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Former Member

Prashad == GNI Username

Regarding your statement made on October 01, 2017 in the GNI Sports section ....

Mr R you really want me to send someone to meet you. Keep up this B.S. and you will see the consequences.

Source -- Sports Section -- GNI

Hamilton Green Cup continues at Den Amstel Today

Oct 01, 2017 Sports,

Source --


Prashad == GNI Username

You have made numerous similar statements directly to me in the past on GNI and it is perhaps time to address you on this specific matter.

1 It is absolutely your choice to travel and be in places.

2 It is also you choice to be on any public place that is near my home.

3. However, you have no right to be on my property. For such a case, it will be a matter between you and the respective enforcement authority.

Be advised.

Conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy == GNI username.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Riff this is GN&I and not the New Nation newspaper. Not even brothers Caribj and Cain push Hamilton Greene marketing propaganda here. It is an insult to the human rights of East Indian people. Demerara Guy sees H. Greens as his brother in Islam. That is okay. But as an East Indian I refuse to read H. Greene marketing propaganda here. As a result I have no choice but to suspend myself from GN&I. I wish everyone the best of luck with their future endeavours.

Last edited by Prashad
Mitwah posted:

Prashad, don't allow that old fool to get under your skin.

Mits the man keeps pushing that marketing propaganda here. I am a proud East Indian. I am not going to sit back and read stuff when I know fully well the Human Rights and Dignity of my people have been trampled upon in the pass with absolutely no regard for human decency



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