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Pregnant woman pelts hot pot of cook-up rice on ‘birth-night’ guests

What was supposed to be a very festive birthnight celebration at Calcutta Village, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, turned into a melee as a very angry and jealous woman turned up and overturned a table laden with birthday treats, broke a window, and hurled a pot of scalding cook-up rice at several guests who scattered in several directions.

Eyewitnesses said that all was going well. Invited guests were having a rollicking time at the McKenzie’s residence when the pregnant children mother of the ‘birthday boy’ turned up and put a damper on things.
Sources indicated that the woman who is always jealous and insecure turned up at the event and flew into a fit of rage upon noticing several females gyrating quite close to her children's father.

It is reported that she disrupted the music by pulling the plug from an electrical socket, causing persons at the fete to voice their disapproval.
It was thereafter that the woman reportedly went berserk, hurling profanities at the guests and pelting them with birthday cups and whatever she could put her hands on.

One eye witness said as the very embarrassed children father tried to take control of things the woman ran from his clutches, darted up the steps and grabbing a steaming pot of channa cook-up rice (still being cooked) from the gas stove flung it at wide-eyed guests who stood by in disbelief.

As boiled rice, peas, beef, and pigtail flew in all directions the guests scattered, each one trying to escape being burnt by hot cook-up rice.
A well-placed source said that one female was not that lucky as a large clump of hot food landed on her head, and cemented itself in her weave. As the woman screamed in agony, frantically trying to get the hot rice from her hair, a few males rushed to her rescue, dragging her to a barrel used to catch rainwater. There they proceeded to dip her head underwater to relieve the burning.

The very embarrassed man sometime after managed to subdue the pregnant woman, and lock her in the home, after which he apologized to the guests who left the location hurriedly.

A young man who attended the ‘birthnight bash’ was very angry, indicating that this was not the first time the woman had embarrassed her children's father with her actions. He said that last year when the party was in full swing she turned up, chased out all the guests from the yard, and at that incident had also flung a pot of curried chicken into the yard of a nearby neighbor.


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Prince posted:

Pregnant woman pelts hot pot of cook-up rice on ‘birth-night’ guests

What was supposed to be a very festive birthnight celebration at Calcutta Village, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, turned into a melee as a very angry and jealous woman turned up and overturned a table laden with birthday treats, broke a window, and hurled a pot of scalding cook-up rice at several guests who scattered in several directions.


Gyal Princess ...

Yuh shuld nah doo dem tings when yuh jelus an' hangry.

Dee angry and jealous Princess.


That is evolution in humans happening. The women feel insecure in their pregnancy and just after the baby is born. It has nothing to do with Caribj's women that he does threaten Kszama with.


Last edited by Prashad

Jealous child mother stabs ex-lover, chops ‘new’ woman nine times

A jilted woman has recently stabbed her ex-lover, and chopped his new partner nine times in an explosion of rage last Tuesday.

The injured Ulanda Charles at the GPHC

The very traumatized Joshia Massiah

The extent of damages to the home as reportedly executed by Joshua Josiah’s children mother.

The extent of damages to the home as reportedly executed by Joshua Josiah’s children mother.

The woman, on the said day, has been accused of entering her ex-lover’s home and chopping his new mistress nine times about the body.
Thereafter, she reportedly smashed the windshield of his car, broke windows, and used a cutlass to destroy a television set, a gas stove, sitting room chairs and a series of utensils in the home.
The woman also completely destroyed a toilet bowl in the home and smashed all the window panes around the home.
Yesterday the visibly shaken Joshua Josiah, 32, of Section ‘B’ Kuru-Kuru, Soesdyke-Linden Highway said that he had broken off a relationship with the assailant who resides at Lot 18, Kuru-Kuru, Soesdyke-Linden Highway some eight months ago.
He said that the two had amicably decided to separate, and there was peace between them until he recently took home another woman.
He said his ex then began to torment him by way of threatening messages to his cellular phone, and also with fiery verbal confrontations in public. He said that one such encounter resulted in the woman smashing a cell phone in his face and stabbing him on the upper back.
The man said that while he was out doing construction work in the city last Tuesday, the woman in a fit of jealous rage visited his home in which his new lover, Ulanda Charles, was resting and began a verbal confrontation.

The extent of damages to the home as reportedly executed by Joshua Josiah’s children mother.

The extent of damages to the home as reportedly executed by Joshua Josiah’s children mother.

He said that the woman thereafter chopped his new woman nine times on the body (head, palm, arms and legs) resulting in her being admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
He said that the woman without reason had summoned him and placed him before the courts with claims that he was not maintaining his two children (ages nine and three). The man said he now takes care of his two children through the courts.
Josiah said he is very displeased with the service of the Kuru-Kuru Police in that they have made little or no effort to find the woman who is said to be hiding out at a home in the very community.
He said the woman continues to send messages to his phone, begging for mercy and forgiveness, and hinting that she can see his every move in the village. The man said he has not entered his home since the incident occurred, fearing that the woman would harm him as he slept.
He said that he now has to face the wrath of relatives of his new woman who are blaming him for not protecting her enough from his former paramour, whom he described as a deranged woman.


Bhai don’t mess around with black woman, them vicious Rass . I hope DJ take not, them would chop his Dick out fry it like pig tail😄

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

This woman seems to have a problem with food. 

It is the lady’s way of saying “Alyuh come and dance fuh  free food, heh alyuh tek free hot cook up rice deh ee just come off the stove”. It was the lady’s time to have fun too.


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