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HINT: The PPP is holding its Congress in Essequibo this coming weekend. Delegates will elect a new 35-member Central Committee. Wait and see who gets the most votes and who comes second. Two-three weeks after, the new Central Committee will meet at Freedom House and elect the party's General Secretary. The 35 attendees will also elect a new 15-member Executive Committee. That is the powerhouse that will decide the presidential candidate and running mate in 2020. Wait and see who will comprise the new Executive Committee.

Prashad posted:

Prashad is a believer in Independence for the Guyana East Indian nation.

But if I were a PPP supporter this would be my PPP  picks for 2020.

PPP Presidential Candidate: Clement Rohee.

PPP Prime Minister Candidate: Young Ramson.

PPP General secretary Anil Nandlall.

I am surprised you didn't suggest joey jagan for the Presidential Candidate ....


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:

Anil Nandalall for President

Prime Minister:  Nigel Dharamlall

General Secretary:  Bharat Jagdeo

Attorney General. Jr Ramson

Hai bai.  You need lil diversity on this list. PPP is not a coolie party!!

Jagdeo said it was a coolie people party. Rohee confirmed that it is. Jagdeo further stated that OUR PPP supporters are rural Indians.

So its debatable whether even urban Indians can be considered PPP.  Like Freddie K said the PPP is a rural HINDU party.

Prashad posted:

Prashad is a believer in Independence for the Guyana East Indian nation.

But if I were a PPP supporter this would be my PPP  picks for 2020.

PPP Presidential Candidate: Clement Rohee.

PPP Prime Minister Candidate: Young Ramson.

PPP General secretary Anil Nandlall.

Rohee should be dumped.If he couldn't control the Ministry of Home Affairs - what makes you think he can control the country. He should retire and go to sleep.

My Picks:

Presiden: Anil Nandlall

Prime Minister: Priya Manikchand

General Secretary: Ramson Jnr.

Attorney General: TBA

Dondadda posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad is a believer in Independence for the Guyana East Indian nation.

But if I were a PPP supporter this would be my PPP  picks for 2020.

PPP Presidential Candidate: Clement Rohee.

PPP Prime Minister Candidate: Young Ramson.

PPP General secretary Anil Nandlall.

Rohee should be dumped.If he couldn't control the Ministry of Home Affairs - what makes you think he can control the country. He should retire and go to sleep.

My Picks:

Presiden: Anil Nandlall

Prime Minister: Priya Manikchand

General Secretary: Ramson Jnr.

Attorney General: TBA

I there room for Carib and Storm?

skeldon_man posted:
Dondadda posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad is a believer in Independence for the Guyana East Indian nation.

But if I were a PPP supporter this would be my PPP  picks for 2020.

PPP Presidential Candidate: Clement Rohee.

PPP Prime Minister Candidate: Young Ramson.

PPP General secretary Anil Nandlall.

Rohee should be dumped.If he couldn't control the Ministry of Home Affairs - what makes you think he can control the country. He should retire and go to sleep.

My Picks:

Presiden: Anil Nandlall

Prime Minister: Priya Manikchand

General Secretary: Ramson Jnr.

Attorney General: TBA

I there room for Carib and Storm?

I don't think that they reside in Guyana. People who live in Guyana should fill the position.


Dondadda posted:
skeldon_man posted:

My Picks:

Presiden: Anil Nandlall

Prime Minister: Priya Manikchand

General Secretary: Ramson Jnr.

Attorney General: TBA

I there room for Carib and Storm?

I don't think that they reside in Guyana. People who live in Guyana should fill the position.


Don't worry. They will return to Guyana instead of stocking dollar store shelves and living on section 8 and public assistance.

skeldon_man posted:
Dondadda posted:
skeldon_man posted:

My Picks:

Presiden: Anil Nandlall

Prime Minister: Priya Manikchand

General Secretary: Ramson Jnr.

Attorney General: TBA

I there room for Carib and Storm?

I don't think that they reside in Guyana. People who live in Guyana should fill the position.


Don't worry. They will return to Guyana instead of stocking dollar store shelves and living on section 8 and public assistance.

 Attorney General: Justice Navindra Singh. He may not identify with a Political Party, however, the position does not need to be political. If appointed, he will have to agree to the notion of "Collective Responsibilty" in Parliament. On the other hand he coud be appointed as a "Technocrat".


Churchill posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad is a believer in Independence for the Guyana East Indian nation.

But if I were a PPP supporter this would be my PPP  picks for 2020.

PPP Presidential Candidate: Clement Rohee.

PPP Prime Minister Candidate: Young Ramson.

PPP General secretary Anil Nandlall.

I am surprised you didn't suggest joey jagan for the Presidential Candidate ....


Church, if I had my way Joey would be President of Guyana.  But for Joey to be the leader of the PPP party. Not only will he have to go up against the "EIGHT" but he will have to go up against the "YOUNG TURKS" as well. This will rip the party apart. So in the name of party unity I made my choice.


Joey is PNC man. There is no way in the world that he can become President. He campaigned with the anti Indos to destroy Jagan's and Janet's PPP.

If this man had one ounce of decency left, he would have been critical of how this racist PNC administration is destroying Guyana.

Scratch the Loose Cannon man's name off that list.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Joey is PNC man. There is no way in the world that he can become President. He campaigned with the anti Indos to destroy Jagan's and Janet's PPP.

If this man had one ounce of decency left, he would have been critical of how this racist PNC administration is destroying Guyana.

Scratch the Loose Cannon man's name off that list.

Jagdeo, Ramouthar and Rohee destroyed the party long before Joey campaigned with the coalition .....

skeldon_man posted:


Don't worry. They will return to Guyana instead of stocking dollar store shelves and living on section 8 and public assistance.

Hmmm. Here is the typical Indian attitude to blacks and you think that I would be an idiot to return to Guyana under the "coolie people party".

No room for blacks in a PPP regime! Except to stock shelves and beg for charity!

Churchill posted:
yuji22 posted:

Joey is PNC man. There is no way in the world that he can become President. He campaigned with the anti Indos to destroy Jagan's and Janet's PPP.

If this man had one ounce of decency left, he would have been critical of how this racist PNC administration is destroying Guyana.

Scratch the Loose Cannon man's name off that list.

Jagdeo, Ramouthar and Rohee destroyed the party long before Joey campaigned with the coalition .....


If you may permit me to respond.

First, I want to thank you for your longstanding service to the PPP. Your dedication and service will never go unanswered. 

I respectfully disagree regarding your comments about Jagdeo, Rammo and Rohee.

Every party and family have disagreements. The PPP is no exception. If we are to learn anything, then we need to look at Afro Unity in the PNC. The PNC leadership was a brawl, gunshots and allegations of fraud at their leadership Congeress. Swords were drawn and heated exchanges but in the end, they kissed and made up.

Hate it or like it, Jagdeo was a two term democratically elected and popular president to this day. Every leader has his or her own style and will implement his or her own policies and many will agree and many will disagree.

Unlike some in the PPP who attempted to break up their party, the PNC united theirs. Moses and Ramjattan comes to mind. Time and time again Indos have made the same mistakes.

Look at that we have today and look at how Moses is enjoying the High Lifestyle and retirement package positioned to be higher than Jagdeo's He used Cheddi's name and spoke about a humble lifestyle while his a cadillac one. Look at the incompetence of Ramjattan. 

Look at the crime wave and it's detrimental effect on one segment of the population, look at the single sourcing with the AFC/PNC and level of corruption and the destruction of the economy under this AFC/PNC administration.

Where are the critics ? Have money filled their eyes of those who joined the PNC arm in arm in destroying Guyana today. Why has Joey gone silent ?

Where is the evidence of massive PPP corruption ? $ 500 Million of AFC/PNC sponsored audits came up empty handed. What I am saying that some of these claims were trumped up by Glen Lalla and PNC man Adam Harris who hated Indos and the PPP.

Yes, there was corruption but not to the extent which was portrayed. Guyana developed from the donkey card days of Burnham and Hoyte to a booming economy, this cannot be denied by anyone who is honest. I saw it for myself.

Yes, Jagdeo made mistakes but as Cheddi would warn, never throw out the baby with the bath water. Name me one perfect leader. 

The old stalwarts have made their contribution and need to recognize that there is always a change of guard in life and politics. We cannot cut our noses to spoil our faces. They must also speak out on the corruption and incompetence of the AFC/PNC. 


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

I have noticed the 40% Ethnocentric party supporters have a field day,

all Indo-Candidates,damn no other race reside in the homeland,that Coolie party will take a while to get back in power.

Yugi, long post have a lot of holes,who buying that??

Django Bhai,

That list is not a PPP list. That is a list by Prash. 

Post a picture of the PNC cabinet with a sharp reminder that Afros make up 29 percent of the population.

You totally missed my post and if you look carefully in this thread, I called for a more multi ethnic representation in the PPP.



"Unlike some in the PPP who attempted to break up their party, the PNC united theirs. Moses and Ramjattan comes to mind. Time and time again Indos have made the same mistakes."


What are you saying with the above statement,who will swallow that pill??

Did Moses and Ramjattan and others who left break up the party,Jagdeo  wanted control he is the one to be blamed.

Race based voting kept the PPP in power for 23 yrs,pretty soon the people will be awoken real change is coming soon.


Django Bhai,

What percentage of Afros voted PNC ?

Compare the 29 Percentage of Afro population vs the Afro dominated PNC cabinet.

You are looking at the matter of raced based voting and representation in Guyana with one eye. Please open the other eye.

Yes, Moses and Ramjattan attempted to break up the PPP out of revenge. They cut their noses to spoil their faces.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Django Bhai,

What percentage Afros voted PNC ?

You are looking at the matter of raced based voting in Guyana with one eye. Please open the other eye.

Yes, Moses and Ramjattan attempted to break up the PPP out of revenge. 

Attempted ??


Revenge for what??

I told you your statement got lots of holes.

Last edited by Django

Since you exclude mixed people from being included as black let us look at the current cabinet.

20 people of which 9 aren't black.

Let us look at the appointed Ambassadors/High Commissioners

10 of which 5 aren't black.


Let me remind you that Jagdeo had NO appointed black ambassadors or high commissioners.

Let me remind you about the ethnic composition of the Exec Committee of the PPP.  Of the 35 members only 7 aren't Indian, and that includes Rohee, who is part Indian, but who I count as mixed.

So who are these "coolie people party" screaming about others when the PPP is a cess pit of black hating racism.  Yes Jagdeo's big message was that "black man gun kick down yuh door and rape yuh daughter if you all don't vote PPP!".  He told Amerindians that if the PNC wins they are going to kill all straight haired people (I guess that must include Sandra Granger).




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