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PPP/C Presidential candidate exercises franchise - confident of a PPPC victory

Georgetown, GINA, November 28, 2011
Source - GINA

Presidential Candidate of the PPPC Donald Ramotar placing his ballot paper in the ballot box

Presidential Candidate for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), Donald Ramotar this morning exercised his franchise at the Plaisance Community High School, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara.

Ramotar in an invited comment said that the process was smooth, irrespective of the fact that the Polling staff did not take too kindly that media operatives were on site.

The Presidential candidate said he is confident that his party will win the 2011 elections.
“I think the PPPC will win the elections in a big way … we have done a lot of work. I think we will capture a lot of non-traditional votes. The elections has been showing more and more that the PPPC has been getting more cross over votes,” Ramotar said.

Presidential Candidate of the PPPC party, Donald Ramotar and his wife Deolatchmee display their ink stained fingers after casting their ballots

Responding to the question posed by reporters as to what his plans are for the strengthening of Guyana’s relationship with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), if he is to be elected, Ramotar said that there will definitely be a strengthening of Guyana’s relationship with both groupings.

He added that, “Guyana is located strategically geographically”, therefore he will use this advantage to bridge the gap between CARICOM and UNASUR so to ensure both groups of countries can work together on the international scene both bi-laterally and multi-laterally.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and his wife display their ink stained finger after voting at Christ Church Secondary School

Meanwhile the party’s Prime Ministerial Candidate Samuel Hinds cast his ballot at the Christ Church Secondary School, Georgetown.

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