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PPP/C Presidential Candidate Mr. Donald Ramotar on Monday, October 10 2011 visited the Region 10 communities of Aroraima and Kwakwani. At Kwakwani, Mr. Ramotar addressed several hundred persons in the Workers Club where he outlined the PPP/C Government efforts to attract foreign investments into the Bauxite sector at a time when it was being pressured to close the industry down and world market prices were at an all time low. He noted that gradually the industry is improving and as a result so will the communities which are heavily reliant on these operations. Mr. Ramotar also outlined other aspects of his party's development plan for Guyana, particularly in the area of renewable energy and its importance for Guyana’s continued development, β€œWe need cheap energy, our largest expense in our budget is importation of fuel to generate electricity. It is therefore imperative to have cheaper electricity to advance the pace of our development and that is why we are investing heavily in hydropower.

I also have plans to look at the possibility of investing in solar and wind power to generate electricity.” On Tuesday, October 11 2001, Mr. Ramotar visited Region 6 and among several stops he spoke to several hundred persons at Train Line, Port Mourant. In a region where his Government has expanded University Education in the Tain Campus, the PPP/C Presidential Candidate stated that Guyana has reached a stage where in the next five years he will ensure every single child has access to secondary education. This is taking into consideration that only 30% of students leaving primary school in 1992 could have accessed secondary education. More so, with over 1000 schools being renovated or constructed during this period, a larger percentage of students countrywide now have access to education at all levels. The PPP/C Presidential Candidate will on October 13, 2011 from 18hrs - meet with hundreds of young professionals, entrepreneurs and youth leaders from across the country at a sip and chat. This event will be hosted at the Castellani Pool Side on Homestretch Avenue. On Friday October 14, 2011 he is slated to continue interacting with the public at meetings slated for Leonora and Rumzeight on the West Coast of Demerara.


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Originally posted by squingy:
Will he be at the Merundoi debate, or has cat got his tongue? Why was robert Persaud so nervous that Ramotar will embarass himself and the PPP at this debate? I say let the man represent himself. Let him debate!

Ramotar is so used to his tongue opening wine bottles, that he is afraid to say the wrong things at any debate and making a fool of himself.

TRAIN LINE, the PPP forming their own village ?
Albert, your source is a no show. Must be afraid like Ramotar.

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