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Preparations underway for holding local government elections

PREPARATIONS in respect to holding local government elections are underway, and a suitable time is actively being considered, but a direct date has not yet been finalized. Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Ganga Persaud, told a press conference Friday at the LGRD Ministry’s boardroom in Kingston, Georgetown that, at the level of the LGRD Ministry and the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), he is quite satisfied with the progress and preparations made thus far.


He outlined that in enhancing community relationship, a good relationship with the clientele and stakeholders is vital at this point in time.

He underscored the necessity to positively reach out to residents and communicate with them in an effective manner in regard to local government elections, noting that staffers of the LGRD Ministry have been trained and have familiarized themselves with the system, so they are more aware of the processes and dealings.


Minister Persaud said that at a recently concluded retreat for the staff of the LGRD Ministry, the local government bills were examined and discussed in order to acquaint the staff with their details and contents.

The minister also lauded the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for the effort it has been placing on public awareness and promoting local government elections. He acknowledged the PPP’s assistance in regard to holding local government elections, saying that party has been playing a very significant part in the development and process of the elections.


Additionally, Minister Persaud is urging the political parties involved in those elections to ensure that their developments are consistent in keeping with the law. He noted that it is important to work on this while making plans and preparations for the event, as persons are often carried away at certain times and the laws are consequently broken.


When contacted, a senior GECOM official indicated that preparations are rapidly advancing to ensure proper holding of local government elections. He disclosed that the commission has not yet received a set date for the election to be held, as that is the decision of the LGRD Ministry and senior stakeholders and political parties.


He said that GECOM does not deal with dates, but rather just the election preparation; and after preparations are completed, the date for holding the elections would be released by the relevant authorities.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC will be soundly defeated at the local elections. It will be a race between the PPP and PNC. The AFC will cry foul after they are soundly defeated at the local elections.


Let us not forget that the AFC funding dried up after shocking revelations by Mr. Yusuf regarding corruption in the AFC. Top AFC supporters fled for their lives after Mr. Yusuf's revelations.


The PPP has the biggest war chest and that is important in politics. Dem Boys Seh nonsense will finally come to an end. AFC is also experiencing a power struggle where Indo Guyanese feel betrayed by the leadership of the AFC. They do not want Nigel as leader.


The PPP will emerge victorious at any election henceforth.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Judas Moses will be put to shame. He sold his people for a few pieces of silver. Karma has turned him into a Dhobi.






Why the PPP so scared of Moses?


The youths of Guyana are not voting for Moses, they are voting for that IDEA that it is TIME to DUMP the PPP and TIME to stop voting race.


But once you mention MOSES, the PPP get diarrhea.


That is why Moses had to tell Jag-de-hoe that he got to get a pampers for his mouth since is sheer shxx he talking.



Last edited by Former Member


Nigel Hughes          and          Cathy Hughes


Pun tap dem these



Khemraj Ramjattan     and   Moses Nagamootoo

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Nigel Hughes          and          Cathy Hughes


Pun tap dem these



Khemraj Ramjattan     and   Moses Nagamootoo


Prak = Water Boy

Moses = Dhobi (Washerpersons)


A vote for the AFC is a vote for a Water Boy and a Dhobi and a Burnham Incarnate, Nigel.


Remember Burnham and Viola ?


It's good to know that preparations are underway for holding local government elections.

It has been an extra long time coming.

These elections will give the people the chance to choose the best candidates to manage their local bodies, hopefully efficiently and prudently.

I hope the people will vote on issues, not on race.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's good to know that preparations are underway for holding local government elections.

It has been an extra long time coming.

These elections will give the people the chance to choose the best candidates to manage their local bodies, hopefully efficiently and prudently.

I hope the people will vote on issues, not on race.



Hope is one thing. Guyanese politics is another. Listen, the PPP has a large war chest and it politics it is the war chest that matters. AFC is financially broke and they are a divided party.


Bring on the Elections !

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Nigel Hughes          and          Cathy Hughes


Pun tap dem these



Khemraj Ramjattan     and   Moses Nagamootoo

Demerara_Guy, i never really felt that u would crawl on your belly like yugee, skeldon_man, rev, etc posting crude, race-baiting filth on this board


obviously, i was very wrong



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by raymond:

DG is an old time Burnham he ah PPP protege...typical soupie

i'm becoming convinced that he, like baseman, is a PPP contracta


some will sell their soul for a mess of pottage

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's good to know that preparations are underway for holding local government elections.

It has been an extra long time coming.

These elections will give the people the chance to choose the best candidates to manage their local bodies, hopefully efficiently and prudently.

I hope the people will vote on issues, not on race.



Hope is one thing. Guyanese politics is another. Listen, the PPP has a large war chest and it politics it is the war chest that matters. AFC is financially broke and they are a divided party.


Bring on the Elections !

Yuji22 even if you are a Converter or Inverter you cannot change a BT to a patt-a-cake.

You keep believing Kwame is a 50% human....

and saying you were not going to kiss Freddy Kissoon.

God does expose creatures like you.


and yu cant hide forever....

Mars looking for you


Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yeah Baby. We are getting close.  The People of the Regions will have more control of their progress.

You sell the lie progressive fight against .The PPP are autocratic. This election is simply to put in place creatures of either party in office to do the bidding of the center.


Local people do not have any authority to even fabricate a garbage can in their locale. Every thing they do is orchestrated from the distant center in GT. Any engineer will tell you that is why things fail. The design of competent systems begins by isolating the self sustaining units. It is  not only engineering strategy ( borrowed from the catholic church initially!) but the largest and fruitful political reality in the world. The EU is  a prime example of it. If you care to know why and how read the treaty of Mastricht.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A massive victory awaits the PPP:


Old picture, old chant and expectations of result will no different. Evil cannot win campaigning on it is a sure way to lose.


These roaches had the light let in on them so their fate is more certain this time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Nigel Hughes          and          Cathy Hughes


Pun tap dem these



Khemraj Ramjattan     and   Moses Nagamootoo

Demerara_Guy, i never really felt that u would crawl on your belly like yugee, skeldon_man, rev, etc posting crude, race-baiting filth on this board


obviously, i was very wrong



Expectations of clear thought from a petrified rock is a bit hopeless I would think.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Nigel Hughes          and          Cathy Hughes


Pun tap dem these



Khemraj Ramjattan     and   Moses Nagamootoo

Demerara_Guy, i never really felt that u would crawl on your belly like yugee, skeldon_man, rev, etc posting crude, race-baiting filth on this board


obviously, i was very wrong



Expectations of clear thought from a petrified rock is a bit hopeless I would think.

they all is a low life bunch of collie,time coming for them

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Nigel Hughes          and          Cathy Hughes


Pun tap dem these



Khemraj Ramjattan     and   Moses Nagamootoo

Demerara_Guy, i never really felt that u would crawl on your belly like yugee, skeldon_man, rev, etc posting crude, race-baiting filth on this board


obviously, i was very wrong



Expectations of clear thought from a petrified rock is a bit hopeless I would think.



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