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Canadian envoy tells Corentyne… : Prepare for unbelievable prosperity flowing from the oil & gas industry


Written by Telesha Ramnarine

Saturday, 20 October 2012 21:27 -- Source


BY virtue of its geography, Berbice is ideally suited to maximise on peripheral industries that evolution of the oil and gas sector can generate, but the right systems must be put in place to capitalise on the many opportunities that will result in great benefits for that county. Canadian High Commissioner, David Devine uttered these sentiments when he recently addressed the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce Dinner and Awards Ceremony in the presence of its President, Leekha Rambrich, directors of the board, and members of the chamber.

Devine’s entire speech was focused on development preparation and creating opportunities for businesses in Berbice, and he expounded on the prospective impact that Region 6, and more broadly Guyana, can experience with the growth in the extractive sectors, specifically oil and gas exploration.

“It is very important to ensure that the current window of opportunity is not wasted,” he said, while urging the private sector to seize the opportunities flowing from exploitation of natural resources to optimally maximize the development of Guyana.

“Guyana is on the cusp of potentially discovering significant quantities of oil and natural gas. With this discovery, Guyana will be presented with a unique chance to generate revenues needed to invest in education, health and infrastructure, with a view to alleviating poverty,” Devine observed.

An Oil and Gas Sector in Berbice would give rise to new career fields and prospects becoming available to residents, he noted.

“There are an estimated 116 secondary industries -- that can vary from catering to accounting, to health care provision, environmental management, laboratory analytical support, and a host of logistical and supply services -- which support the intense activities that are involved in the oil and gas sector. Additionally, the potential for job creation in Berbice will expand tremendously.”

Devine believes that Guyana is on the verge of realizing an opportunity of immense proportions, and the vast reserves of hydrocarbons in the offshore basin represent the promise of a better future for all Guyanese.

“Properly managed, the benefits of developing the offshore can be shared by all sectors of society.


“Guyana, and indeed Guyana’s local industry, will need to take the steps to prepare for the benefits this resource can bring.

“Examine the type of work that your business is in, and see how you can incrementally grow to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry as it is being developed. The investment may not be large, so you can control and minimize your risk; but it must keep pace with the expansion, over time, of the industry.”

Devine said he is encouraged by the vision and foresight displayed by the government and stakeholders, who no doubt recognize that realizing the benefits of the offshore is all about partnerships.

“Berbice businesses, as key stakeholders in Guyana’s economy, will need to start thinking about partnerships, and how they can position their companies to reap the benefits. I would like to issue a challenge: What will you do to help shape the coming opportunity to make a better Guyana? Like government, the private sector has a role in shaping Guyana's future,” he declared.

According to Devine, the oil and gas sector is one of the most profitable industries in the world, but a successful industry depends on several variables. Some of these are implementation of effective policies, and legislation to ensure sustainable development of the gains from the oil and gas sector for benefit of the people; open and transparent mechanisms to manage the gains of the sector in an equitable manner; local industry preparation to effectively position businesses to exploit the multitude of opportunities that are created in support of an oil and gas sector; and a greater understanding and awareness by stakeholders of the importance of the sector in Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

weed out the roaches


Nehru....that's a phrase that helped fuel the Hutu massacre of the would be wise to refrain from such incendiary language.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

Are you referring to the blackman as roaches? Kari is right this is incindiary language that sparked a massive ethnic cleansing.


Kari, I dont know how you came to that conclusion but I know fully well that you understand that I AM referring to LOOTERS, ROBBERS, RAPISTS, ARSONISTS,ALL THIEVES and People who are hell bent on DESTROYING a DEMOCRATIC Nation.


Kari, Did you look at the Video to se what took place at Agricola??? The Whole World now sees us as Uncivilised , illiterate People. Those People who were acting like Jackasses MUST be checked!!!!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

weed out the roaches


Nehru....that's a phrase that helped fuel the Hutu massacre of the would be wise to refrain from such incendiary language.

I have to agree with you on this.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

Are you referring to the blackman as roaches? Kari is right this is incindiary language that sparked a massive ethnic cleansing.

Hey they who are Rioting dont need an excuse. Stop being an APOLOGIST for VIOLENCE, MURDER and DESTRUCTION. YOUR SHAMELESSLESS IS UNBELIEVABLE.!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

weed out the roaches


Nehru....that's a phrase that helped fuel the Hutu massacre of the would be wise to refrain from such incendiary language.

I have to agree with you on this.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

Are you referring to the blackman as roaches? Kari is right this is incindiary language that sparked a massive ethnic cleansing.

Hey they who are Rioting dont need an excuse. Stop being an APOLOGIST for VIOLENCE, MURDER and DESTRUCTION. YOUR SHAMELESSLESS IS UNBELIEVABLE.!!!

True, but they are also mostly the ones enforcing the law, so they are on both sides.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

Are you referring to the blackman as roaches? Kari is right this is incindiary language that sparked a massive ethnic cleansing.

Hey they who are Rioting dont need an excuse. Stop being an APOLOGIST for VIOLENCE, MURDER and DESTRUCTION. YOUR SHAMELESSLESS IS UNBELIEVABLE.!!!

True, but they are also mostly the ones enforcing the law, so they are on both sides.

I dont get it Baseman. With all due respect, please explain.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

dID YOU ASDK THE CONTEXT IN WHICH IT WAS USED?? Guyana was doing GOOD, but Linden and Agricola came along and Guyana has been put back a Decade. Think about it.

Regardless, referring to an entire people are "roaches" is not appropriate.  As Kari said, this was the line of the Hutu's against the Tutsis.  They de-humanized the Titsies as roaches making it easier for the killers to justify their acts.


There is no context which makes it justifiable.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Sky is the limit for Guyana but we have to nweed out the roaches.

Are you referring to the blackman as roaches? Kari is right this is incindiary language that sparked a massive ethnic cleansing.

Hey they who are Rioting dont need an excuse. Stop being an APOLOGIST for VIOLENCE, MURDER and DESTRUCTION. YOUR SHAMELESSLESS IS UNBELIEVABLE.!!!

True, but they are also mostly the ones enforcing the law, so they are on both sides.

I dont get it Baseman. With all due respect, please explain.

I'm sure you do have the capacity to figure it out. Just follow the thread and take yourself out of yourself, you will see.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

dID YOU ASDK THE CONTEXT IN WHICH IT WAS USED?? Guyana was doing GOOD, but Linden and Agricola came along and Guyana has been put back a Decade. Think about it.

Regardless, referring to an entire people are "roaches" is not appropriate.  As Kari said, this was the line of the Hutu's against the Tutsis.  They de-humanized the Titsies as roaches making it easier for the killers to justify their acts.


There is no context which makes it justifiable.

In your mind I referred to an entire People but clearly i was referring to THOSE who were molesting, beating, stealing and burning at agricola. It is NOt difficult to READ AND UNDERSTANT. Just raed slowly.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

dID YOU ASDK THE CONTEXT IN WHICH IT WAS USED?? Guyana was doing GOOD, but Linden and Agricola came along and Guyana has been put back a Decade. Think about it.

Regardless, referring to an entire people are "roaches" is not appropriate.  As Kari said, this was the line of the Hutu's against the Tutsis.  They de-humanized the Titsies as roaches making it easier for the killers to justify their acts.


There is no context which makes it justifiable.

In your mind I referred to an entire People but clearly i was referring to THOSE who were molesting, beating, stealing and burning at agricola. It is NOt difficult to READ AND UNDERSTANT. Just raed slowly.

Well, you should have qualified that when you responded to Mitwah, he said blackman and your response did not discern, as such my comment on Afros on both side of the line.  Also look back as Kari's comment to you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

dID YOU ASDK THE CONTEXT IN WHICH IT WAS USED?? Guyana was doing GOOD, but Linden and Agricola came along and Guyana has been put back a Decade. Think about it.

Regardless, referring to an entire people are "roaches" is not appropriate.  As Kari said, this was the line of the Hutu's against the Tutsis.  They de-humanized the Titsies as roaches making it easier for the killers to justify their acts.


There is no context which makes it justifiable.

In your mind I referred to an entire People but clearly i was referring to THOSE who were molesting, beating, stealing and burning at agricola. It is NOt difficult to READ AND UNDERSTANT. Just raed slowly.

Well, you should have qualified that when you responded to Mitwah, he said blackman and your response did not discern, as such my comment on Afros on both side of the line.  Also look back as Kari's comment to you.

I dont use such words. Mitwa is entitled to his way. Is is absolutely deragotary.


Baseman, Like I said read slowly. I NEVER responded to Mitwa, I comment way before Mita made his comment. I know you have high Education so it should not be difficult to follow a simple time line.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Kari, Did you look at the Video to se what took place at Agricola??? The Whole World now sees us as Uncivilised , illiterate People. Those People who were acting like Jackasses MUST be checked!!!!

Nehru your hatred of AfroGuyanese is well known.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Kari, Did you look at the Video to se what took place at Agricola??? The Whole World now sees us as Uncivilised , illiterate People. Those People who were acting like Jackasses MUST be checked!!!!

Nehru your hatred of AfroGuyanese is well known.

Thank you PIG!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Baseman, Like I said read slowly. I NEVER responded to Mitwa, I comment way before Mita made his comment. I know you have high Education so it should not be difficult to follow a simple time line.

Ok, but when you responding, then clarify what you commenting on.  You did it in response to a specific post and most will assume that was a direct response.  I know you are not a racist, just saying how it came across.


Anyway, using word like "roaches" to refer to people, rioting or not, is not good.  There are many decent blacks and many facing off against these rioters and criminals.  This is a fact.


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