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The joint opposition AFC/APNU are swiftly running out of criticisms against the democratically elected Government, the Public Procurement Commission will be the head of state signed a majority of the local Government bills in law...........Its time the joint opposition stop playing partisan politics and work hand in hand with the state towards the development of this nation.

Originally Posted by asj:

Signing of Bills does not mean the date for the damn Local Government Elections....dont wait till another 20 years.

One cannot believe the PPP/C with their corruptions and lies.

I agree, local election is long over due. What example are we setting as a country that embraces democracy?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

hold your horses "asj" signing of the bills are a step closer to local government elections as of today those bills are now law, and GECOM will have no choice than to carry out the process, local government elections are literally months away.


When I see that Local Government Elections are announced, then I will believe, right now the PPP/C are crooks and corrupted, they are liers even the President Donald Ramotar lies,  I have had my experience.

I would not be surprised if they passed the bills that were tabled just for APNU/AFC to go with the anti money laundering bill.


The way is now paved for the holding of local government elections, the PPP/C has fully recovered from incumbency fatigue and appears to be very active on the ground and interacting with the grass root supporters many of whom showed an interest to endorse the PPP/C  candidates in the upcoming local government elections.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The way is now paved for the holding of local government elections, the PPP/C has fully recovered from incumbency fatigue and appears to be very active on the ground and interacting with the grass root supporters many of whom showed an interest to endorse the PPP/C  candidates in the upcoming local government elections.

Stop dreaming I am in Guyana and will be here for the next two months and nothing of what you says correspond, the youths of 18 years and over are patiently waiting to kick the PPP/C dogs out of office




The Local Government (Amendment) Bill which engendered a lot of controversy during enactment, and which has not been resolved, was not assented to. The HPS expressed the hope that time would resolve the issue of this particular Bill.


Yeah this would be resolved in another 20 years

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition AFC/APNU are swiftly running out of criticisms against the democratically elected Government, the Public Procurement Commission will be the head of state signed a majority of the local Government bills in law...........Its time the joint opposition stop playing partisan politics and work hand in hand with the state towards the development of this nation.

 First the opposition are a democratically elected Majority who under any fair system would have the ability to form the government.  A vestigial rule in a dictators constitution kept a majority for forming a government.


And there are lots to complain about. NICIL is still a sore with one failed leader to date heading a dozen or more companies in dodgy ways. All are failing by the way and most have not submitted recurred reports to the legislative assembly.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"asj" I wouldn't put my hold on a block if I were you, cause the electorate will endorse the PPP candidates in the majority of the NDC'S and Municipalities.

Ok Councie....please tell us why

the youths will vote for the PPP....

Is it because Dem like Kwame?...or....

Is it because Kwame is a Bugger-Boy????


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