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Prem Misir’s utterances on NCN fiasco sufficient to justify budget cuts


July 5, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
The KN headline titled; ‘Monies still unaccounted for at NCN’ dated 07/03/12 is a piece of reading that I recommend to all of Guyana, especially those who questioned the rationale behind the budget cuts initiated by the parliamentary opposition.

In this article it was reported that the Chairman of the Board of Directors at NCN, Dr. Prem Misir, admitted that it was the budget cuts which were responsible for the initial probe into possible financial irregularities into NCN’s financial activities when the company was taking stock of its accounts.

A direct quote from this article reads; “He did remind that it was the budget cuts that sparked the initial probe when NCN was taking stock of its accounts”.

Without attempting to dilute all the other critical information Misir disclosed to KN, I do believe that this particular, apparent, confession might be the most critical piece of information exposed to the public and which should help to guide any reasonable political conversation with respect to the importance of the budget cuts.

The legitimate question to be asked now is whether or not the budget cuts, especially cuts to NCN’s budget, are justified?

I am sure that all right-thinking Guyanese would answer this question in the affirmative, as none of us would have preferred to have corruption persist while the ordinary workers and the people of Guyana suffer as a consequence of having the nation’s financial resources mismanaged, unaccounted for or siphoned off into personal accounts of company executives. I believe the staff of NCN, whom I believed have been coerced to protest these cuts, will now have a greater appreciation of why these cuts were necessary.

I congratulate KN for engaging Dr. Misir on this very important issue, and I thank Mr. Misir for being open about the obvious financial irregularities that transpired at the National Communications Network (NCN).

It is hoped that the investigation goes beyond the NCN and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company’s Jingle & Song Competition, and that it extends to other aspects of the daily financial operation of this state entity.

According to Dr. Misir, “grey areas” being probed will inform any police involvement, it is therefore, hoped that all those “grey areas” will be exposed.

It is clear that the budget cuts were necessary and are critical to the strengthening of any kind of democracy of which we may boast. As seen in the NCN case, these cuts have the potential to occasion the kind of financial investigation into state entities to ensure that there is some level of accountability and transparency.

It would, therefore, be sensible and responsible for the government to change its unhelpful narrative regarding the budgets. It is time for the PPP/C government to be more open and honest with the people. In light of Dr. Misir’s revelation, which hints at the value of the budget cuts, I wonder where are we going with this ‘budget cut court case’, is it really necessary? And wouldn’t it hurt more than help the political situation?

I also wonder who is paying the government’s lawyers, in this case, is it the Guyanese taxpayers, who have themselves voted, through their representatives, in favour of these cuts?

So this looks like a case of the people paying lawyers to challenge their own action. Isn’t something wrong here? The last time I checked it was the parliamentary majority who voted for these cuts? Very perplexing indeed!

The PPP/C government should be focused on how it can engage the parliamentary opposition with the hope of arriving at justifiable supplemental budget proposals which are able to gain the full support of the people.

Lurlene Nestor  


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Monies still unaccounted for at NCN


July 3, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

… “Grey Areas”being probed, will inform any police involvement – Dr Prem Misir


The probe launched by the National Communications Network Inc (NCN) was centered “only” on allegations of financial irregularities surrounding the State-owned media entity and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company’s Jingle and Song Competition.

This was the official word from Dr Prem Misir who serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors at NCN.

He told this publication yesterday that while the probe centered solely on transactions related to this issue, several other deficiencies at NCN were uncovered and he conceded that “there are still some grey areas.”


Chairman of the Board of Directors of NCN, Dr. Prem Misir


Dr. Misir said that while there were intimations for police involvement earlier in the probe, the company would like to verify, internally, what had transpired, before calling in the police, and reminded that at present some money is still to be accounted for.

He was speaking to a payment made to NCN by GT&T. It is unclear where the money is, he said.

Dr Misir said that today NCN will continue its probe with a view to locating the money. He was quick to point out that it is not a case where it has been determined that the money is missing, but rather at this point it is unaccounted for.

While he could not at the time speak specifically to the Chief Executive Officer Mohamed ‘Fuzzy’ Sattaur’s resignation, Dr Misir said that it was a failure to adhere to standard and proper accounting practices that would allow for a cheque intended for NCN to find its way into Programme Manager Martin Goolsarran’s private account.

He said that Goolsarran has paid a penalty for his involvement in the financial irregularities, even as NCN continues its internal investigations.

He did emphasise that this is not something that could have happened without the knowledge of ranks at NCN’s hierarchy above Goolsarran.

According to Dr Misir, it is clear that there was a ‘major screw-up’ in terms of adherence to internal accounting standards. He did remind that it was the budget cuts that sparked the initial probe when NCN was taking stock of its accounts.
On Friday, last, the CEO of the state-owned NCN, Mohamed ‘Fuzzy’ Sattaur tendered his resignation. He was faced with a simple request from President Donald Ramotar, “Resign or be fired.”

Following the probe into the financial irregularities, NCN’s Board of Directors, headed by Dr. Misir, made several recommendations to the Minister of Information, who in this case happens to be Head of State, Donald Ramotar.

This publication understands that the probe unearthed the fact that there were severe managerial problems at the state-owned company hence, the recommendations which included severing ties with Sattaur.

Sattaur, who is also the administrator of a number of the ruling PPP’s entities, including Red House and Heritage House, was suspended by the NCN board of directors headed by Dr. Prem Misir, following claims of insubordination some time ago.

However, he was reinstated by the then President Bharrat Jagdeo who had intervened in the matter.


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