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Pradoville Two Project …Gov’t finalising retainment of special prosecutors

Several local Attorneys-at-law have been identified to be part of the special prosecution team for the Sparendaam Housing Project also called Pradoville Two.

Minster of State, Joseph Harmon at post- Cabinet press briefing today, at Ministry of the Presidency, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, said that the Attorney General (AG) Basil Williams is “still looking at what retainer arrangements will take place” with the attorneys identified to make up the special prosecution team.

“I want to give you assurance that all of the persons whom the AG have spoken to have said that yes they are prepared to work on these cases,” Minister Harmon told the media.

The Minister of State added that other Attorneys have shown interest to be part of the special prosecution team.

“There are some persons who were not contacted, but have since contacted the AG to say they are also prepared to do so. I believe what we are getting now is a pool of skill, of legal talent, who are prepared to work with us to ensure that those wrongs are dealt with in a very swift manner,” Minister Harmon said.

Cabinet had approved the establishment of a special prosecution team after examination of reports concluded that in the Pradoville Two and operations of the Guyana Cricket World Cup Incorporated cases, there are indications of criminal culpabilities that required further investigations.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Williams, had submitted a report to Cabinet on the composition of the teams.

One of the disclosures in relation to the Sparendaam Housing Project was that there are plots of lands that were transferred at prices that were below market value.

The case of the Sparendaam property, located on the East Coast of Demerara, had drawn widespread criticisms from the public after the details came to light that the National Communications Network (NCN) transmitters were removed to facilitate an exclusive housing scheme with lots being sold for as low as $1.5M.

The State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) had recommended charges against former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and a number of ex-ministers over the allocation and sale of the lands.


By: Tiffny Rhodius


From the Chronicle:SARU has recommended that the Attorney General put systems in place so that charges of “misconduct in public office” could be laid against former President Bharrat Jagdeo and five ministers of the former administration: Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud; Public Service Minister Dr. Jennifer Westford; Education Minister Priya Manickchand; Labour Minister Dr. Nanda Gopaul; and Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee


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