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President David Granger being escorted into the opening of the National Congress of Women’s 20th Biennial Convention at Sophia yesterday. (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

August 21 2018


President David Granger yesterday called for a concerted effort against the scourge of violence against women.

He was speaking at the opening of the 20th biennial convention of the National Congress of Women, the women’s arm of the PNCR at Congress Place, according to a release from the Ministry of the Presidency.

 “Unless we take concerted action to eliminate violence against women, we will never remove the scourge of inequality. People will not find it even necessary to consider providing equal access for girl children to go to school. We need to deal with this problem of violence against girls and women. It is not easy. It is not just sexual violence. It is physical violence as well. It is chopping and killing, murder…It is the daily subjugation and suppression of women…Comrades the question of violence against women, I don’t want to call it an epidemic, but no humane society, no women’s organisation should fail to take action to suppress or eliminate violence against women and children, particularly children who are women… there are some horrendous rapes…,” the Head of State said.

Part of the congress gathering (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

The march past. President David Granger is on the podium. (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

He said that he is particularly pleased to see more convictions of these crimes, noting that it could be related to the fact that the Chief Justice and Chancellor are women and therefore understand the challenges that women endure.

“By the grace of God…it seems that the transformation of the Magistracy and the Judiciary where you have a Chancellor who is a woman, a Chief Justice who is a woman, and a large amount of Magistrates who are women. Somehow, it is leading to a large number of convictions. I think after a while, men are going to get the message. You don’t be violent against women and then go to a woman Magistrate and expect a simple thing,” he said, according to the release.

“We must be able to stop it in the home and prevent young men and uncles and boyfriends from exploiting the girl children in the home. This is too widespread and just as we have been able to bring about the elimination of smoking in public places, we have been able to take collective action on other social issues; this is an issue that we must take action on. We must set up hotlines and we must be able to detect and isolate persons who are violent to their partners and spouses…When you treat women humanely, they will realise that they, not only expect humane treatment, they will treat their children humanely too. Gradually, I think, Guyana will become a gentler and kinder place,” Granger said.  “The subordination of women, which still exists in so many societies has been responsible for depriving countries of the contribution that women can make to national development, to their families and to making societies more humane. We are moving to remove any element of discrimination, not only gender discrimination but also access to schools, healthcare, transportation. So we have to start by understanding the importance of equality and removing every trace of inequality in our country so that our women are not inhibited or restrained from doing their best. If they do not get the opportunity, it will affect their children and their families. So I charge the National Congress of Women to continue the work of their leaders like Winifred Gaskin, Shirley Field-Ridley, Jane Phillips-Gaye and other decades ago, to continue removing inequalities…,” he said.

 President Granger also urged the women’s group to explore the possibilities of agro-processing, manufacturing and other employment opportunities.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Coolie is shying away from this, too, because they are as guilty as sin. Domestic violence against women is the middle name for coolie drunkards. How many Indo-women are six feet under already? 

Prince posted:

Coolie is shying away from this, too, because they are as guilty as sin. Domestic violence against women is the middle name for coolie drunkards. How many Indo-women are six feet under already

What is your obsession with comparing coolies with your god fearing black man?
Do you know the number of coolie women who died and are buried? How about the number that are cremated? You need to stop bashing coolie men unless you were once sexually molested by a coolie man.


I think Granger said the right and timely thing at the congress of the PNC women organization. And when the PPP's WPO congress comes up, BJ should address the issue too, as Indo women are big victims of DV.

Gilbakka posted:

I think Granger said the right and timely thing at the congress of the PNC women organization. And when the PPP's WPO congress comes up, BJ should address the issue too, as Indo women are big victims of DV.

Bhai,get someone else from the party to address the issue,that chap doan have a good record with his wife.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I think Granger said the right and timely thing at the congress of the PNC women organization. And when the PPP's WPO congress comes up, BJ should address the issue too, as Indo women are big victims of DV.

Bhai,get someone else from the party to address the issue,that chap doan have a good record with his wife.

Good point, Django.  


I think Guyana needs a campaign to educate people, both men and women, that females are not objects of beauty or servility. Women especially need to learn to change their own mindsets about themselves and refuse to be seen as mere objects.

Gilbakka posted:

I think Granger said the right and timely thing at the congress of the PNC women organization. And when the PPP's WPO congress comes up, BJ should address the issue too, as Indo women are big victims of DV.

How about things like shutting your wife out of the bedroom and going to ball park and throw her out of the box? He also wanted to know what kind of a mother would give birth to wan kack eye son.

Last edited by Mitwah
Prince posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I think Granger said the right and timely thing at the congress of the PNC women organization. And when the PPP's WPO congress comes up, BJ should address the issue too, as Indo women are big victims of DV.

Bhai,get someone else from the party to address the issue,that chap doan have a good record with his wife.

Good point, Django.  

Alyuh rass having a field day that Bibi is off on her 10th honeymoon!  Alyuh bettah bury this thread soon!

yuji22 posted:

Base, is why you so jealous if the Gyal Bibi is having fun ? Leave her alone na. Let her enjoy her life.


Been there, done that.  I was commenting on dem bais beating up on BJ when his "lawyer" is MIA.  Dem bettah wach out!

Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I think Granger said the right and timely thing at the congress of the PNC women organization. And when the PPP's WPO congress comes up, BJ should address the issue too, as Indo women are big victims of DV.

How about things like shutting your wife out of the bedroom and going to ball park and throw her out of the box? He also wanted to know what kind of a mother would give birth to wan kack eye son.


Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I think Granger said the right and timely thing at the congress of the PNC women organization. And when the PPP's WPO congress comes up, BJ should address the issue too, as Indo women are big victims of DV.

Bhai,get someone else from the party to address the issue,that chap doan have a good record with his wife.

Good point, Django.  

Alyuh rass having a field day that Bibi is off on her 10th honeymoon!  Alyuh bettah bury this thread soon!

Would the Queen of GNI tell the Prince to shut his poke, Baseman?  

Don't overstep your boundary with Royalty.  


Good to see Granger finally woke up and said something as we read lately the man doan like talking to the people. At least this is something needing to be addressed. As Gilly said to which I agree, BJ should bring this up at the PPP' s WPO congress..let everyone know on this issue he stands with Granger. This ain't no dam party thing this message is about and for everyone.

For too long we danced and sung along with dumb shit as  " buss up they eye..bruise up they knee..then they'll luv you eternally" that mindset is so dam wrong.


antabanta posted:

I think Guyana needs a campaign to educate people, both men and women, that females are not objects of beauty or servility. Women especially need to learn to change their own mindsets about themselves and refuse to be seen as mere objects.

dey shouldn't give it up too quick. that is the problem.

cain posted:

Good to see Granger finally woke up and said something as we read lately the man doan like talking to the people. At least this is something needing to be addressed. As Gilly said to which I agree, BJ should bring this up at the PPP' s WPO congress..let everyone know on this issue he stands with Granger. This ain't no dam party thing this message is about and for everyone.

For too long we danced and sung along with dumb shit as  " buss up they eye..bruise up they knee..then they'll luv you eternally" that mindset is so dam wrong.


yuh tink talking about it gonna mek tings bettah. iz nah putagee wimen dem wimen is. some of dem argumentative and mek mans blood boil wid passion, either way.


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