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Global warming, the tool of the West

Global warming, the tool of the West. 49025.jpeg

By Stanislav Mishin

For years, the Elites of the West have cranked up the myth of Man Made Global Warming as a means first and foremost to control the lives and behaviors of their populations. Knowing full well that their produce in China and sell in the West model and its consiquent spiral downward in wages and thus standards of living, was unsustainable, the elites moved to use this new "science" to guilt trip and scare monger their populations into smaller and more conservatives forms of living. In other words, they coasted them into the poverty that the greed and treason of those said same elites was already creating in their native lands.

What better way to staunch protests at worsening economic and life conditions than to make it feel like an honourable job/duty of the people to save "Gia". At the same time, they used this "science" as a new pagan religion to further push out the Christianity they hate and despise and most of all, fear? Gia worship, the earth "mother", has been pushed in popular culture oozing out of the West for a better part of the past 1.5 decades. This is a religion replete with an army of priests, called Government Grant Scientists.

Various groups have fought back. This is including Russian hackers, who published a huge database of UK government, scientific and university emails depicting the fixing of data to sell Global Warming, er Climate Change (as if it never changed on its own). And while taking hit after hit, the beast, like Al Quida, will not die. As a matter of fact, the beast is on a steady come back, as it is quite useful during the down times recession. The US alone spends $7 billion each year on warming "studies", which is, in truth, nothing but a huge money laundering operation, as no real science is conducted and vapid alarmist reports the only product generated.

Amongst the newest claims of pending disasters, is a cry that icepacks are now melting at three times the rate of the 1990s, even though there has not been any significant warming in the past 20 years. Greenland's icepack melt off, has been linked to volcanic activity under the ice, heating it. Must be the magmamen and their SUVs. These facts, however, do not faze the Gia crowd and their Elite/Governmental backers. The fact that a super storm hit the NE US is also being played as evidence of GW. Thank God that before GW no such things ever happened. How are they to explain that Russia and Eastern Europe are projected to have the coldest winter in 20 years? Oh, but I doubt my Western readers are even aware of that.

Now, with their economies in a spiral of debt laden, non-manufacturing recession (if not out and out depression), the Elites, who sense they are loosing their grip or toe hold on key economic regions outside their home regions, are once again calling out their inquisitors of Global Warming and sending them towards the developing world.

The first salvo has been fired by a British Warming dandy named Lord Nicholas Stern of Brentford, who as an academic at Whitehall, has made a career and quite a bit of money off of this scam. Lord Stern, a former World Bank chief economist and author of the landmark Stern review of the economics of climate change, was a close associate of Gordon Brown and the Leftists, who with the Tory counterparts and in parallel to the American Democrats/Republicans set up the grand and self destructive economic schemes that have plunged their own nations and many many others into the abyss of poverty.

The good Lord Stern, in commentary on why countries such as Russia, China, India and Brazil, in other words, the BRICs, have to pony up cash and depress their own growth, made this statement for the Guardian paper: "It's a brutal arithmetic - the changing structure of the world's economy has been dramatic. That is something developing countries will have to face up to,"

His premiss is that even if you take out the deindustrialized West, run away Global Warming will not stop due to the industrialized world. Its now all the fault of those raising themselves up for the destruction of the world, from the phantom joke of GW. Lord Stern tried to assure that the opening salvo was not a salvo, by stating: "I am not pointing the finger at the developing world, just looking at what is necessary. I am not accusing or proposing, just calculating what is needed [to meet scientific estimates of the emissions cuts needed to avoid dangerous levels of climate change]". More like a calculated accusation.  After all, this is not some light weight of the GIA cult, but the movement's chief economist who enjoyed the ear of the UK government: a perfect tool of the Western Elites.

Expect the cries to get louder and more shrill in the months to follow. 

Stanislav Mishin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I tell you Lucas, both you and Stanislav have lost the plot. If you can't notice that the climate is changing then you must be on another planet.

When I was a kid they used to talk about Global Cooling... these were the years of the oil crisis... the west was in crisis because the Arabs didn't want to sell it their oil. At the end the Arabs were subdued and they never talked about global cooling anymore.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Of course the climate is changing. It has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, due to changes in solar activity and fluctuations in cosmic radiation as our solar system moves through the Milky Way.


hay dum dum, we do not travel through the milky way. We are on the Orion arm of the milky way and we orbit the galactic center with everything else

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you nutcases need to look at what is happening to polar ice and every glacier on the planet. Mt Kilimanjaro will be without snow in this decade

Have you been there at the poles or you saw it in one of the documentaries produced by the university of East Anglia?

NASA Is the authority and their video is the definitive canary in the coal mine.

Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Of course the climate is changing. It has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, due to changes in solar activity and fluctuations in cosmic radiation as our solar system moves through the Milky Way.


hay dum dum, we do not travel through the milky way. 

As usual, D2 AKA the Gay Dragon is expelling copious quantities of Greenhouse Gases from all of his worn out orifices:




Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you nutcases need to look at what is happening to polar ice and every glacier on the planet. Mt Kilimanjaro will be without snow in this decade

Have you been there at the poles or you saw it in one of the documentaries produced by the university of East Anglia?

NASA Is the authority and their video is the definitive canary in the coal mine.

NASA was precisely the Agency selling the idea of global cooling during the 70's as it was the most affected by the oil crisis. It was the oil crisis what stopped the flights to the moon, the Apollo missions.


Today, global warming comes out of the hat because China's money is threatening to buy oil at prices the West cannot afford.

Not surprising one of the leading 'scientists' of Global Warming happens to be Jewish American Politician Al Gore. If you look at the resume of most of the self-anointed climate scientists they all happen to be economists. They use project management methods to "scientifically" prove their views. The Scientific Method is discarded as Global Warming is Social Science (based on opinion surveys), not Natural Science (based on experimentation and rigorous and meticulous data collection.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Of course the climate is changing. It has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, due to changes in solar activity and fluctuations in cosmic radiation as our solar system moves through the Milky Way.


hay dum dum, we do not travel through the milky way. 

As usual, D2 AKA the Gay Dragon is expelling copious quantities of Greenhouse Gases from all of his worn out orifices:




 Dont quote wiki fool Illustrate that we travel through the milky way. We are the milky way! In our orbit ( and we have not had many since the galaxy formed) we bobbles a little but there is no evidence that we move through such bad galactic neighborhoods that cosmic radiation can cause the dramatic small scale changes we see.


I would ask you send over your daughter to find out if I am gay or not but chances are she is a moron as you are

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you nutcases need to look at what is happening to polar ice and every glacier on the planet. Mt Kilimanjaro will be without snow in this decade

Have you been there at the poles or you saw it in one of the documentaries produced by the university of East Anglia?

NASA Is the authority and their video is the definitive canary in the coal mine.

NASA was precisely the Agency selling the idea of global cooling during the 70's as it was the most affected by the oil crisis. It was the oil crisis what stopped the flights to the moon, the Apollo missions.


Today, global warming comes out of the hat because China's money is threatening to buy oil at prices the West cannot afford.

Not surprising one of the leading 'scientists' of Global Warming happens to be Jewish American Politician Al Gore. If you look at the resume of most of the self-anointed climate scientists they all happen to be economists. They use project management methods to "scientifically" prove their views. The Scientific Method is discarded as Global Warming is Social Science (based on opinion surveys), not Natural Science (based on experimentation and rigorous and meticulous data collection.

 The US has more oil than it can use and it will be the one selling it to china. Plus it is inventing tech that decreases its need for oil faster than china can tool up to meet its need to lift the more than one half of its people that still lives on less than 2 dollar a day. You and that nutcase are simply inventing reasons for what is drastic climatic changes that does not hold up.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you nutcases need to look at what is happening to polar ice and every glacier on the planet. Mt Kilimanjaro will be without snow in this decade

Have you been there at the poles or you saw it in one of the documentaries produced by the university of East Anglia?

NASA Is the authority and their video is the definitive canary in the coal mine.

NASA was precisely the Agency selling the idea of global cooling during the 70's as it was the most affected by the oil crisis. It was the oil crisis what stopped the flights to the moon, the Apollo missions.


Today, global warming comes out of the hat because China's money is threatening to buy oil at prices the West cannot afford.

Not surprising one of the leading 'scientists' of Global Warming happens to be Jewish American Politician Al Gore. If you look at the resume of most of the self-anointed climate scientists they all happen to be economists. They use project management methods to "scientifically" prove their views. The Scientific Method is discarded as Global Warming is Social Science (based on opinion surveys), not Natural Science (based on experimentation and rigorous and meticulous data collection.

 The US has more oil than it can use and it will be the one selling it to china. Plus it is inventing tech that decreases its need for oil faster than china can tool up to meet its need to lift the more than one half of its people that still lives on less than 2 dollar a day. You and that nutcase are simply inventing reasons for what is drastic climatic changes that does not hold up.

China is already ahead of US in Alternative Energy sources.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
China is already ahead of US in Alternative Energy sources.

"Alternative Energy" usually translates to "Dankey Cart energy," so I hope you are wrong on that. This is an eye-opener.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:


Robbing them Africans is not a honourable way of looking for alternative energy resources.

  Mr. T, I can't help but think that your mother was drinking about a liter of rum per day when she was pregnant with you. The difference between the Chinese, and the Great Whiter Hunters which you AFC fellas worship, is the following: the Chinese go to Africa and build serious infrastructure in exchange for raw materials concessions. The Great White Hunters go to Africa and provide loan-sharking in exchange for raw materials concessions.


Henry, I don't know where you get your info from. But my wife is African and I am a lot more aware of you what the Chinese are up to in Africa. Whilst you are on about the great whiter hunter whoever that is, just remember that it was the africans who started selling slaves to the Europeans. So Africans have a long record on how to sell out their own kind. The Chinese are good in bribing. The infrastructure they have been building are mere tools to speed up their process of shifting African raw material to China, or facilities to keep Chinese healthy whilst they steal and rob the poor Africans.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Henry, I don't know where you get your info from. But my wife is African and I am a lot more aware of you what the Chinese are up to in Africa. Whilst you are on about the great whiter hunter whoever that is, just remember that it was the africans who started selling slaves to the Europeans. So Africans have a long record on how to sell out their own kind. The Chinese are good in bribing. The infrastructure they have been building are mere tools to speed up their process of shifting African raw material to China, or facilities to keep Chinese healthy whilst they steal and rob the poor Africans.

It was a practice that always existed along the Indian Ocean coasts... that of buying Africans. Slavery in Europe was based on financial debts until someone got in contact with the Arab traders and decided to copy cat them.


It appears that things have now shifted to a form of African slavery based once more on financial debts, but nowadays administered by the IMF. And as Mr. Mishin suggests, any humanitarian outrage over the suffering imposed upon the Africans is diverted by the claim that such suffering is somehow necessary to mitigate climate change.


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