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President David Granger yesterday attended the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) Secondary School’s 11th Graduation Ceremony. Here he is handing over a certificate to valedictorian, and Guyana’s top performer at this year’s CSEC, Victoria Najab. The school is located at Cornelia Ida.  (Ministry of the Presidency photo)


Originally Posted by Django:

President David Granger yesterday attended the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) Secondary School’s 11th Graduation Ceremony. Here he is handing over a certificate to valedictorian, and Guyana’s top performer at this year’s CSEC, Victoria Najab. The school is located at Cornelia Ida.  (Ministry of the Presidency photo)


Really nice....especially coming after the concerns expressed by the Swami before May 11 over Granger's role in the military and possible involvement ??) in the 1973 shooting in the corentyne. 

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Django:

President David Granger yesterday attended the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) Secondary School’s 11th Graduation Ceremony. Here he is handing over a certificate to valedictorian, and Guyana’s top performer at this year’s CSEC, Victoria Najab. The school is located at Cornelia Ida.  (Ministry of the Presidency photo)


Really nice....especially coming after the concerns expressed by the Swami before May 11 over Granger's role in the military and possible involvement ??) in the 1973 shooting in the corentyne. 

The role in the military is just a figment of your imagination. It was all PPP propaganda. The guy heading the military who Burnham inserted aluh in PPP worship him and had him close. Aluh also kept Lewis who killed Rodney.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Django:

President David Granger yesterday attended the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) Secondary School’s 11th Graduation Ceremony. Here he is handing over a certificate to valedictorian, and Guyana’s top performer at this year’s CSEC, Victoria Najab. The school is located at Cornelia Ida.  (Ministry of the Presidency photo)


Really nice....especially coming after the concerns expressed by the Swami before May 11 over Granger's role in the military and possible involvement ??) in the 1973 shooting in the corentyne. 

The role in the military is just a figment of your imagination. It was all PPP propaganda. The guy heading the military who Burnham inserted aluh in PPP worship him and had him close. Aluh also kept Lewis who killed Rodney.

Banna, you should stick to economics because you know more about that subject than anyone of us. Than much I give you. You forgot that Granger swore loyalty to Burnham and was part and parcel of the paramountcy. How quickly alyuh rass you really smooching for a job with the coalition TK.  


Yes he is President for all Guyana, but let us not forget our history....

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

He has a right to recongnised the school as one of the best, but the swami have no right to put a shawl on him. I would put a rope on his neck and hang him.





Its called politics. Putting a shawl on the President reflects his appreciation for all cultures...not sure who you want to hang here...the Swami or Granger???  Elections over banna. We need to work together. I hope the government use the Swami's school as a model for others. 

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

That's an outright disgrace to all Hindus. The swasmi head should be severed for this nonsense. 

with no respect due at all . . . i recommend u try wash yuh sour poke and mercifully for everybady guh retire to yuh cave

Redux...whats up with all this the aggression and sour poke stuff banna? 

Like you just woke up from you cave na?

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

That's an outright disgrace to all Hindus. The swasmi head should be severed for this nonsense. 

with no respect due at all . . . i recommend u try wash yuh sour poke and mercifully for everybady guh retire to yuh cave

Redux...whats up with all this the aggression and sour poke stuff banna? 

Like you just woke up from you cave na?

u really believe that me talking about this scont's sour poke is more pornographic than her calling for severing the head of swami (or anyone) because he hosted the President, huh?


you, like her, gotta be out of your f**king mind!

Last edited by Former Member
          1 hour ago

Originally Posted by Vish M:

why should the Guyana Government use another Real Estate site.


we were burnt and discarded with the experience with your colleague Edul


Vish was it ok when PPP used Govt Money to bring Elizabeth Harper to the Mandir in Queens and hang mala pun she neck.....and fool hindus about our next Prime Minister......

Elizabeth Harper is not even representing PPP in Parliament today...although all that money was misused to bring her for the Hindu Vote.....


PPP always get away with these nonsense.....fooling their shrinking blind supporters,  They took Kwame & Lamumba to Babu John......and Baptize them Born again Black House -of-Israel Hindu Pundits.


The PPP did all these illegal things

and they still lost the elections.

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

That's an outright disgrace to all Hindus. The swasmi head should be severed for this nonsense. 

with no respect due at all . . . i recommend u try wash yuh sour poke and mercifully for everybady guh retire to yuh cave

Redux...whats up with all this the aggression and sour poke stuff banna? 

Like you just woke up from you cave na?

u really believe that me talking about this scont's sour poke is more pornographic than her calling for severing the head of swami (or anyone) because he hosted the President, huh?


you, like her, gotta be out of your f**king mind!

Not me banna...I agree thats a stupid statement to make.

Originally Posted by Tola:
          1 hour ago

Originally Posted by Vish M:

why should the Guyana Government use another Real Estate site.


we were burnt and discarded with the experience with your colleague Edul


Vish was it ok when PPP used Govt Money to bring Elizabeth Harper to the Mandir in Queens and hang mala pun she neck.....and fool hindus about our next Prime Minister......

Elizabeth Harper is not even representing PPP in Parliament today...although all that money was misused to bring her for the Hindu Vote.....


PPP always get away with these nonsense.....fooling their shrinking blind supporters,  They took Kwame & Lamumba to Babu John......and Baptize them Born again Black House -of-Israel Hindu Pundits.


The PPP did all these illegal things

and they still lost the elections.

You gat me wrong banna...I am not Red Wine my statement above.

Originally Posted by Tola:
          1 hour ago

Originally Posted by Vish M:

why should the Guyana Government use another Real Estate site.


we were burnt and discarded with the experience with your colleague Edul


Vish was it ok when PPP used Govt Money to bring Elizabeth Harper to the Mandir in Queens and hang mala pun she neck.....and fool hindus about our next Prime Minister......

Elizabeth Harper is not even representing PPP in Parliament today...although all that money was misused to bring her for the Hindu Vote.....


PPP always get away with these nonsense.....fooling their shrinking blind supporters,  They took Kwame & Lamumba to Babu John......and Baptize them Born again Black House -of-Israel Hindu Pundits.


The PPP did all these illegal things

and they still lost the elections.


The PPPlost the elections.


I am joining this conversation at this point. IMO, putting a shawl around President Granger's neck is much ado about nothing. I remember the time when one of Forbes Burnham's international allies was no other than India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The two of them were not only political fellows but also good friends on a personal basis, as I was told by a Guyanese diplomat. Burnham visited India a few times and Indira Gandhi made sure that he got the full works --- mala, shawl, pandit's blessing, etc.

Second point: I was an assistant master at Leonora Government School in 1969 when the headmaster Ben Moses invited Burnham to formally open the new U-shape building. That was only 5 years after the racial disturbances when Leonora was a PPP stronghold. During his address to the packed auditorium, Burnham recalled that the last time he was in Leonora someone had pelted him with a bottle which cut his knee. Still, he said, he decided to open Leonora Government School personally because he was Prime Minister of all Guyanese, not just one section of the population.

Even as Burnham was speaking, PPP organizers Pariag Sukhai and Marimootoo were picketing him on the public road with less than 10 persons, some of whom did not live in Leonora.

Burnham got a surprisingly good welcome that day and called the headmaster "my friend Ben Moses." For the folks here who don't know, Mr Moses was a Madrasi Indian who converted to Christianity.

Swami Aksharananda did what Ben Moses did 46 years ago. Nobody got hurt. Let's move on.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Django: is jack of all trades you were also teaching.

It was great the Swami invited the president to the

village where i grow up in my teenage years,most of the

villagers are strong supporters of the PPP.

Bai, my very first job was teaching but I spent only one year at Leonora. After that I took Georgetown jobs until I migrated.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Even Nehru is falling for the photo op. Didn't I say when it comes to total anti-koolieism look for actions not the photo op.

Prashad, you are perceived to be  a person still in diapers and seem to know piss-all with your race hate, regarding  what will take Guyana forward.

So you did not want Granger to present Guyana top student, Victoria Najab,  with her certificate ?

Do you think racial division is going the help the country, as it has for the past 50 years ?

If you have a sliver of hope for Guyana, drop your koolie and black attitude, or the entire country will end up in shit creek and you gun help take it there.    


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