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January 9, 2017 Source

The Office of the Leader of the Opposition said it received correspondence today, Monday, January 9, 2017 from the Ministry of the Presidency in which President David Granger formally notified Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo that his list of nominees for the Chair of GECOM was unacceptable and asked that a new list be provided.
A release from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition said that President Granger stated that “the six nominees are unacceptable within the meaning of the constitution”.
The President urged that a new list of persons who are “not unacceptable” be submitted. The Leader of the Opposition will be responding to the President tomorrow and this communication will be made public, the release from Jagdeo’s office said.

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Jagdeo needs to ask Grainjaw to give reason/s why the six that were submitted failed to be considered.
Grainjaw will then shit his pants, because he is too dumb to give a reasonable answer, especially an answer to say which of the “the six nominees are unacceptable within the meaning of the constitution".
I am sure that he (Grainjaw) himself will not know what he is talking about.
He is only setting up himself for Jaggy to make a fool of.

Last edited by Former Member

Shit a batty, shit a pants, piss a pants, put this way he (Grainjaw) seems to be a bum.

No President of Guyana would have accepted a bag of shit that the APNU/AFC/PNC presented and called same a budget.

Last edited by Former Member

I wonder how many times we will see them going thru this process before it is resolved. The present government has lost sight of the "spirit" of the constitution. Additionally, past practices on this matter does not give it a leg to stand on. So many who were nominated by the PNC in previous years were not judges or legal minds. There is no constitutional requirement for this. Granger's response has been disturbing to me. in conjunction to previous actions, the future regarding democracy seems ominous. 



Granger has already made his pick to be GECOM Chairman and he will play his game until he gets what he wants.  Here is what we know about the person who he has picked.  It is a Judge with deep PNC roots whose mandate is to keep the Burnham legacy alive.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Granger has already made his pick to be GECOM Chairman and he will play his game until he gets what he wants.  Here is what we know about the person who he has picked.  It is a Judge with deep PNC roots whose mandate is to keep the Burnham legacy alive.

Looks like the man (Bharat) whom many Indos at GNI cussed down will become the only man in Guyana to stand up to the PNC and a military dictatorship.

Let us pray for Allah,Jesus and Krsna to give him the strength and keep him safe.

Last edited by Former Member

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