman as Speaker last Thursday.

The PPP/C, which has the largest single bloc of parliamentarians but no outright majority, has accused the opposition parties of going against parliamentary convention by electing Trotman as Speaker.

But Ramjattan, who noted that the rotation of the speakership between the AFC and APNU is “not on the cards,” said his party would retain its independence and lend its support when it is in the national interest.

“[The PPP/C] probably played their cards totally wrong when they felt that because APNU and AFC are at loggerheads they could slip it in by calling Parliament last week Thursday. They now are victims of their own actions and they vex with AFC and APNU. We were willing to consensually work it out, but when you are going to play hardball like that and say one name and don’t even shift, that’s not the arrangement we could [negotiate] with,” Ramjattan said.

“I personally made about two or three phone calls to the President pleading with him… and what he had to say about our candidates wasn’t very nice. And this is what negotiators in a charged atmosphere do, you then go to the next best [thing] and negotiate with APNU and we managed to get Raphael Trotman as the Speaker,” he added. “They did not find [Moses Nagamootoo] suitable. Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.”

He further added that Trotman’s election was in keeping with all the conventions well known in the Westminster democracy, while pointing out that the majority of members in the National Assembly elected the Speaker.

“They quote conveniently conventions and I want to say that they have no moral authority to talk about conventions,” he said.

Despite the PPP/C’s recent statements, Ramjattan was, however, confident that the ruling party will soon settle down and contribute meaningfully to the business of the 10th Parliament while accepting the political reality of the day.

He noted that the PPP/C does not have a monopoly on power any longer or control over the lives of Guyanese, including that of its own supporters. He said all of the people of Guyana have a voice and want their voices heard and the power of the people will have to be recognized and accepted through the minority government.

“I want to make it quite clear that if there are certain things that the PPP comes forward with and are progressive and that we could support, we are going to support the PPP and every project and programme that we find is worthwhile and in the national interest,” he said. “I am not going to allow the AFC to be an appendage to PPP/C or APNU. We are going to maintain very strenuously our independence from those two parties,” he noted.

The party today congratulated its leader Trotman for his ascension to Speaker of the National Assembly as well as the other members of the party that have taken up seats in Parliament. It said that those persons categorically declare that on behalf of the AFC they are prepared to work with APNU and the PPP/C to facilitate a parliamentary agenda that serves the national interest and which brings direct and equal benefits for all Guyanese.

The party said that with a view to engaging parliamentary political parties, the AFC has dispatched a letter to the PPP/C identifying Clayton Hall and Gerhard Ramsaroop as the party’s representatives to tripartite engagements. Further, it has dispatched a letter to APNU identifying Trotman, Ramjattan, Hall, Cathy Hughes, Nagamootoo and Ramsaroop as their representatives to bilateral arrangements between the two groups.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Well Well. They PPP is making the same mistakes as Al mentioned regarding PPP and UF. I am now left to wonder why did I support the PPP ?

Politicians are the same everywhere, full of ego and themselves. They are claiming that the AFC joined with the PNC. But if this is true, then the PPP got what they deserved and must peddle on their own in this parliament.
The ruling party’s unwillingness to compromise on the nominee for the speakership left no room for any negotiations, AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan said today

What negotiations? AFC wanted the spot. They refused to budge. How is that negotiation?
The AFC did negotiate. They agreed that Ramotar would become president, Granger would be the official leader of the opposition, and that the AFC would get the Speaker's post.
Of course, the PPP did not agree to those negotiations, whilst APNU agreed that the AFC had a point.
There was no tripartite negotiation in the election of speakership. They secretly force Moses to withdraw to make way for Trotman. AFC appeases to APNU for the swap. Ramjattan is a laird to say there is no room for negotiation. Thank God he's not the president. He would have caused havoc in the OP, much worst than what you people are saying about Jagdeo.
Originally posted by TI:

The ruling party’s unwillingness to compromise on the nominee for the speakership left no room for any negotiations, AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan said today

What negotiations? AFC wanted the spot. They refused to budge.

How is that negotiation?

The next elections; in 6 months, a year, two years or five years; would be quite a surprise. Big Grin

I am not going to allow the AFC to be an appendage to PPP/C or APNU.

We are going to maintain very strenuously our independence from those two parties,” he noted.

Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC is already a fetter to the PNC/APNU. Big Grin

Originally posted by TI:
The ruling party’s unwillingness to compromise on the nominee for the speakership left no room for any negotiations, AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan said today

What negotiations? AFC wanted the spot. They refused to budge. How is that negotiation?
Assume there is no trust between the parties and each want the position and is willing to hold. Then imagine the worse outcome for each should any of them not get it. Then see which is the best payoff for all of them. That is how you negotiate here.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
AFC is already a fetter to the PNC/APNU. Big Grin

You are just being silly as usual.

When you examine the current mosaic of the PPP/C it is more PNC than PPP. Wink
Originally posted by Mr.T:
The AFC did negotiate. They agreed that Ramotar would become president, Granger would be the official leader of the opposition, and that the AFC would get the Speaker's post.
Of course, the PPP did not agree to those negotiations, whilst APNU agreed that the AFC had a point.

THE CONSTITUTION GUARANTEES THAT THE LEADER OF THE PARTY WITH THE LARGEST VOTES AND SEATS GETS THE PRESIDENCY. What crap are you talking about the AFC agrees for them to have it? Are you you insane...
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

“They did not find [Moses Nagamootoo] suitable.

Khemraj Ramjattan

== Moses Nagamootoo

You are one demented malicious old fart. You made the above disparaging post to mislead readers that KR is saying "that Moses is not suitable." Demented_Guy, here is the full paragraph from which you are making you ASSpershun.

“I personally made about two or three phone calls to the President pleading with him… and what he had to say about our candidates wasn’t very nice. And this is what negotiators in a charged atmosphere do, you then go to the next best [thing] and negotiate with APNU and we managed to get Raphael Trotman as the Speaker,” he added. “They did not find [Moses Nagamootoo] suitable. Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'
Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'

Just for those who speak as though the man was cast aside.
“I am not going to allow the AFC to be an appendage to PPP/C or APNU. We are going to maintain very strenuously our independence from those two parties,” he noted.

Thanks Mr. Ramjattan for restoring trust in the AFC. We are watching you. flag
Originally posted by cain:
Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'

Just for those who speak as though the man was cast aside.

He stepped aside because APNU called the shots. They did not want him. Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by cain:
Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'

Just for those who speak as though the man was cast aside.

He stepped aside because APNU called the shots. They did not want him. Big Grin

Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened. Wink
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

I am not going to allow the AFC to be an appendage to PPP/C or APNU.

We are going to maintain very strenuously our independence from those two parties,” he noted.

Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC is already a fetter to the PNC/APNU. Big Grin

Datt man Ramjattan gatt good intentions and tell truth, but he gatt dem sellout. He even gatt wan coolie man pon he EC a play both sides. Mi tink da AfC gon gatt big voter prablims nex elections.
Ramjattan please shut up.

Get on with the Peoples business in parliament.

The PPP is making the case that the AFC is supporting the PNC.

Your job and the AFC is not to challege their statement but instead your party should continue on with a campaign style approach in their strong hold. Ramjattan can make all kinds of comments on TV, Radio and newspaper it will add up to nothing. Make personal visits to the PPP strong hold. It will drive them nuts.

The majority of Black votes in Guyana assigned to the PNC and its reprentatives-for get about them for the time being. They are of the apaan jati thinking.
bHAI, tHEIR IS principle INVOLVED. hE WA PEOMISED AND SELECTED TO BE sPEAKER, tROTTY AND THE YOUTH ARM GOT A FIT AND SAID HELL NO!!! This gentleman is DISCRACING himself. He should take a long long leave of absense.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by cain:
Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'

Just for those who speak as though the man was cast aside.

He stepped aside because APNU called the shots. They did not want him. Big Grin

Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened. Wink
Originally posted by Nehru:
bHAI, tHEIR IS principle INVOLVED. hE WA PEOMISED AND SELECTED TO BE sPEAKER, tROTTY AND THE YOUTH ARM GOT A FIT AND SAID HELL NO!!! This gentleman is DISCRACING himself. He should take a long long leave of absense.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by cain:
Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'

Just for those who speak as though the man was cast aside.

He stepped aside because APNU called the shots. They did not want him. Big Grin

Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened. Wink
the ppp had no respect for MOSES,and now the man is doing some thing for his country and you ppp dogs is still fighting the man down,crabs in a barrel
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

I am not going to allow the AFC to be an appendage to PPP/C or APNU.

We are going to maintain very strenuously our independence from those two parties,” he noted.

Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC is already a fetter to the PNC/APNU. Big Grin

Datt man Ramjattan gatt good intentions and tell truth, but he gatt dem sellout. He even gatt wan coolie man pon he EC a play both sides. Mi tink da AfC gon gatt big voter prablims nex elections.
sledge do yourself a flavour and stop tink
We all know that Ramoutar wanted Ramkarran and ONLY Ramkarran as Speaker. Just like Jagdeo, the Guyanese people had enough of Ramkarran. Ramoutar got out-smarted. Instead of "my way is the only way" attitude that has been going on in Parliament for decades, he should have put forward another name.
Did someone says "Crabs in a Barrel" Something for you and AFC to think about. Wink Wink
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
bHAI, tHEIR IS principle INVOLVED. hE WA PEOMISED AND SELECTED TO BE sPEAKER, tROTTY AND THE YOUTH ARM GOT A FIT AND SAID HELL NO!!! This gentleman is DISCRACING himself. He should take a long long leave of absense.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by cain:
Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'

Just for those who speak as though the man was cast aside.

He stepped aside because APNU called the shots. They did not want him. Big Grin

Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened. Wink
the ppp had no respect for MOSES,and now the man is doing some thing for his country and you ppp dogs is still fighting the man down,crabs in a barrel
Originally posted by Nehru:
Did someone says "Crabs in a Barrel" Something for you and AFC to think about. Wink Wink
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
bHAI, tHEIR IS principle INVOLVED. hE WA PEOMISED AND SELECTED TO BE sPEAKER, tROTTY AND THE YOUTH ARM GOT A FIT AND SAID HELL NO!!! This gentleman is DISCRACING himself. He should take a long long leave of absense.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by cain:
Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened.'

Just for those who speak as though the man was cast aside.

He stepped aside because APNU called the shots. They did not want him. Big Grin

Nagamootoo behaved like a gentleman, withdrew his name, realizing that it indeed would be a good thing for AFC to get the Speakership and that’s what happened. Wink
the ppp had no respect for MOSES,and now the man is doing some thing for his country and you ppp dogs is still fighting the man down,crabs in a barrel
the man have a right to choose for himself,he is his own man,with a brain of his own,if he chosse to be a part of the AFC that his rights.the ppp think that all indians is only born to vote for ppp,that the law of indian nature.well they is honest and brave indians and thier is the ppp indians cowardly and dishonest.

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