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Pres. Granger wants co-operation with Opposition on crime, sugar and rice

September 14, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

With the spike in the crime rate, and two of the country’s biggest revenue earners- sugar and rice- facing economic challenges, President David Granger has disclosed that he wants his government to co-operate with the opposition to tackle these matters effectively. Granger made this, among other statements, to a panel of journalists on a government show, “The Public Interest”. The Head of State said, “We would like to cooperate with the People’s Progressive Party on crime, sugar and rice and on forging national unity through the process of civil cohesion.” He said that this is apart from his desire to have both sides work in harmony on a bipartisan committee on the 2016 budget. The President added, “All of us, whether we are in the political parties or non-governmental organizations or the private sector, have an obligation to build better relations rather than practice adversarial behaviour”.

President David Granger

President David Granger

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee

He emphasized that it is that “very disposition which got us into trouble since the disturbances in the 1960s.” Granger said that he does not want the country to return to those days. Come next year May, he said, the country must celebrate its anniversary in an atmosphere of national unity. He said that he is confident that dialogue with the Opposition will move into new areas too. The President asserted that he would like Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo to engage the Central Committee of his Party so as to regulate the dialogue in Jagdeo’s own terms and pace. Granger said that he is optimistic that things will be moving much faster in the near future. PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee said that his party is already making moves to cooperate with the government on crime, sugar and rice at the parliamentary level. In this regard he reminded of the recent appointments of PPP members to the Parliamentary Oversight Committees which will look into crime, rice and sugar.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 The President asserted that he would like Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo to engage the Central Committee of his Party so as to regulate the dialogue in Jagdeo’s own terms and pace. Granger said that he is optimistic that things will be moving much faster in the near future. PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee said that his party is already making moves to cooperate with the government on crime, sugar and rice at the parliamentary level. In this regard he reminded of the recent appointments of PPP members to the Parliamentary Oversight Committees which will look into crime, rice and sugar.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is finally coming to his senses to seek the PPP help in the three major areas. If he let go of his ego, the PPP can be an asset to his government.

There comes a time when you have to try to negotiate with the terrorists and criminals. And you do that by engaging the leadership of those criminals.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is finally coming to his senses to seek the PPP help in the three major areas. If he let go of his ego, the PPP can be an asset to his government.

There comes a time when you have to try to negotiate with the terrorists and criminals. And you do that by engaging the leadership of those criminals.

It seem like Granger has thrown in the Towel, he now realize that he has a bunch of inexperience and incompetent team as senior officers . With the extent of help he needs from the opposition, Rice, Sugar, Security, Funds recovery, Unity, he might as well ask them to run the country. Investments down, Businesses closing, CRIME is UP.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is finally coming to his senses to seek the PPP help in the three major areas. If he let go of his ego, the PPP can be an asset to his government.

It will become clearer as the incompetent actions of the government continue.

There should be no unity talks of  any kind as long as Granjer is the head of the PNC party. When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option.
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is finally coming to his senses to seek the PPP help in the three major areas. If he let go of his ego, the PPP can be an asset to his government.

There comes a time when you have to try to negotiate with the terrorists and criminals. And you do that by engaging the leadership of those criminals.

It seem like Granger has thrown in the Towel, he now realize that he has a bunch of inexperience and incompetent team as senior officers . With the extent of help he needs from the opposition, Rice, Sugar, Security, Funds recovery, Unity, he might as well ask them to run the country. Investments down, Businesses closing, CRIME is UP.

Granger is getting a lot of internal pressure from the "Caribj" faction within the PNC hell bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  His allies are actually turning out to be the AFC, moderate PNC and the PPP.  Don't be surprised to see a reshuffle and some PPP boys take up key line positions.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
There should be no unity talks of  any kind as long as Granjer is the head of the PNC party. When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option.



 You Indians are so full of racist shit it is amazing. I do not know who trained the PPP in management when they either graduated from lumumba u or Gimpex U before taking office. No wonder they resorted to authoritarianism, thievery and in the end left us a cesspool where only criminals flourish and corruptocrats ( mainly themselves) became rich.

Here you have some of the best educated men in our country ( Granger possibly out rank any in the PPP in training and experience) and yet you insist "they do not know"


Guyana has to perform a lot of dislocations. It has to unhinge the corrupt drug lords and enabelers in business from the nations economic life blood.


It has to dislocate the corrupt class of underlings who are accustomed to supplement their income with bribes to do their jobs from their criminal enterprise and sloth to actually doing the job.


I has to dislocate the vast army of serfs in a patronage system managed by ministers enslaving contract workers and fabricate a healthy civil service.


Yes there will be lots of undoing to take place. An entire suzerain/serf- PPP-party-fiefdom has to be dismantled but it is for the best of us all.


It is better to be poor and untroubled by guilt of crime than be rich and burdened with the harsh reality that you stand a manifest lie and poor in everything despite wealth.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There should be no unity talks of  any kind as long as Granjer is the head of the PNC party. When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option.


Tell he deh Baseman, he trying to say dougla people gonna be invited into the indo brotherhood.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You Indians are so full of racist shit it is amazing. I do not know who trained the PPP in management when they either graduated from lumumba u or Gimpex U before taking office. No wonder they resorted to authoritarianism, thievery and in the end left us a cesspool where only criminals flourish and corruptocrats ( mainly themselves) became rich.

Here you have some of the best educated men in our country ( Granger possibly out rank any in the PPP in training and experience) and yet you insist "they do not know"


Guyana has to perform a lot of dislocations. It has to unhinge the corrupt drug lords and enabelers in business from the nations economic life blood.


It has to dislocate the corrupt class of underlings who are accustomed to supplement their income with bribes to do their jobs from their criminal enterprise and sloth to actually doing the job.


I has to dislocate the vast army of serfs in a patronage system managed by ministers enslaving contract workers and fabricate a healthy civil service.


Yes there will be lots of undoing to take place. An entire suzerain/serf PPP party fiefdom has to be dismantled but it is for the best of us all. It is better to be poor and untroubled by guilt of crime than be rich and burdened with the harsh reality that you stand a manifest lie and poor in everything despite wealth.



Well, they are clearly better that the Congress Place Grads, no?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There should be no unity talks of  any kind as long as Granjer is the head of the PNC party. When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option.


Tell he deh Baseman, he trying to say dougla people gonna be invited into the indo brotherhood.

I think you have it the wrong way. No mixed person want to be in the Indian brotherhood.


That as constituted in Guyana is mainly communal shitting among themselves...and for all others a backward move.... both philosophically and intellectually. The Indians  have to remedy that disease by themselves as it is not a nice one to catch.


Could you imaging the 100 thousand of our blended brethren constituting a caste and  insisting that blacks and amerind are not welcome?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You Indians are so full of racist shit it is amazing. I do not know who trained the PPP in management when they either graduated from lumumba u or Gimpex U before taking office. No wonder they resorted to authoritarianism, thievery and in the end left us a cesspool where only criminals flourish and corruptocrats ( mainly themselves) became rich.

Here you have some of the best educated men in our country ( Granger possibly out rank any in the PPP in training and experience) and yet you insist "they do not know"


Guyana has to perform a lot of dislocations. It has to unhinge the corrupt drug lords and enabelers in business from the nations economic life blood.


It has to dislocate the corrupt class of underlings who are accustomed to supplement their income with bribes to do their jobs from their criminal enterprise and sloth to actually doing the job.


I has to dislocate the vast army of serfs in a patronage system managed by ministers enslaving contract workers and fabricate a healthy civil service.


Yes there will be lots of undoing to take place. An entire suzerain/serf PPP party fiefdom has to be dismantled but it is for the best of us all. It is better to be poor and untroubled by guilt of crime than be rich and burdened with the harsh reality that you stand a manifest lie and poor in everything despite wealth.



Well, they are clearly better that the Congress Place Grads, no?

They are indeed stealing and other corrupt crafts

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There should be no unity talks of  any kind as long as Granjer is the head of the PNC party. When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option.


Tell he deh Baseman, he trying to say dougla people gonna be invited into the indo brotherhood.

I think you have it the wrong way. No mixed person want to be in the Indian brotherhood.


That as constituted in Guyana is mainly communal shitting among themselves...and for all others a backward move.... both philosophically and intellectually. The Indians  have to remedy that disease by themselves as it is not a nice one to catch.


Could you imaging the 100 thousand of our blended brethren constituting a caste and  insisting that blacks and amerind are not welcome?

Cain, Wrong? Whoa, that's a first. Nahhh I'm telling Baseman that Prashad D' Racist said  "When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option."


I then said "Tell he deh Baseman, he trying to say dougla people gonna be invited into the indo brotherhood."


See, not wrong.

I do admit I was once wrong with that tennis roll story but that's a whole different ball of wax.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is finally coming to his senses to seek the PPP help in the three major areas. If he let go of his ego, the PPP can be an asset to his government.

This is NOT about begging the PPP for help.  This is Granger doing what the PPP DID NOT DO, and that is include the opposition in developing solutions to Guyana's problems.


THAT is what a gov't is supposed to do.  Not scream MANDATE (when 51% of the population voted AGAINST them) and refuse to engage in any serious exchange of ideas.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Granger is getting a lot of internal pressure from the "Caribj" faction within the PNC .

Given what Caribj says about Burnham almost daily, if that is the pressure on Granger, then you will NOT see the return of Burnham.


But you are an Indo KKK racist, who loves foolish simpleton, slavish negroes, who smile and take abuse.  I am NOT one of them so you hate me.  I am no Brentnold Evans, the PPP Consul General for NY, who seems to be still around.


Baseman, the PNC consistently won 40% of the votes, even with massive numbers of blacks not voting.  And with only around 3o% of the voting age population being black. 


I submit to you that most mixed voters are split between APNU and the AFC.  Indeed TK has data which says so.  The PPP is limited to Indian votes, and Amerindians who they bribe.  The jury will be out on how Amerindian will vote, given that they will most likely get some APNU/AFC largesse.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There should be no unity talks of  any kind as long as Granjer is the head of the PNC party. When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option.


Tell he deh Baseman, he trying to say dougla people gonna be invited into the indo brotherhood.

I think you have it the wrong way. No mixed person want to be in the Indian brotherhood.


That as constituted in Guyana is mainly communal shitting among themselves...and for all others a backward move.... both philosophically and intellectually. The Indians  have to remedy that disease by themselves as it is not a nice one to catch.


Could you imaging the 100 thousand of our blended brethren constituting a caste and  insisting that blacks and amerind are not welcome?

Cain, Wrong? Whoa, that's a first. Nahhh I'm telling Baseman that Prashad D' Racist said  "When it comes to East Indians and the Dougla people of Guyana this individual may be a zero sum option."


I then said "Tell he deh Baseman, he trying to say dougla people gonna be invited into the indo brotherhood."


See, not wrong.

I do admit I was once wrong with that tennis roll story but that's a whole different ball of wax.

My humble could I!!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:

Baseman, the PNC consistently won 40% of the votes, even with massive numbers of blacks not voting.  And with only around 3o% of the voting age population being black. 


I submit to you that most mixed voters are split between APNU and the AFC.  Indeed TK has data which says so.  The PPP is limited to Indian votes, and Amerindians who they bribe.  The jury will be out on how Amerindian will vote, given that they will most likely get some APNU/AFC largesse.

Yea, Yea TK has data which support the PPP never winning in 1992.  So what's new!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Granger is getting a lot of internal pressure from the "Caribj" faction within the PNC .

Given what Caribj says about Burnham almost daily, if that is the pressure on Granger, then you will NOT see the return of Burnham.


But you are an Indo KKK racist, who loves foolish simpleton, slavish negroes, who smile and take abuse.  I am NOT one of them so you hate me.  I am no Brentnold Evans, the PPP Consul General for NY, who seems to be still around.

Baseman has always criticized CBJ for not taking concrete steps to reconcile the nation just after 1992.


And yes, if that is the intent of HE Grnager, then kudos to him.


Hey banna, basemen don't hate Caribj, basemen just don't like the racism coming from Caribj (hey can I shorten you to Cbj?).  However, baseman does believe Caribj has generally good intentions for Guyana as long as Afros rule.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You Indians are so full of racist shit it is amazing. I do not know who trained the PPP in management when they either graduated from lumumba u or Gimpex U before taking office. No wonder they resorted to authoritarianism, thievery and in the end left us a cesspool where only criminals flourish and corruptocrats ( mainly themselves) became rich.

Here you have some of the best educated men in our country ( Granger possibly out rank any in the PPP in training and experience) and yet you insist "they do not know"


Guyana has to perform a lot of dislocations. It has to unhinge the corrupt drug lords and enabelers in business from the nations economic life blood.


It has to dislocate the corrupt class of underlings who are accustomed to supplement their income with bribes to do their jobs from their criminal enterprise and sloth to actually doing the job.


I has to dislocate the vast army of serfs in a patronage system managed by ministers enslaving contract workers and fabricate a healthy civil service.


Yes there will be lots of undoing to take place. An entire suzerain/serf PPP party fiefdom has to be dismantled but it is for the best of us all. It is better to be poor and untroubled by guilt of crime than be rich and burdened with the harsh reality that you stand a manifest lie and poor in everything despite wealth.



Well, they are clearly better that the Congress Place Grads, no?

They are indeed stealing and other corrupt crafts

Ah, shut up you drunk!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is finally coming to his senses to seek the PPP help in the three major areas. If he let go of his ego, the PPP can be an asset to his government.

There comes a time when you have to try to negotiate with the terrorists and criminals. And you do that by engaging the leadership of those criminals.

It seem like Granger has thrown in the Towel, he now realize that he has a bunch of inexperience and incompetent team as senior officers . With the extent of help he needs from the opposition, Rice, Sugar, Security, Funds recovery, Unity, he might as well ask them to run the country. Investments down, Businesses closing, CRIME is UP.

Granger is getting a lot of internal pressure from the "Caribj" faction within the PNC hell bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  His allies are actually turning out to be the AFC, moderate PNC and the PPP.  Don't be surprised to see a reshuffle and some PPP boys take up key line positions.

Not going to happen, base. That will be a recipe for rebellion from both APNU and AFC supporters. Granger wants PPP support for sugar and rice industries not because his government lacks managerial capacity, but because the PPP-controlled GAWU and RPA have the potential to cause industrial unrest and disrupt productivity. In other words, Granger wants Jagdeo to agree to a moratorium on strikes, marches, picketing etc.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You Indians are so full of racist shit it is amazing. I do not know who trained the PPP in management when they either graduated from lumumba u or Gimpex U before taking office. No wonder they resorted to authoritarianism, thievery and in the end left us a cesspool where only criminals flourish and corruptocrats ( mainly themselves) became rich.

Here you have some of the best educated men in our country ( Granger possibly out rank any in the PPP in training and experience) and yet you insist "they do not know"


Guyana has to perform a lot of dislocations. It has to unhinge the corrupt drug lords and enabelers in business from the nations economic life blood.


It has to dislocate the corrupt class of underlings who are accustomed to supplement their income with bribes to do their jobs from their criminal enterprise and sloth to actually doing the job.


I has to dislocate the vast army of serfs in a patronage system managed by ministers enslaving contract workers and fabricate a healthy civil service.


Yes there will be lots of undoing to take place. An entire suzerain/serf PPP party fiefdom has to be dismantled but it is for the best of us all. It is better to be poor and untroubled by guilt of crime than be rich and burdened with the harsh reality that you stand a manifest lie and poor in everything despite wealth.



Well, they are clearly better that the Congress Place Grads, no?

They are indeed stealing and other corrupt crafts

Ah, shut up you drunk!

You made a mistake Baseman,it was Danyael who made that post...not Nehru.


Granger wants the PPP to cooperate with his inept way of running the country.

After  four months of being in office, there are no plans to create jobs, no plans to hire qualified teachers.  Guyanese are not coming home. There are no visitors to Guyana and remittances have been diminishing slowly. Where is the country going? 


David Granger is a very quiet man. He does not say much but he is a deep thinker.  He may appear to not be listening but nothing misses the man. Never underestimate his abilities.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You Indians are so full of racist shit it is amazing. I do not know who trained the PPP in management when they either graduated from lumumba u or Gimpex U before taking office. No wonder they resorted to authoritarianism, thievery and in the end left us a cesspool where only criminals flourish and corruptocrats ( mainly themselves) became rich.

Here you have some of the best educated men in our country ( Granger possibly out rank any in the PPP in training and experience) and yet you insist "they do not know"


Guyana has to perform a lot of dislocations. It has to unhinge the corrupt drug lords and enabelers in business from the nations economic life blood.


It has to dislocate the corrupt class of underlings who are accustomed to supplement their income with bribes to do their jobs from their criminal enterprise and sloth to actually doing the job.


I has to dislocate the vast army of serfs in a patronage system managed by ministers enslaving contract workers and fabricate a healthy civil service.


Yes there will be lots of undoing to take place. An entire suzerain/serf- PPP-party-fiefdom has to be dismantled but it is for the best of us all.


It is better to be poor and untroubled by guilt of crime than be rich and burdened with the harsh reality that you stand a manifest lie and poor in everything despite wealth.



U r missing those 28 years that prepared Guyana for the corruptible Indian rule. Getting even in all realm of the society.


Elections of 2015, the intent of giving Guyana its first non-racists government. Unfortunately, the actions of the government spoke louder than words.  


It is time to mentor the Amerindians. Indians and Africans got no place to go.


Dey like sitting at banquet table with lots of good food. All the forks, spoons and knives are 4 foot long. They sat there looking at the food. And dey very hungry. They know what is needed-but none cooolie or blackman is going to pick up a spoon or a fork and feed the other. Instead, so far, it seems only Indians are corruptible. The Afro thinks of him as thief and racists. So, they both will die, starving at a bountiful table.


What great leaders we have. Hilarious. 

Originally Posted by Wally:

David Granger is a very quiet man. He does not say much but he is a deep thinker.  He may appear to not be listening but nothing misses the man. Never underestimate his abilities.

Were u at the brunch on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Why does Granger keeps on threatening Jagdeo.  IF Jags doesn't help save the Government from further embarrassment, granger will put him behind bars. 

Granger wants the money for his own till.

You are drunk.

Granger knows he surrounded himself with incompetents. Granger's performance is at its lowest. His American friends expect more from him. He has no other alternative than to seek help from the PPP. Granger has to give the PPP credit where credit is deserved.
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Why does Granger keeps on threatening Jagdeo.  IF Jags doesn't help save the Government from further embarrassment, granger will put him behind bars. 

Granger wants the money for his own till.

You are drunk.

OH! really! P.U.S.S.Y. galore?

Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey banna, basemen don't hate Caribj, basemen just don't like the racism coming from Caribj (hey can I shorten you to Cbj?).  However, baseman does believe Caribj has generally good intentions for Guyana as long as Afros rule.

Baseman says blacks are lazy, violent, intent only on robbing, raping and killing Indians, and that blacks have to be lucky that Indians came, or Guyana would be like Haiti.


Despite being asked many times, baseman has yet to say what racist statements has caribj made, despite the racist statements by by baseman since he lost the ability to scream "ahbe pan tap"



Kari says "black man must apologize", and I am sure you also agree. Its notable that both of you are in agreement on this point.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Dey like sitting at banquet table with lots of good food. All the forks, spoons and knives are 4 foot long. They sat there looking at the food. And dey very hungry.. 

That is YOUR PPP problem and in fact this ACTUALLY happened at an event.  Janet, embarrassed as ever, realized that her PPP ministers needed training in the use of a knife and fork.


APNU doesnt have that problem, and neither does AFC.  Hopeully Janet's training in basic table manners rubbed off on the contemporary PPP leaders.


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