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Former Member

President blocks imprisonment of Finance Minister; GRA claims GYD$527m in taxes from Dipcon


Finance Minister, Winston Jordan delivering the 2019 National Budget.

President David Granger on Monday blocked Finance Minister Winston Jordan from going to jail for 21 days for contempt of court for failing to pay Dipcon Engineering Services Limited US$2.2. million plus costs in keeping with a court order that dated back to 2009 under the previous administration.

“Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers vested in me under Article 188 (1)(b) of the Constitution, and after consultation with the minister designated by me under Article 188(2) of the constitution, I hereby grant to Mr. Winston Jordan, in his personal capacity and as the Honourable Minister of Finance, and member of Parliament, a respite of the execution of the punishment imposed on him until all appeals and remedies available to him and the State have been exhausted,” states the order signed by Minister of State, Dawn Hastings.

Meanwhile, Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Godfrey Statia on Monday wrote Dipcon Engineering claiming GYD$527,846,657 million in taxes owed.

The Finance Minister, through the Attorney General, on Monday filed appeals against the High Court’s order that he be jailed if the monies were not paid.

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President blocks imprisonment of Finance Minister; GRA claims GYD$527m in taxes from Dipcon


Finance Minister, Winston Jordan delivering the 2019 National Budget.

“Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers vested in me under Article 188 (1)(b) of the Constitution, and after consultation with the minister designated by me under Article 188(2) of the constitution, I hereby grant to Mr. Winston Jordan, in his personal capacity and as the Honourable Minister of Finance, and member of Parliament, a respite of the execution of the punishment imposed on him until all appeals and remedies available to him and the State have been exhausted,” states the order signed by Minister of State, Dawn Hastings.

respite -- temporary break from something extremely unpleasant.

188. Prerogative of Mercy

1.The President may -

a. grant to any person concerned in or convicted of any offence under the law of Guyana, a pardon, either free or subject to lawful conditions;

b. grant to any person a respite, either indefinite, or for a specified period, of he execution of any punishment imposed on that person for such an offence;

c. substitute a less severe form of punishment for any punishment imposed on any person for such an offence; ord.remit the whole or any part of any punishment imposed on any person for such an offence or of any penalty or forfeiture otherwise due to the State on account of such an offence.

2. Subject to the provisions of the next following paragraph, the powers of the President under the preceding paragraph shall be exercised by him or her after consultation with such Minister as may from time to time be designated by him or her.

3. In addition to the Minister designated generally under the preceding paragraph,a second Minister may, in the manner prescribed in that paragraph, be specially designated in relation to persons convicted by courts-martial under the law of Guyana; and at any time when there is a second Minister so designated, the powers of the President under paragraph (1) shall, in relation to such persons, be exercised after consultation with that other Minister

Source -- Guyana Constitution -- https://www.constituteproject....ana_2016.pdf?lang=en

President blocks imprisonment of Finance Minister; GRA claims GYD$527m in taxes from Dipcon

Meanwhile, Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Godfrey Statia on Monday wrote Dipcon Engineering claiming GYD$527,846,657 million in taxes owed.

Eh eh, suddenly Dipcon Engineering owes the government money.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

No one should invest in Guyana until this Mughabe Govt is removed, an illegal Govt should not be tolerated in the western hemisphere!!!

And you notice Congress Place Propagandist in hibernation. 

Dave posted:
Nehru posted:

No one should invest in Guyana until this Mughabe Govt is removed, an illegal Govt should not be tolerated in the western hemisphere!!!

And you notice Congress Place Propagandist in hibernation. 

No he was helping Granger come up with his own GECOM list.

Bibi Haniffa

Granger’s action sends a ‘bad signal’ to investors – Jagdeo


Sheik101 posted:

Did I not say that Jordan ain't going no way? All y'all who was holding yuh breath could exhale now.

Bai, we know he wasn't going anywhere. But we just taking notes of the PNC continued wickedness. De Coalition is de law and order people. 

Baseman posted:

BJ is right on this.  This has also undercut the authority and integrity of the GRA!  Not good!!

Perhaps you may want find out the details of the Dipcon case against the State.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

BJ is right on this.  This has also undercut the authority and integrity of the GRA!  Not good!!

Perhaps you may want find out the details of the Dipcon case against the State.

What’s the position of the GRA?

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

BJ is right on this.  This has also undercut the authority and integrity of the GRA!  Not good!!

Perhaps you may want find out the details of the Dipcon case against the State.

What’s the position of the GRA?

Saw GRA shows up today about taxes due.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

BJ is right on this.  This has also undercut the authority and integrity of the GRA!  Not good!!

Perhaps you may want find out the details of the Dipcon case against the State.

What’s the position of the GRA?

Saw GRA shows up today about taxes due.

I know that. And it supports my position that Granger is undermining the GRA.  This could have knock on consequences. I don’t support the government position!

Demerara_Guy posted:
President blocks imprisonment of Finance Minister; GRA claims GYD$527m in taxes from Dipcon

Meanwhile, Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Godfrey Statia on Monday wrote Dipcon Engineering claiming GYD$527,846,657 million in taxes owed.

Eh eh, suddenly Dipcon Engineering owes the government money.

dem owe the NIS too They were ordered to pay and they didnt


Dave posted:

Granger’s action sends a ‘bad signal’ to investors – Jagdeo


Jagdeo gave them contract and all they did was dump plenty sand on the East Coast and East Bank. Other companies had to come in and finish the job


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