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Former Member

For your attention, Amral.


Prashad posted:

Getting cranky in the nursing home Demerara Guy. We are not talking aboat Murray the West Indies cricketer.

Immediately cease with your nonsense or it will require that Amral address the matter with you. =PERIOD=


Demerara_Guy posted:
Prashad posted:

Getting cranky in the nursing home Demerara Guy. We are not talking aboat Murray the West Indies cricketer.

Immediately cease with your nonsense or it will require that Amral address the matter with you. =PERIOD=

Don't shout too loud the nurse may come back from her break and take away your computer.

Source --

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prashad...... why this ole fella complaining now about Burnham,

Kabaka was his Idol

He did not complain when Odo tap his Backside fuh de specialist engineer wuk.

Fat Boy made sure the PNC took care of him,

He got  a Regular PNC Card,

A KSI card for all food items ....

and a Special Congress Place Card signed Personally by Odo. 

Fat Boy was very good to his Backide.


In the Interest of the Anniversay and all the Good things he got from PNC he should be praising the PNC.

Gilbakka posted:

Brothers, bhais, we Indians must not fight and ridicule we mattie Indian. We embarrassing weself in public. Let us save our bile for black man.

Seriously, I am appealing to Prash to step back. Demerara_Guy deserves our respect whether we agree or disagree with his views. Seriously.

Quote by: Gilbakka

The PPP party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP".

Just help the blacks to kill them out is ok.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Brothers, bhais, we Indians must not fight and ridicule we mattie Indian. We embarrassing weself in public. Let us save our bile for black man.

Seriously, I am appealing to Prash to step back. Demerara_Guy deserves our respect whether we agree or disagree with his views. Seriously.

Gillbaka I kept my word to you and I stop attacking Churchill even though he did his best to destroy me in the past with attack after unanswered attack. I kept my word to you and I will continue to keep my promise to you because a man is only as good as his word.

I was just joking with Demerara guy. In fact I like the man.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Brothers, bhais, we Indians must not fight and ridicule we mattie Indian. We embarrassing weself in public. Let us save our bile for black man.

Seriously, I am appealing to Prash to step back. Demerara_Guy deserves our respect whether we agree or disagree with his views. Seriously.

Gillbaka I kept my word to you and I stop attacking Churchill even though he did his best to destroy me in the past with attack after unanswered attack. I kept my word to you and I will continue to keep my promise to you because a man is only as good as his word.

I was just joking with Demerara guy. In fact I like the man.

I'm happy to know this, Prash. And, yes, you have kept your word regarding Churchill. More respect to you. 

Cobra posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Brothers, bhais, we Indians must not fight and ridicule we mattie Indian. We embarrassing weself in public. Let us save our bile for black man.

Seriously, I am appealing to Prash to step back. Demerara_Guy deserves our respect whether we agree or disagree with his views. Seriously.

Quote by: Gilbakka

The PPP party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP".

Just help the blacks to kill them out is ok.

Now I want to know why this confounded nonsense is allowed by the moderate Indians who are on GNI.

Do moderate Indians exist, or are they all brown bai KKK, just too ashamed to admit this.

Here we have open minded people like Gilbakka, Django, and others.  Proud Indians to be sure, but more importantly proud GUYANESE. 

They see Guyana as a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religious society, and they see this as a STRENGTH.

They know that the biggest obstacle which has prevented sustained socio economic growth, and improved governance in Guyana is the ethnic insecurity which both Indians and African (including some mixed) manifest.

These folks do much to assure non Indians, that Indians, as a whole, aren't some clannish ethnocentric group, who exclude others.  This being the dominant image of the Indian and reinforced over the 23 years of PPP rule.  And I will add that Indian owned firms were as guilty of this ethnic exclusion in their upper ranks as was the PPP.

Zed screams for a progressive discourse on race, which doesn't dwell on the past.  Zed when you, Kari, Ksazma, and Vishmahabir let people like Gilbakka out to dry, with this sustained abuse, you do severe damage to inter ethnic relations in Guyana.

There is no way that I would tolerate a black Guyanese arriving on this site claiming that all the drug dealers are Indian, that Indians would kill their mother for money, that they are evil and shifty, and as untrustworthy as a snake. This being the stereotype that  a racist black would peddle. I don't know what Mr T's ethnic background is (he claims that he isn't black), but occasionally he will descend to this level, and when he does I confront him on it.

So its over to Zed, Kari, Ksazma, VishMahabir, etc,to confront the brown bai KKK with their daily bilge that pours out of their mouths about Amerindians, Africans, Portuguese, and douglas.


Caribny, when I came onto this site approx a year ago, I stated my views regarding the racial bilge that is posted on it. You and I have had discussions regarding the futility of continually responding to these racists. All the years some posters have spent arguing against them have provoked no change in their behaviour and instead  it seems to have gotten worse. I understand your point that viewers of the site need to get a particular view. Well, that is what you are doing because you seem to have the time and inclination. Have you made any change in their in their behaviour?

unlike some, I spend a lot of my time travelling here in Guyana, meeting with people, and doing some volunteering activities. I think that my time is more valuable doing these activities than spending a large part of the day dealing with an issue that cannot be solved on this site, arguing with people who hide behind their computer and spew garbage because of the reluctance of the administrators to set and enforce certain standards. Often, their main aim might be to get a rise out of someone which gives them an opportunity to continue spewing garbage.

Additionally, the people posting here are able to take care of themselves and many give as much as they receive, if not more. I have a lot of respect for Gil and the way he approaches issues and he takes care of himself. I do not see myself as hanging him or them out to dry. 

This forum and the inability of the admin to enforce standards does not lend to a "progressive discourse" on racism. I reiterate that we need to move forward and eventually we will leave the racists behind as the dinosaurs they are. We spend so much time back and forth with the racial crap that we loose sight of the possibilities in moving forward.

Zed posted:

Caribny, when I came onto this site approx a year ago, I stated my views regarding the racial bilge that is posted on it. You and I have had discussions regarding the futility of continually responding to these racists.

You ought to be aware that the audience aren't these clowns.  Its the many who lurk on this site.  Large numbers who aren't Guyanese.  The fact that these guys post their filth, and Indians respond to me when I confront them, and not to them, doesn't do Indo Guyanese good service.

There is a certain perception of Indians, and when some Indians engage in bigotry, which Jagdeo isn't exempt from, it creates the larger perception that Indians stick together.  This is because there isn't a large conversation among Indians on this.

When the Freedom Fighters claimed to be battling on behalf of the larger African population, a LARGE "Not in my name" movement was mounted to tell them that they were NOT acting on behalf of the larger African population.

Where is a similar conversation among Indians?

Look at last year and how the PPP behaved. The PNC certainly hasn't been exempt from exploiting racial anxieties, but to their credit, last year they at least pretended to rise above that.

The PPP sunk even lower into a miasma of spreading ethnic fear. Not only among East Indians, but also carrying similar tactics to Amerindians. Cobra is a SYMPTOM of a problem. He is NOT the problem.  If the PPP didn't engage in its behavior, no way that a coward like Cobra would.

I will add that Indo GUYANESE are not liked in much of the Caribbean, because of the notion that they are clannish, don't want to integrate, and further that they despise these majority black populations.  I have frequently cited that GNI, is offered as evidence of this.

Now imagine if the Indians who don't agree with these bigoted views spent more time confronting them, and less time inventing a notion of me being racist (which they have never been able to prove).

Continue not to respond to these guys, and you further the impression that their attitudes don't really bother you.

You can and should do what you do at a micro level. However at a macro level Guyana has no where to do until this demon of racial anxiety is slayed.  Indeed as I have been involved in various similar efforts, I see futility until the larger environment is improved.  


In addition I have seen GNI cited, on several occasions by commentators in BOTH the KN and the SN.

In the elections in both 2011 and last year there was feed back that BOTH parties were monitoring comments made on this site.

In fact in 2011 I engaged directly with Gerhard Ramsaroop, who was then involved actively in politics.


The aim of Caribbeanj and other racists of his type of thinking it to see the koolie of Guyana be finished off through integration and assimilation. They want to see the Guyanese koolie be turned into a caribbean creol coloured artificial Englishman mimic who bows down to a scandinavian blue eyed blond Jesus. East Indians don't let his hatred of Burnham fool you. The man only hate Burnham because he give one or two powerless positions to East Indians. If Caribbeanj had his way then you would not see a single koolie around. East Indians of Guyana have to aim to create an independent sovereign nation for Guyanese East Indians, douglas and allies that is democratic, free, progressive and follows the rule of law.


caribny posted:

Now I want to know why this confounded nonsense is allowed by the moderate Indians who are on GNI.

Do moderate Indians exist, or are they all brown bai KKK, just too ashamed to admit this.

Here we have open minded people like Gilbakka, Django, and others.  Proud Indians to be sure, but more importantly proud GUYANESE. 

They see Guyana as a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religious society, and they see this as a STRENGTH.



Carib, you're overdoing this 'brown bai KKK' thing. Cease and desist immediately. You may consider using 'brown bai CCC [churlish clannish coolies]. Also, you may henceforth regard Gilbakka and Django and Mitwah and Jalil as 'brown bai NPPPC [non-PPP coolies]. 

Prashad posted:

The aim of Caribbeanj and other racists of his type of thinking it to see the koolie of Guyana be finished off through integration and assimilation.


With due respect Prashad, I don't need to do any thing about that.

You are already are, with your dougla kids.  I commend you for raising a multi ethnic and multi cultural family, even though you seem to despise aspects of their heritage.

Gilbakka posted:

Carib, you're overdoing this 'brown bai KKK' thing. Cease and desist immediately. You may consider using 'brown bai CCC [churlish clannish coolies]. Also, you may henceforth regard Gilbakka and Django and Mitwah and Jalil as 'brown bai NPPPC [non-PPP coolies]. 

OK.  From now on its brown bai ClannishCC.

Not sure if Jalil is in your group, as he has been known to chat about PNC monkeys, much in the same vein as Cobra did.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

The aim of Caribbeanj and other racists of his type of thinking it to see the koolie of Guyana be finished off through integration and assimilation.


With due respect Prashad, I don't need to do any thing about that.

You are already are, with your dougla kids.  I commend you for raising a multi ethnic and multi cultural family, even though you seem to despise aspects of their heritage.

Another low blow by the carib.What can I say. I married someone who loved me unconditionally. I count myself very fortunate.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

The aim of Caribbeanj and other racists of his type of thinking it to see the koolie of Guyana be finished off through integration and assimilation.


With due respect Prashad, I don't need to do any thing about that.

You are already are, with your dougla kids.  I commend you for raising a multi ethnic and multi cultural family, even though you seem to despise aspects of their heritage.

Another low blow by the carib.What can I say. I married someone who loved me unconditionally. I count myself very fortunate.

Here, here. I am also quite happily married to someone from Africa. The sex and the cooking is good. It's not just curry every day.

Last edited by Mr.T
Prashad posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

The aim of Caribbeanj and other racists of his type of thinking it to see the koolie of Guyana be finished off through integration and assimilation.


With due respect Prashad, I don't need to do any thing about that.

You are already are, with your dougla kids.  I commend you for raising a multi ethnic and multi cultural family, even though you seem to despise aspects of their heritage.

Another low blow by the carib.What can I say. I married someone who loved me unconditionally. I count myself very fortunate.

So how can you marry a non Indian, and then scream your racist nonsense? Does this woman hate her heritages, which don't seem to include Indian?

The fact that you married interracially means that you should be advocating for an INCLUSIVE Guyana.  You demand that she rejects her heritages?  Now she might be willing to do that, and then that leads to other questions, which I will not get into.  But she also has  a right not to.

Prashad posted:

Carib my belief in a sovereign nation for the Guyanese East Indian people is not something that I arrive at overnight. If I don't do my small part to protect the political gains that East Indians made in Guyana then I am also guilty of allowing the East Indian people of Guyana to decline into an insignificant minority.


You are a hypocrite, given your own personal behavior.  You of all people should be advocating a Guyana, where all are inclusive, instead of some tribal Bantustan.



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