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Former Member

Even though he was released from a medical centre in Cuba, President David Granger will not be back in Guyana for Local Government Elections (LGE) on Monday, November 11.

This was confirmed by the President’s Assistant Director (Editorial) of the Public Information and Press Services Unit, Ariana Gordon when contacted by News Room on Sunday.

On October 30, President Granger and First Lady, Sandra Granger departed Guyana for Cuba where he underwent a series of tests to determine his sickness.

The Ministry of the Presidency had initially stated that the first couple will return in time for LGE, however, at this time, the Ministry could not say when the Commander-in-Chief is expected to return to Guyana.

The Ministry also has no information as to whether President Granger and Mrs Granger will vote at the LGE via proxy.

On November 7, the Ministry informed the nation that the Head-of-State was releasedfrom the Centre for Medical, Surgical Research in Havana, Cuba following an intensive series of tests by specialist doctors.

“Clinical analyses are still incomplete and it is expected that the Guyana Embassy in Havana will issue a statement when enough evidence is available,” the statement had noted.

Prior to his departure to Cuba, President Granger said he has developed some “symptoms” which need further investigation and that investigation can only be done in Cuba.

“At this time, there is no clear indication…of what the nature of the investigation is.

“It’s a question of investigation and I think I can get the best advice in Cuba so I cannot say if there is or what is wrong and the doctors themselves have not specifically pointed to any ailment. It requires, you know, investigation and that’s what I’m going for,” President Granger had said.


In May this year, Mr and Mrs Granger visited Trinidad and Tobago for a medical checkup where they were both given a clean bill of health.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

No one wonder Harmon was busy seeking foreign Guyanese support and financial assistance to build up a war chest for his bid when necessary. 

Lil bai DJ was making a lot of unnecessary noise when I first mentioned that Harmon started his unofficial bid for his run during his last Canadian visit. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

No one wonder Harmon was busy seeking foreign Guyanese support and financial assistance to build up a war chest for his bid when necessary. 

Lil bai DJ was making a lot of unnecessary noise when I first mentioned that Harmon started his unofficial bid for his run during his last Canadian visit. 

Apparently there is not much knowledge gathered about Party Politics in the homeland.Present to GNI, how Harmon will be nominated as the Presidential Candidate, if Granger decides not to run come 2020 elections.

Will be waiting for the answer.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

No one wonder Harmon was busy seeking foreign Guyanese support and financial assistance to build up a war chest for his bid when necessary. 

Lil bai DJ was making a lot of unnecessary noise when I first mentioned that Harmon started his unofficial bid for his run during his last Canadian visit. 

Please elaborate on how he plans to do it. 


President Granger delays return to Guyana, remains in Cuba

Nov 12, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ana-remains-in-cuba/

President David Granger has extended his stay in Cuba where he underwent medical tests over the past week.

According to senior Government officials, the President was scheduled to return home yesterday to join hundreds of Guyanese who go to the polls today for Local Government Elections (LGE).

The delay has sparked further concerns about the health of the 73-year-old President.

The President has been suffering from symptoms that have been worrying enough for him to head to Cuba to seek medical attention.

A Government statement released last week indicated that the President was resting comfortably at an official residence following an intensive series of tests by specialist doctors immediately after he arrived on Tuesday, October 30, 2018.

President David Granger

The President is receiving treatment at the Centro de Investigaciones Medico Quirugicas (CIMEQ) in Havana.

The statement had pointed out then that clinical analyses are still incomplete and it is expected that the Guyana Embassy in Havana would have issued a statement when enough evidence is available.

The Head of State has responded satisfactorily to medical interventions over the past week, however, and is recovering well.

The President is in the company of First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger.

The President had recently travelled twice to Trinidad and Tobago and had done his annual medical check-up in May and was given a clean bill of health.

However, on his return to work, the President said that he started to experience certain symptoms which were persistent, and took the decision to travel back to Trinidad to revisit the tests that were done in May.

Although he claims that he suffers from no particular ailment, the President said that out of an abundance of caution, he took the decision to travel to Cuba to have the relevant medical investigation done.

In the meantime, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo will perform the duties of president while Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenide, will act in the capacity of Prime Minister.

Amral posted:
Nehru posted:

All Churches, Temples and Mosques should be praying for our President.

I will pray for elimination of all political parties in Guyana 

Maybe keep the political parties, but get rid of the leaders and all executives.  Naaaa, even the political parties represents the race problem.

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

No one wonder Harmon was busy seeking foreign Guyanese support and financial assistance to build up a war chest for his bid when necessary. 

Lil bai DJ was making a lot of unnecessary noise when I first mentioned that Harmon started his unofficial bid for his run during his last Canadian visit. 

Please elaborate on how he plans to do it. 

Django posted:

Where is the moutha-preke big boy ? made some statements can't back up. Look like he still under the bed.

Has anyone seen him lately?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I suspect our president is seriously ill given the time he has been in a Cuban hospital.

A possibility.

Given that he has a good medical report while in Trinidad early this year and now; a few months later; a different report/analysis while in Cuba.

However, hopefully quite soon more information will be available.

Mitwah posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

No one wonder Harmon was busy seeking foreign Guyanese support and financial assistance to build up a war chest for his bid when necessary. 

Lil bai DJ was making a lot of unnecessary noise when I first mentioned that Harmon started his unofficial bid for his run during his last Canadian visit. 

Please elaborate on how he plans to do it. 

Django posted:

Where is the moutha-preke big boy ? made some statements can't back up. Look like he still under the bed.

Has anyone seen him lately?

Some Canadian Guyanese just came back, who tried to see him, but they were only allowed to leave a message. They were told he is doing well.  

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Amral posted:

Guyana is over due for a Presidential funeral 

You talk sheer skont sometimes!!

Do you talk to your boss like that? Boss Amral can ban you. 

Yea, but after couple beers 🍺!!


I believe Amral like the rest of us and the ones like d2 who got conned into supporting pnc are having buyers remorse and this is the way of expressing frustration about broken promises.   

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Amral posted:

Guyana is over due for a Presidential funeral 

You talk sheer skont sometimes!!

Do you talk to your boss like that? Boss Amral can ban you. 

Correct !!!!

Image result for Ban him, emoticons   Image result for Ban him, emoticons


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Drugb posted:

I believe Amral like the rest of us and the ones like d2 who got conned into supporting pnc are having buyers remorse and this is the way of expressing frustration about broken promises.   

Drugb to an extent you are right. I did want the PNC to win because I had hoped that all the corruption and nonsense will stop.

But I got disappointed from the moment they gave themselves that salary increase among other negative things they started doing. My support for them started to fade. They ended up just like the PPP when in power.

Amral posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe Amral like the rest of us and the ones like d2 who got conned into supporting pnc are having buyers remorse and this is the way of expressing frustration about broken promises.   

Drugb to an extent you are right. I did want the PNC to win because I had hoped that all the corruption and nonsense will stop.

But I got disappointed from the moment they gave themselves that salary increase among other negative things they started doing. My support for them started to fade. They ended up just like the PPP when in power.

They might have had good intentions initially, but power invariably corrupts the best of us. But what should we expect? It was the same set of folks from the old pnc guard, and as for afc, again the same set who were denied soup from pnc/ppp and went on to form their own party. 

Amral posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe Amral like the rest of us and the ones like d2 who got conned into supporting pnc are having buyers remorse and this is the way of expressing frustration about broken promises.   

Drugb to an extent you are right. I did want the PNC to win because I had hoped that all the corruption and nonsense will stop.

But I got disappointed from the moment they gave themselves that salary increase among other negative things they started doing. My support for them started to fade. They ended up just like the PPP when in power.

You are a typical "sucker"!!!!


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