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Preparatory works moving apace on East Bank and East Coast four-lane road expansions

Georgetown, GINA, January 9, 2012
Source - GINA

East Coast Demerara road shoulders from Plaisance to Montrose being sand filled as preparatory works move apace by contractor Falcon Transportation and Construction Inc

As efforts continue apace on the further development of the country’s physical infrastructure, the preparatory works for the East Coast Four-lane highway from Better Hope to Montrose and from Montrose to Golden Grove under phase one of the project are moving apace.

Chief Roads Engineer, Ministry of Public Works, Leon Goring told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that, “On the East Coast four-lane highway, we are developing the reserve in such a manner that the concrete drains totalling 11,000 to 12,000 feet, will be constructed on both sides of the public road…we are doing sand-filling between the inside edge of the concrete drain and the roadway.”
The scope of works includes the relocation of utilities, Goring said.

Engineer in charge of the East Coast expansion, Kelvin Clarke said most of the sand filling to the unconstructed areas in lot one ( Better Hope- Montrose) would have been completed as some relocation of the utilities in that construction area was undertaken.

He further added that due to the inclement weather being experienced there are some delays, nevertheless the contractor is pushing ahead to complete the project in a timely manner.

“In lot two of the project (La Bonne Intention - Golden Grove), the contractor has started with initial excavation works being executed outside of the Life Springs Cathedral in LBI,” Clarke said.

The engineer said the alternate drainage to the areas under construction in both phases has been provided. “We have provided alternate drains through their communities, however the community’s drainage is not as high capacity as the roadside drains, so there will be some amount of backing up, nevertheless the mechanism in place is completely operational and in instances where there is minor back-ups, water will recede momentarily…we are assisting a resident with giving her some material to build up her land as her land is very low which plays against her. She is located on the northern side of the road, between Better-Hope and Plaisance,” Clarke said.

Preparatory works executed along the shoulders of the East Bank Highway in the vicinity of the GuyOil Gas station, Diamond

Commenting of the East Bank Four-lane expansion, Goring said that the work between Diamond and Providence has been divided into three sections to facilitate the participation of local contractors.

“The contracts have all been awarded, the contractors have mobilized to site…at present the contractors are stockpiling materials and conducting a detailed survey for works for submission for approval…the surveys will determine the areas of relocation for the GPL and other utilities…this survey serves as a bench mark and once it is approved the works will start physically on the ground…pavements will be replaced along with utility posts,” Goring said.

The preparatory works for the expansion of the East Coast Demerara four-lane road commenced late last year with the construction of the first lot being undertaken by Falcon Transportation and Construction Services to a tune of $468.2M, whilst lot two is being executed by Dipcon Engineering Services at a cost of $571.6M.

The scope of the work entails: clearing of the right of way; placing of a white sand base; construction of re-enforced concrete drains to either side of the road; and the construction of temporary timber bridges at key locations to facilitate access during the construction period.

The Guyana Government secured the sum of US$900,000 to prepare the design for the East Coast four-lane road by the Kuwaiti Government last year, whilst $22M will be expended for the extension of the East Bank four-lane highway.

Stockpiling of material at little Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara for the four-lane expansion from Providence to Diamond

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon had said that government’s investment in the expansion of the corridor will significantly reduce the traffic build-up along the thoroughfare.

For 2011 Government budgeted $10.1B for the maintenance, rehabilitation and construction of roads and bridges countrywide, whilst in 2010, $7.9B was expended to improve the country’s bridges and roads network of which $5.9B was spent on the latter.

The construction of a four-lane road on the East Bank Demerara from Houston to Providence has significantly improved the traffic flow on the East Bank of Demerara and on the West Bank and Coast of Demerara as it has minimized the traffic congestion of commuters traversing the roadways, especially at peak hours.

However, with the advent of the Diamond Grove Housing scheme where thousands of people are now residing, having received houselots from Government, the East Bank corridor from the scheme’s entrance has become congested at peak periods.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Look how blue the sky is in Guyana. I will return to spend my last days in a hammock looking up at the beautiful blue skies.
Hey Latpat, Go run along and take care of your goats. This is not in your field!!!
Originally posted by Gupta:
Does the East Coast really need a 4 lane hihgway now? I dont think so. The Govt should address flooding and school repair first.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Look how blue the sky is in Guyana. I will return to spend my last days in a hammock looking up at the beautiful blue skies.

Bhai Nehru, BRB, in one my of bhajans, there is a line: "Neela(blue) gagana(sky) Gopaala (Lord Krishna) Kanhaiyyaa"... The blueness in the sky is a reflection / representation of Lord Krishna who is always depicted as being blue. Big Grin
Bhai, Guyana is a BLESSED Country. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Look how blue the sky is in Guyana. I will return to spend my last days in a hammock looking up at the beautiful blue skies.

Bhai Nehru, BRB, in one my of bhajans, there is a line: "Neela(blue) gagana(sky) Gopaala (Lord Krishna) Kanhaiyyaa"... The blueness in the sky is a reflection / representation of Lord Krishna who is always depicted as being blue. Big Grin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Look how blue the sky is in Guyana. I will return to spend my last days in a hammock looking up at the beautiful blue skies.
Nehru the sky is blue everywhere. It's caused by the Rayleigh scattering of light. The sky isn't really blue.

Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Have you ever heard of "the light of truth"? The skies inspire us to think beyond the realms. The waves of the ocean have the same effect on us.

BRB, it's in the song "Jyoti Kalash Chhalake". Big Grin
Go now bai, Nehru say Guyana sweet under the PPP. Hope Kwame don't run you over then beat you up. Big Grin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Look how blue the sky is in Guyana. I will return to spend my last days in a hammock looking up at the beautiful blue skies.

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