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President Donald Ramotar has shown maturity and wisdom in his leadership and an immense knowledge and experience to move Guyana into a brighter future. He's open to work in cooperation with opposition leaders in the best interest of Guyana, and to make compromises when necessary.

The first two weeks since he was instituted as president of the Republic of Guyana, he proved that he's a man of his own ideology and carries no baggage from his predecessor. Four consecutive elections, Guyanese constituencies have put their faith in the PPP and gave them the mandate to rule again.

President Ramotar is the people's choice, and that order is well established within the laws of the land. In these unnerved times, we ought to give him our full support and hope all parties will work together in the common interest of Guyana.

The oppositions, however, have given indications that may cause a grid lock to stonewall legislation that is slated for the country's advancement. This unwillingness by the opposition to make concessions will put Guyana back in the days of doldrums.

This selfish act to stonewall Guyana's progress is supported by people who’s only hope is to foment discords against the ruling party and to make the president ineffective to carry out the peopleβ€˜s order. Guyana cannot afford to put the cart before the horse on a journey to paradise.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP might have won the presidency, but they did not win the election.

A large segment of the population voted for the opposition. Unless these people are given consideration in any decision making process for national unity, it will be difficult for Guyana to move forward.
This is a golden opportunity to drop racial politics and consider everyone as Guyanese, the responsibility rest with all party leaders.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Four consecutive elections, Guyanese constituencies have put their faith in the PPP and gave them the mandate to rule again.
The Guyanese people sent a message loud and clear to Freedom House by ending their elected dictatorship. The PPP will no longer be able to ram things down the Guyanese throat and get everything they wanted in Parliament. The PPP MUST now compromise with the majority in Parliament, APNU and AFC. That is the way it should be. Ramotar made a shaky start by retaining some of the incompetent Jagdeo cronies. However, I am glad he realize that he have to work and compromise with the APNU and AFC.
President Donald Ramotar has shown maturity and wisdom in his leadership and an immense knowledge and experience to move Guyana into a brighter future. He's open to work in cooperation with opposition leaders in the best interest of Guyana, and to make compromises when necessary.

Since on the campaign trail, many believed he was the best candidate for the job, now the leadership is bestowed on him, he's serving with excellence...
Originally posted by Nuff:
Did the PPP make concessions and negotiate with the opposition for the last 19 years? Big Grin

So why expect the opposition to give the PPP a free get out of jail pass and proceed directly to Park Ave.

You guys really need to get with the program. Payback is a bitch.

Did the PPP make concessions and negotiate with the opposition for the last 19 years?

Like you can only count from one to nineteen..what about one to twenty eight?
Ramator will excel in this role as President. What we see in parliament today is a good start. No one holds the majority, therefore compromise is necessary. The time has come for the ruling party & the opposition parties to put aside their differences and work together to move the country forward. The Guyanese populace has given Ramator the mandate to be President. He got the single highest block of votes in comparison to the others. This is a Democracy therefore majority takes the leadership role. Neither APNU nor AFC was given that mandate. If Guyanese were to return back to the polls for fresh elections, PPP/C will win the majority. AFC will not be in a position to manipulate PPP/C supporters. Compromise is necessary at this time in our history; therefore the three parties must find ways to work together. Only then unity will prevail amongst the populace.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Did the PPP make concessions and negotiate with the opposition for the last 19 years? Big Grin

So why expect the opposition to give the PPP a free get out of jail pass and proceed directly to Park Ave.

You guys really need to get with the program. Payback is a bitch.

Did the PPP make concessions and negotiate with the opposition for the last 19 years?

Like you can only count from one to nineteen..what about one to twenty eight?
Let me spell it out.

You had 19 years to payback the PNC for 28 years. Now we've come full circle to where the people say we don't want the PPP to run things single handedly.

You see if Jagdeo didn't burn bridges with his regular temper tantrum cuss downs, the country wouldn't have as much resentment for the PPP as it does.

For some reason you think having the title president makes you have the majority and you should be able to enact whatever you wish.

The people have spoken the result is resoundingly clear .... we don't want the PPP to run things single handedly.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Did the PPP make concessions and negotiate with the opposition for the last 19 years? Big Grin

So why expect the opposition to give the PPP a free get out of jail pass and proceed directly to Park Ave.

You guys really need to get with the program. Payback is a bitch.

Did the PPP make concessions and negotiate with the opposition for the last 19 years?

Like you can only count from one to nineteen..what about one to twenty eight?
Let me spell it out.

You had 19 years to payback the PNC for 28 years. Now we've come full circle to where the people say we don't want the PPP to run things single handedly.

You see if Jagdeo didn't burn bridges with his regular temper tantrum cuss downs, the country wouldn't have as much resentment for the PPP as it does.

For some reason you think having the title president makes you have the majority and you should be able to enact whatever you wish.

The people have spoken the result is resoundingly clear .... we don't want the PPP to run things single handedly.

Let me draw this out for you in words..
The PNC will never be satisfied even if the PPP give them everything they asked for minus power. All the PNC want is power to plunder Guyana once more.
So far, the man is doing a good job. If he continues like this, I can see alot of the current APNU/AFC members voting for him in five years time.

If fresh elections were to be called, you will see a PPP/C majority. I do not foresee APNU supporters voting for the PPP/C however AFC will not be in a position to manipulate PPP/C supporters again. Regardless, this is an opportunity for all parties to show maturity/unity. In doing so our county will move forward in terms of human/economic developments.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Congrats Mr. President. You will make Guyana proud. Do not yield to the AFC and PNC bullies. They are already heeding to your calls when you command them to do so. Keep it up.
The situation for the PPP is not normal. They do not have a free hand to do as they please. If the idea is to negotiate fairly between all parties concerned, the matter is simple.

If there were no conflicts, there would be nothing to dispute. There are conflicts of views between the minority government and the majority opposition. If there were no common interest, there would also be noting to negotiate. There are common interests, the interest of good government. The matter then is to maximizer common interests through a balancing of areas of conflicts do decisions can be made for the betterment of the people without unnecessary policy gridlock.

In short, Ramotar has to not only be cognizant of the AFC and the APNU's opinions it has to treat them with respect and fairness or he gets no where.
The situation for the PPP is not normal. They do not have a free hand to do as they please. If the idea is to negotiate fairly between all parties concerned, the matter is simple.

Who will decide what is fair or unfair? How the matter is simple when the PPP do not have a free hand to say anything? It's not do as you please, rather its to do the country's business without the BS objection from the two name sake oppositions. President Ramotar is not the problem in the OP, he's calm and want to work along so that the country can move forward. It wasn't you who said that you hope for a no confidence vote in parliament and to have a re-election? Well, your hope is no good for Guyana or anyone.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
The situation for the PPP is not normal. They do not have a free hand to do as they please. If the idea is to negotiate fairly between all parties concerned, the matter is simple.

Who will decide what is fair or unfair? How the matter is simple when the PPP do not have a free hand to say anything? It's not do as you please, rather its to do the country's business without the BS objection from the two name sake oppositions. President Ramotar is not the problem in the OP, he's calm and want to work along so that the country can move forward. It wasn't you who said that you hope for a no confidence vote in parliament and to have a re-election? Well, your hope is no good for Guyana or anyone.
What is fair and necessary is not a subjective task but an objective task most of the time. It is simple because it happens all over the world where there is democracy, the competing parties negotiate and squabble over the rights and wrongs of a project and in the end something is distilled out of the fray.

I am not stupid to say that I hope for a quick no confidence vote. If you look carefully you will see I stated it should not come until some steps to even out the playing field is in place ie electoral financing reform, GINA overhaul and GECOM sanitized. Be sure you follow what I say closely before ascribing opinions to me that are not mine. I hope this government lasts at least 3 years.
Originally posted by albert:
President Donald Ramotar has shown maturity and wisdom in his leadership and an immense knowledge and experience to move Guyana into a brighter future. He's open to work in cooperation with opposition leaders in the best interest of Guyana, and to make compromises when necessary.

Since on the campaign trail, many believed he was the best candidate for the job, now the leadership is bestowed on him, he's serving with excellence...
he was select not elected,and he have no other choice but to deal with the oppisition.the ppp was bulling the oppistion for 20 yrs now,it time they beg
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Stop with your ignorance. In politics there is no begging, its negotiation and compromises. President Ramotar was (elected) on November 28. Before that he was unopposed for the position.

he was unopposed,you is a ppp crime family.nothing but a low life

De Duck was Hand-picked by De Rat.....
"Funny Fella Interputation fuh Unopposed"
Abidha, you come here with some nancy story ....about "de duck Performance is Excellence"

You are not beeing honest....
Please lets cut the Bull...Just admitt the TRUTH..
Ramotar has no choice here... is only doing what AFC and APNU is demanding....things he did not want to do if it was up to him or his partner Jagdeo.

The truth is both AFC and APNU stated their positions clearly about the way forward.

AFC said the will not negociate anything unless all 3 parties sit at the table together....they will not bargin with PPP or APNU individually.

APNU demanded that the 3 parties immediately meet and start prepearing a Budget.

So where is this Excellent Performance by de duck yuh ah tel abee about?????
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
De Duck was Hand-picked by De Rat.....
"Funny Fella Interputation fuh Unopposed"

It would worth a million thanks if you guys can do something and save the day rather than shooting hot air about president Ramotar and Mr. Jagdeo.

Ramjattan has no credibility, the man is a drunkard, he goes to all them local rum shops in Toronto and get drunk and piss himself. Why aren't his supporters talking about that, instead they ben on braking the backs of hard working presidents.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Abidha, you come here with some nancy story ....about "de duck Performance is Excellence"

You are not beeing honest....
Please lets cut the Bull...Just admitt the TRUTH..
Ramotar has no choice here... is only doing what AFC and APNU is demanding....things he did not want to do if it was up to him or his partner Jagdeo.

The truth is both AFC and APNU stated their positions clearly about the way forward.

AFC said the will not negociate anything unless all 3 parties sit at the table together....they will not bargin with PPP or APNU individually.

APNU demanded that the 3 parties immediately meet and start prepearing a Budget.

So where is this Excellent Performance by de duck yuh ah tel abee about?????

aPNU ONLY looking at the budget, early indication of thiefing -ness.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Did the PPP make concessions and negotiate with the opposition for the last 19 years? Big Grin

So why expect the opposition to give the PPP a free get out of jail pass and proceed directly to Park Ave.

You guys really need to get with the program. Payback is a bitch.

Foe 28 years the PNC didn't negotiate with the PPP. So why the bias?
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
De Duck was Hand-picked by De Rat.....
"Funny Fella Interputation fuh Unopposed"

It would worth a million thanks if you guys can do something and save the day rather than shooting hot air about president Ramotar and Mr. Jagdeo.

Ramjattan has no credibility, the man is a drunkard, he goes to all them local rum shops in Toronto and get drunk and piss himself. Why aren't his supporters talking about that, instead they ben on braking the backs of hard working presidents.

The man can afford to drink now after he sold his duty free concessions and pocketed the money. All his friends are hanging their mouths where the Pi$$ is leaking.

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