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Are these guys strategic thinkers?  Why fire Van West.  He is doing his job and collecting the money for the water authority.  Now some other person will be appointed and try to collect the money owed to the water authority in places such as Buxton.  When people can't pay then you will hear.  "Koolie racism and racial hatred against black people".  I am totally pissed with this stupidity.   

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Prashad posted:

Are these guys strategic thinkers?  Why fire Van West.  He is doing his job and collecting the money for the water authority.  Now some other person will be appointed and try to collect the money owed to the water authority in places such as Buxton.  When people can't pay then you will hear.  "Koolie racism and racial hatred against black people".  I am totally pissed with this stupidity.   

He got his job through a political appointment when there were better candidates. He was Burnham's son in law. There is nothing anyone can about his firing. He will now be censored.  That swiss bank account?

@Ramakant-P posted:

He got his job through a political appointment when there were better candidates. He was Burnham's son in law. There is nothing anyone can about his firing. He will now be censored.  That swiss bank account?

Van West Charles is Dr . a real one and member of PNCR ,also he did a great job improving water supplies in the country ,notable in the hinterland. Give jack his jacket.

Last edited by Django

What better candidates?  Any of these PPP people had the balls to go into Buxton and collect the money owed.  These people start with a really bad and stupid note.  Looks like it will only get worst from here on. Mark my words.  Poor Guyanese East Indians with no access to guns, ammunition, private security, and explosives will have to pay the bill with their blood.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

What better candidates?  Any of these people had the balls to go into Buxton and collect the money owed.  These people start with a really bad and stupid note.  Looks like it will only get worst from here on.

Nothing changed ,the power grabber running the show ,the man who talks about Dictatorship,rule of Law  and Democracy .Look at the Ministers they are all Jagdeo-ites .Time will tell ,the PPP heading in the wrong direction ,many of their supporters see nothing wrong.

@Django posted:

Nothing changed ,the power grabber running the show ,the man who talks about Dictatorship,rule of Law  and Democracy .Look at the Ministers they are all Jagdeo-ites .Time will tell ,the PPP heading in the wrong direction ,many of their supporters see nothing wrong.

Most PPP supporters are racist Indians.  For them the PPP can do no wrong.  File the elections petition and start the protests.


Van West's collection efforts in Buxton and Bareroot failed miserably.  The villagers attacked utility workers doing disconnections and burned vehicles.  The Granger government turned a blind eye to the violence perpetrated on employees of the GWA and GEC.  Those people in the areas mentioned still don't pay their bills.

Django talking Chit.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
@Former Member posted:

At some point folks have to retire so the younger folks can get the opportunity to contribute. Charles been there since before Burnham died and Burnham has been gone for 35 long years.

This is a young administration that doesn't need the aged to slow it down.

The only person alive I know before him is Green, and he pass expiry date. 

@Former Member posted:

At some point folks have to retire so the younger folks can get the opportunity to contribute. Charles been there since before Burnham died and Burnham has been gone for 35 long years.

This is a young administration that doesn't need the aged to slow it down.

An some a dem young and chupid no rass.  You unwisely equate youth with efficiency.  

@Totaram posted:

An some a dem young and chupid no rass. You unwisely equate youth with efficiency.

Young and inexperience at what cost ?   Another Skeldon factory.  
Ramotar’s son paid over $32M, for “poor supervision” of E-Governance project

By Abena- Rockcliffe- Campbell

Alexei Ramotar- son of former President Donald Ramotar-was paid over $32M to manage the now stalled $7.9B E-Governance project. Despite his handsome salary, young Ramotar, failed in job performance.
The calculated figure does not include his 22.5 percent gratuity that was made payable twice a year. Also, even though the young Ramotar was sent on leave last July, Kaieteur News was not able to confirm whether or not he is still receiving pay from the new government. Therefore, the figure only reflects the sum Ramotar received for services up until last July when he was sent on leave.
Ramotar’s inadequate performance has been highlighted in the recently released report on the forensic audit conducted into the project.
The audit was carried out by Chartered Accountants attached to Ram and McRae.
The auditors found that the project can still be salvaged; however, they noted that it was made victim to severe mismanagement.
Auditors reported that the Government’s management team consists of two employees who were hired by the Office of the President and one individual from the Ministry of Public Works.
Project Manager, Ramotar and Deputy Project Manager, Anil Singh were hired by Office of the President while Technical Advisor, Walter Willis was hired by the Ministry of Public Works which has since been renamed Ministry of Public Infrastructure.

Auditor, Christopher Ram

Auditor, Christopher Ram

Former Project Manager, Alexi Ramotar

Former Project Manager, Alexei Ramotar

Auditors noted that Ramotar was hired by the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic government on August 19, 2009. His father was not the President at that time, but he held the top position in the party—General Secretary.
Ram and McRae reported that the initial agreement stipulated that young Ramotar would be paid a monthly basic salary of US$2,000 along with bi annual gratuities of 22.5 percent of his basic salary.
However, on March 31, 2014, while his father was President, Ramotar was granted a salary increase carrying his basic salary to US$3,000 per month. It remains unclear what prompted the increase as the project was in a bad state at that time.
Ram and McRae reported that based on interviews conducted with eight of the contractors, the incomplete state of the Project was primarily due “to ineffective planning and management, and inadequate oversight.”
Auditors said that the contractors responsible for the installation of the fibre optic cables were not adequately supervised and; acts of negligence resulted in damage to fibre optic cables and equipment which were expensive to replace.
“Contractors expressed mixed views on the performance of the Project Manager Mr. Ramotar but were largely unanimous about the communications and other difficulties they experienced with Mr. Walter Willis, the Technical Advisor.”
It has been reported that Willis played a “significant management role” in procurement, approval of payments relating to civil engineering and monitoring the works linked to the installation of fibre optic cable from Lethem to Georgetown.  However, the employment cost of Mr. Willis was not borne by the Project.
His role involved advising the Project Manager on all civil engineering aspects of the Project. As a Technical Advisor, Willis was responsible for monitoring the work done by the contractors under the E Government project. Auditors said that “It is therefore inescapable that Willis is partly responsible for the failure of the Project.”
Anil Singh, the Deputy Project Manager signed an employment agreement with the Government of Guyana on September 9, 2009.
The employment agreement specified that Singh will be paid US$1,800 per month along with bi annual gratuities of 22.5% of his basic salary. On March 31, 2014 Singh’s basic salary was increased to US$2,000 per month.
Singh was being paid to “assist” Ramotar in the execution of his responsibilities in relation to the overall objective of the Project.
Singh submitted his resignation during April, 2015.
Ram and McRae reported, “We requested the employees’ personal files from the Project Manager on July 15, 2015. Subsequent requests for the personal files were made to the current Project Manager, Mr. Floyd Levi and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency, Mr. Omar Shariff. However, these files were not provided for our review.”
The E-Governance project contained two distinct components. The first was the E Government Dense Wavelength Division Multiplex (DWDM) Project, which involved the laying of a fibre optic cable from Lethem to Georgetown, and the second was the E Government (LTE) Project, which is a joint venture between the Government of Guyana and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd (China) for the construction of LTE sites and laying of fibre optic cables along the coast. The project costs were estimated at US$5M and US$32M for the two components respectively.
Ram and McRae pointed out that the project was not governed by any specific legislation.
Auditors also reported that Alexie Ramotar confirmed that the project was executed without appropriate project management documentation, including a Project Initiation Document setting out the purpose, objectives, scope, deliverables, constraints, assumptions, etc. Interim and final progress reports were also not available. The subcontractor for the second component, Huawei, prepared a project document but its scope is limited.
Auditors recommended that the Government make moves to undertake a technical evaluation of the Project and decide on the steps to complete it.
“Ram & McRae considers that notwithstanding the principle that sunk costs are irrelevant, this Project should be continued to completion. This will require a detailed Plan to Completion, a new management team to execute the remaining work and the employment of a Technical Expert to oversee the work done.”


Van West's collection efforts in Buxton and Bareroot failed miserably.  The villagers attacked utility workers doing disconnections and burned vehicles.  The Granger government turned a blind eye to the violence perpetrated on employees of the GWA and GEC.  Those people in the areas mentioned still don't pay their bills.

Django talking Chit.

You are a typical light weight political thinker. Papa Cheddie Ma Janet Father and Mother of the universe. Bullchit. You have more miles to walk before you sleep.

Last edited by Prashad
@Totaram posted:

An some a dem young and chupid no rass.  You unwisely equate youth with efficiency.  

Your point is taken. You need a mix of experience and young. The experienced should also serve as role models for the up and coming. I don’t see how someone, just recently being involved in a large tax scam, can play that role.

@Prashad posted:

Are these guys strategic thinkers?  Why fire Van West.  He is doing his job and collecting the money for the water authority.  Now some other person will be appointed and try to collect the money owed to the water authority in places such as Buxton.  When people can't pay then you will hear.  "Koolie racism and racial hatred against black people".  I am totally pissed with this stupidity.   

If you are pissed, deal with it. Looks like you are pissed at the world. Anyone who doesn't share your beliefs, you are pissed at him or her. Grow up. The world does not revolve around you alone.


For you to support Van West is a big joke given how you embrace sectarian politics on this forum.  

You  cannot see that these tit for tat firings is leading again to an undeclared race war. Koolie don't have the racial unity as blacks. Therefore it is the poor Guyana East Indians who don't have access to guns, ammo, explosives and private armed security that will have to pay the price with their blood. Guyana is a racist shit hole failed state and it will remain a racist shit hole failed state. It is not worth one drop of Guyana East Indian blood. That is why it was important to keep Van West, Statia and Jordan.


Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

You  cannot see that these tit for tat firings is leading again to an undeclared race war. Koolie don't have the racial unity as blacks. Therefore it is the poor Guyana East Indians who don't have access to guns, ammo, explosives and private armed security that will have to pay the price with their blood. Guyana is a racist shit hole failed state and it will remain a racist shit hole failed state. It is not worth one drop of Guyana East Indian blood. That is why it was important to keep Van West, Statia and Jordan.


Why hold on to Burnham's son-in-law, Burnham is dead.

 This time is a clean sweep.


Prashad admires Van West and sees great benefits in keeping him in his current position as head of Guywa.  Maybe this brother has a crystal ball that let him sees the future clearly. 

I already told you at the end of the next three years "poor Koolies will have to pay for the " bill of stupidity " with their blood.  Prashad doesn't give a rats ass about Van West.  But you do not go out of your way to make enemies with such a person because it will come back to bite your ass really bad.

Last edited by Prashad

If we think like you we would have never gotten rid of David Granger.  Burying heads in sand and leave things alone don't ensure safety.

Which we?  Your tanned behind is in North America. I have always advocated an independent sovereign nation for our people. Prashad is not into ruling Africans, especially; Africans that do not want to be ruled by koolie.

Last edited by Prashad

My advice to the PPP is this.  Africans in Guyana do not want to be ruled by the inferior koolie.  Regardless of what cock and bull story they give you. Yes, there are the Edgils and Gordon Todd, etc. Nevertheless, the vast majority want to be ruled by their own people and they have racial unity that koolie can only dream of.  Learn from the international historical context of politics.  There is a reason why Mugabe allowed Ian Smith to keep his farm.  There is a reason why the ANC government allowed racist PW Botha to live in peace.  Even Mandela visited him in his house, sat on his couch, and drank tea.  Botha believed in Apartide until he died. So never take things for granted.  Always remember that a major chunk of Guyana's population hates your guts to their core.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

My advice to the PPP is this.  Africans in Guyana do not want to be ruled by the inferior koolie.  Regardless of what cock and bull story they give you. Yes, there are the Edgils and Gordon Todd, etc. Nevertheless, the vast majority want to be ruled by their own people and they have racial unity that koolie can only dream of.  Learn from the international historical context of politics.  There is a reason why Mugabe allowed Ian Smith to keep his farm.  There is a reason why the ANC government allowed racist PW Botha to live in peace.  Even Mandela visited him in his house, sat on his couch, and drank tea.  Botha believed in Apartide until he died. So never take things for granted.  Always remember that a major chunk of Guyana's population hates your guts to their core.

Why don't you create a Douglaland for all the blacks and Douglas in Guyana and take them there? You can be a ruler like they do in Malawi or Tanganyika.


Bai Prash, the war was fought on March 2, 2020 and the PPP won. Time to move on from the geriatric guards to the young, vibrant and resourceful guards now adorning the PPP led ministries. It is a plethora of energy and promise comprising of all the races of Guyana and in the end people don't work against their kitchen table needs. Guyana is in a better place now that the PPP are in administration and geriatrics like Charles are just going to slow its progress up. Onward, upward may Guyana go (to space and beyond). 


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