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Originally posted by Apollo:
These photos tell a thousand words.... PPP all the way.

Do they? All it says is Destra is very popular. By tomorrow we will hear when APNU and AFC have their lawyers over at GECOM with evidence of PPP attempts to rig.

Both the AFC and APNU seem to be on the ball when it comes to PPP antics. I am impressed.

Panic in the PPP camp. JAIL time.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Apollo:
These photos tell a thousand words.... PPP all the way.

Do they? All it says is Destra is very popular. By tomorrow we will hear when APNU and AFC have their lawyers over at GECOM with evidence of PPP attempts to rig.

Both the AFC and APNU seem to be on the ball when it comes to PPP antics. I am impressed.

Panic in the PPP camp. JAIL time.

How are they going to attempt to rig?

The PPP are not incharge of the elections.

You can't be that stupid to think so.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
How are they going to attempt to rig?

The PPP are not incharge of the elections.

You can't be that stupid to think so.

The ex PNC riggers are at work helping the PPP.

1. Denying AFC polling agents until GECOM intervenes.

2. Handing out ineligible ballots to ensure they would nt be counted.

3. Intimidating voters in PPP areas by "checking" tos ee who is who.

4. Multiple voting by male Indos.

5. Spreading false rumors to panic voters.

By tomorrow APNU and AFC will have a complete listing of more rigging and other attempts to pervert the voting process.

All rope has an end. You all PPP folks forgot that.
Another DELUSIONAL Idiot. partybanana partybanana yippie
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
How are they going to attempt to rig?

The PPP are not incharge of the elections.

You can't be that stupid to think so.

The ex PNC riggers are at work helping the PPP.

1. Denying AFC polling agents until GECOM intervenes.

2. Handing out ineligible ballots to ensure they would nt be counted.

3. Intimidating voters in PPP areas by "checking" tos ee who is who.

4. Multiple voting by male Indos.

5. Spreading false rumors to panic voters.

By tomorrow APNU and AFC will have a complete listing of more rigging and other attempts to pervert the voting process.

All rope has an end. You all PPP folks forgot that.

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