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President commissions National Aquatic Centre - says warm up pool affordable

Georgetown, GINA, November 4, 2011
Source - GINA

A section of the National Aquatic Centre and the 50 metre swimming pool

Excitement and anticipation have been rekindled in the swimming fraternity in Guyana as the National Aquatic Centre was commissioned today by President Bharrat Jagdeo with an assurance that a warm up pool is affordable.

The centre constructed by Myrtha Pool Limited with a 50 metre swimming pool suitable for international competitions, is one of few such facilities in the Caribbean adding to the number of flagship facilities built under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration.

The National Aquatic Centre was commissioned at an opportune time as Guyana is preparing to host the Goodwill Companionships in 2012 and the CARIFTA games the following year.

Junior swimmers competing in a special aquatic display during the commissioning of the National Aquatic Centre

President Jagdeo assured Alex Graham, President of the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) that a $25M “Warm-Up-Warm-Down” pool seems possible, after Graham had explained that it is a necessary component of the facility and the hosting of the upcoming competitions.

The President credited the possibility (of the warm up pool) to growth in the economy noting that “knowing the state of our finances which is constantly improving and we can look forward to significant growth in revenue as our economy expands…we will be able to afford many of the facilities that hitherto we had not been able to fund largely because the competition for funds was very intense,” President Jagdeo said.

The assurance was met with cheers by members of the swimming fraternity who demonstrated a special aquatic display at the junior, senior, male and female levels.

President Bharrat Jagdeo unveils the plaque to the National Aquatic Centre in the presence of Minister of Culture Youth and Sport, Dr Frank Anthony and Permanent Secretary Alfred King, Minster of Tourism Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad, and President of the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association Alex Graham

The Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport is confident about Guyanese swimmers reaching greater heights at the international level with an adequate facility now available in Guyana.

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank Anthony reported that Guyana competed 14 times at the Olympic level with only two swimmers representing the country blaming such limitation on the lack of adequate facilities.

With the National Aquatic Centre now functional Minister Anthony believes that the possibilities are endless with Guyanese competing in water polo at the male and female levels and synchronised swimming.

The Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport has partnered with the GASA on programmes of equal access to the facility training of coaches and trainers, fitness programmes and involvement of schools.

President Bharrat Jagdeo presents a trophy to swimmer Niall Roberts at the commissioning of the National Aquatic Centre

“We are offering a wider range of services at this centre… it will be the home for the Guyana national swimming team and would be available for their elite training programmes. We would also work in partnership with other associations to provide developmental programmes and we want to work with the many swimming clubs that we have to provide time,” Minister Anthony said.

Graham said he was satisfied with the present location of the pool, which he believes opens up opportunities for potential athletes outside of the city and that in the past Guyanese athletes have been performing well despite limitations with facilities.

The idea of a national aquatic centre was conceptualized in 2007 at a time when much emphasis was placed by the PPP/C administration on resources critical to the holistic development of Guyana.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Alfred King said the design and tender process for the facility were completed in December 2007 and work began in November 2008.

King reported that the many design alterations had delayed the construction process but by September 2010 the facility was functionally ready. He said that President Jagdeo was instrumental in pointing out the need for a parking lot, landscaping, internal roadway and a pavilion area, all of which were realized.

The National Aquatic Centre adds to the list of complete and imminent state of the art sport facilities in Guyana. Works are at present being undertaken on a synthetic track at Leonora, West Coast Demerara and a velodrome on the East Coast of Demerara.

President Jagdeo said the establishment of the velodrome is engrained in the PPP/C manifesto which also includes plans for several indoor sports facilities across Guyana.

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President commissions Aquatic Centre - promises velodrome for cycling

Written by Calvin Roberts
Saturday, 05 November 2011 02:59
Source - Guyana Chronicle

President Bharrat Jagdeo presents the President’s Trophy to Brittney Van Lange following her victory in the female 100 metres medley event. (Photo by Adrian Narine.)

THE swimming fraternity in Guyana has finally acquired an Olympic-sized, 50-metre swimming pool, following the commissioning yesterday of the National Aquatic Centre at Liliendaal by President Bharrat Jagdeo.

Addressing his audience, which included Minister of Sport Dr Frank Anthony; Minister of Tourism Manniram Prashad; Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sport, Alfred King and other special invitees, President Jagdeo was high in praise for the work put in by Dr Anthony on the completed project.

“We have had many ups and downs with this project, with Dr Anthony being subjected to, at times, many unfair characterisations by members of the media; yet he overcame all of those to deliver what we are here to commission today, this wonderful aquatic centre.”

According to President Jagdeo, the facility could have been opened last September, but he declined to do so, since he felt it was not fully functional and recommended that some more infrastructural work be done in some areas.

Such works were highlighted by Dr Anthony in his brief remarks. These included the paving of a driveway, building of a car park and remodelling the mound into a stand from where spectators can witness live swim meets.

President Jagdeo made a commitment to fund the construction of a 25- metre warm-up pool for the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) which would cost $25M, saying such would not create any significant commitment on the Treasury that would outlast his tenure as President.

“I am sure we can afford the funding of the pool. With the state of our finances, which is comfortably improving, we can look forward to significant growth in revenue as our economy expands without increasing taxes.

“In fact, by reducing taxes, we were able to afford many of the facilities we were unable to fund before, largely because of scarce funds, which left us in a position to make some very, very critical choices; but we chose in favour of things that cut across our entire population and at the same time, not affect the well-being of our people,” the president said.

He added, “Hands down, education, health care, the rebuilding of our economic and social infrastructure were some of the things. But at this stage, we were able to focus more resources on the things that have created the identity of a nation, such as sports and culture.”

While acknowledging the fact that he will soon be demitting office, President Jagdeo said he was aware of one of the promises made in the past, a very important one he was unable to complete, the construction of a cycling velodrome.

“I know that it was a promise made in the past and I did not get to fulfil this during my tenure as President, but that will be completed in the future.

“I say this because I am confident about the future and this is not a political plug. I know many manifestos in the past have promised many things, but if you read the manifesto of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic for this year’s elections, you would see the construction of the velodrome, along with several other indoor sports facilities across Guyana listed therein.”

He added, “We are promising to build a whole range of sports facilities across the country, to enhance the development of sports. We would be looking to work together with the sporting fraternity, towards the development of sports in Guyana. The Olympic Association has secured a plot of land to build their headquarters, while another plot of land was given to the Guyana Karate College to build their home there, while I am aware of another facility being developed next week in this same area.”

In his remarks Minister Dr Anthony said the government has made a profound transformation of sports facilities in Guyana, as he referred to the Guyana National Stadium, the national athletics track at Leonora and now the Aquatic Centre.

Guyana’s 2008 Olympian Nial Roberts receives the President’s Trophy from President Bharrat Jagdeo, following his victory in the male 100 metres medley event. (Photo by CTF Roberts)

“The stadium now plays host to sports such as football, rugby, hockey and cricket, apart from other social and cultural activities, while we have completed the first phase of the national track at Leonora and will shortly commence the second phase.”

According to Dr Anthony, the National Aquatic Centre will be providing several services to the country, being the home of the national swimming team to execute their elite programmes, it will also be available to other associations for swimming programmes.

The new facility will assist with the development of swimming in schools, host national, regional and international swim meets and offer courses for persons desirous of becoming officials in the field of swimming.

Highlighting the fact that Guyana swim teams were at the Olympics on two occasions when they had trained in a 25-metre pool, Dr Anthony believes that with the completion of the Olympic-sized pool, our swimmers can now work harder and bring back the medals that eluded us in the past.

Dr Anthony also said that Guyana is blessed since “we are one of the few countries to have our pool constructed by the world renowned Myrtha Pool Incorporated.”

The commissioning got under way with prayers from Muslim, Hindu and Christian representatives, and those in attendance were treated to a dance by the National Dance School and a musical item from the National Steel Orchestra.

Following President Jagdeo’s unveiling of the plaque to officially declare the National Aquatic Centre open, an aquatic display by swimmers attached to the GASA, including a male and female 100 metres medley event, was undertaken with Brittney Van Lange and Nial Roberts copping the top podium finish respectively.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 05 November 2011 03:05 )
I need to go to Guyana just to see this. I got a swimming medal at colgrain pool once but never had a chance to improve my skills and ended up a waste. Seriously thinking of relocating back to Guyana. Really serious.
Where are the AFc boys? The progress killing dem rass. They cry on every positive thing the govt do and make up nancy stories about how they could do better. But the proof is in the pudding. ahhahahh
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Where are the AFc boys? The progress killing dem rass. They cry on every positive thing the govt do and make up nancy stories about how they could do better. But the proof is in the pudding. ahhahahh

What progress...AFC would have done five throughout the nation + A FORENSIC LAB + A REFORMED POLICE + SOLVING MINISTER SAWH MURDER.

Third Worldism don't impress me.
You are nothing but a SNAKOIL Salesman and EVERYBODY knows it. You will say and do ANYTHING to raw attention to yourself. You are a FRAUD and worst. The Day any Country put People like you in Power, we will have another HITLER!!!
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Where are the AFc boys? The progress killing dem rass. They cry on every positive thing the govt do and make up nancy stories about how they could do better. But the proof is in the pudding. ahhahahh

What progress...AFC would have done five throughout the nation + A FORENSIC LAB + A REFORMED POLICE + SOLVING MINISTER SAWH MURDER.

Third Worldism don't impress me.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

What progress...AFC would have done five throughout the nation + A FORENSIC LAB + A REFORMED POLICE + SOLVING MINISTER SAWH MURDER.

There are those who really know and others who think that they know about progress in a developing country.
Originally posted by TI:
I need to go to Guyana just to see this. I got a swimming medal at colgrain pool once but never had a chance to improve my skills and ended up a waste. Seriously thinking of relocating back to Guyana. Really serious.

I saw the pool being constructed when I was there in 2009. It is in a good area which I believe will become one huge campus with, educational, diplomatic, transportation, sports facilities, hotels and offices. I may be looking for a property in that area.

The area encompasses:

Lillendal- Ogle and it includes: Teachers training college, University, international conference centre, Caricom secretariat, Ogle international/regional airport, an international hotel by the seawall, a new one going up I think sometime soon, a very nice condomium complex and now this pool. I may be missing some, but there is very good potential for property value increase in this area.
The Guyanese public is accustomed to see many projects completed or funding promised in election year. The other remaining years are filled with lack of interest.

But three patterns that are so obvious are that:
1. The construction of all these projects are given to a very elite groups of PPP supporters.
2. The project funding are shrouded in mystery.
3. They create very few new jobs. If you put all the extra employment provided by government projects after completion together, there are less than 1000 new jobs created at these projects. None of them make saleable goods or generate foreign revenue from export potentials.
Originally posted by Wally:
I never saw Jagdeo as a real PPP member. Nevertheless, it is amazing that the man can build these things.

Jagdeo has not built them so get your facts straight. Most of these projects were not even proposed by him in the last 19 years either.
Originally posted by Nehru:
You are nothing but a SNAKOIL Salesman and EVERYBODY knows it. You will say and do ANYTHING to raw attention to yourself. You are a FRAUD and worst. The Day any Country put People like you in Power, we will have another HITLER!!!
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Where are the AFc boys? The progress killing dem rass. They cry on every positive thing the govt do and make up nancy stories about how they could do better. But the proof is in the pudding. ahhahahh

What progress...AFC would have done five throughout the nation + A FORENSIC LAB + A REFORMED POLICE + SOLVING MINISTER SAWH MURDER.

Third Worldism don't impress me.
What sort of sales man are you? Pure adulterated bilge salesman? We need a Forensic lab and trained criminalists a thousand times than we need a pool. Feelgood offerings do not supplant basic needs. Why we do not have both is a mystery to me.
Originally posted by Mary:
I hope the pool would be used to teach children to swim and physical therapy for people with disability.

Lets see how many cane cutter's children be allowed to use the pool, yet they pay taxes to have it built.
The elite will not have to get permission to use it.
Originally posted by D2:
We need a Forensic lab and trained criminalists a thousand times than we need a pool. Feelgood offerings do not supplant basic needs. Why we do not have both is a mystery to me.

Guyana does indeed need many investments in its infrastructure, however the question is should they abandon all other investments to build a forensic lab and train criminalists? Development must be balanced, you don't throw all your eggs in one basket.
Originally posted by Mary:
I hope the pool would be used to teach children to swim and physical therapy for people with disability.

Hard to have people with disability in a deep competitive swimming pool. They might drown. If I relocate I will start swimming classes.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Mary:
I hope the pool would be used to teach children to swim and physical therapy for people with disability.

Lets see how many cane cutter's children be allowed to use the pool, yet they pay taxes to have it built.
The elite will not have to get permission to use it.

I know one of those thick girls in the pic. Her father was a cane cutter.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2:
We need a Forensic lab and trained criminalists a thousand times than we need a pool. Feelgood offerings do not supplant basic needs. Why we do not have both is a mystery to me.

Guyana does indeed need many investments in its infrastructure, however the question is should they abandon all other investments to build a forensic lab and train criminalists? Development must be balanced, you don't throw all your eggs in one basket.
A pool is a luxury item. I am sure you would build windows and doors to your home to prevent thieves pilfering you valuables vs first and then build a pool when that is done. That pool will serve the rich and upper-crust in the society. A forensic lab and trained criminalists with evidence storing facilities and a centralized criminal database means we stop the pervasive rapes, break ins have instant identity checks etc. Ours is too small a country to have so many unsolved crimes inclusive of murder. Presently, the investigative techniques of our police is to torture suspects.

Don't get me wrong; this pool is a great thing but it is a feelgood thing that should follow our taking care of basic needs.
Young people need this. In my day, we had to go and learn to swim in the small canal.

Apart from basic needs, this is the type of physical engagement that can render great development in sports, especially in competitions.

When a person is so energized, other great developments flow...
Originally posted by TI:
since when exercise is a luxury?
the fat people of Guyana won't agree with you.Big Grin

I am very happy to hear you were a competitve swimmer. Before I tell you about myself can you please tell me if you know Ariff Rahaman.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Catherine, I was told that the pool by the YMCA in New Amsterdam is overun with garbage, weeds and infested with snakes.

Is only PPP milk drinkers are allowed to use it? Isn't that discrimination?
If it was TRUE YES but this is GNI remember???? yippie yippie
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Catherine, I was told that the pool by the YMCA in New Amsterdam is overun with garbage, weeds and infested with snakes.

Is only PPP milk drinkers are allowed to use it? Isn't that discrimination?
Originally posted by Mary:
Does the pool have life guard chairs?

Guyana is one country that makes its own rules when it comes to safety.
Who cares if one or two children drown, because of their own fault.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by TI:
since when exercise is a luxury?
the fat people of Guyana won't agree with you.Big Grin

I am very happy to hear you were a competitve swimmer. Before I tell you about myself can you please tell me if you know Ariff Rahaman.

Vaguely. Did he use to hang out with Gajraj and Joey?
Originally posted by TI:
since when exercise is a luxury?
the fat people of Guyana won't agree with you.Big Grin
Exercise is not limited to swimming. Crime fighting unfortunately, cannot do without a crime lab, criminalists, or proper evidence storage facilities. We cannot catch rapists without rape kits, DNA identification, fingerprint matching or secure evidence without a lab.
Originally posted by Catherine:
Young people need this. In my day, we had to go and learn to swim in the small canal.

Apart from basic needs, this is the type of physical engagement that can render great development in sports, especially in competitions.

When a person is so energized, other great developments flow...
The Guyanese people need to feel secure. Police need to know how to fight crime and the judicial system needs to run without a hitch.
Originally posted by Mary:
There are safety belts and floating devices that people with disability can use to swim.

If dat doan work, there's always CPR.

Just kidding there Mary. Big Grin
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Catherine:
Young people need this. In my day, we had to go and learn to swim in the small canal.

Apart from basic needs, this is the type of physical engagement that can render great development in sports, especially in competitions.

When a person is so energized, other great developments flow...
The Guyanese people need to feel secure. Police need to know how to fight crime and the judicial system needs to run without a hitch.

Not to worry, strategies for curbing / fighting against criminal activities are / have been in the works. The judicial system certainly needs revamping and hope they do this soon. These are certainly critical areas worthy of focus. Not easy, not easy.
Originally posted by Catherine:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Catherine:
Young people need this. In my day, we had to go and learn to swim in the small canal.

Apart from basic needs, this is the type of physical engagement that can render great development in sports, especially in competitions.

When a person is so energized, other great developments flow...
The Guyanese people need to feel secure. Police need to know how to fight crime and the judicial system needs to run without a hitch.

Not to worry, strategies for curbing / fighting against criminal activities are / have been in the works. The judicial system certainly needs revamping and hope they do this soon. These are certainly critical areas worthy of focus. Not easy, not easy.
We are 19 years into their rule. That is enough time for a child to grow into adulthood. How soon is soon? DO you know what is first and foremost among the duties of government? SECURITY for the people! It is fundamental to any quality of life issue. If it does not exist it means they have been neglectful in fundamental ways!

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